Commit e281c00b authored by Elen.Subbotina's avatar Elen.Subbotina Committed by Alexander Trofimov

XlsFormat - XlsFormat - подчищеы комменты

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@68958 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 96aca196
......@@ -62,23 +62,6 @@ void BopPopCustomPiesIndices::load(CFRecord& record)
//void BopPopCustomPiesIndices::toXML(MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr xml_tag)
// if(pie_indices.size() != 0)
// {
// static std::wstring tag_name(L"pie");
// static std::wstring attr_name(L"index");
// for(std::vector<unsigned short>::const_iterator it = pie_indices.begin(), itEnd = pie_indices.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
// {
// BiffStructurePtr rgi_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(tag_name, xml_tag);
// rgi_tag->setAttribute(attr_name, *it);
// }
// }
} // namespace XLS
......@@ -37,34 +37,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr RGISeriesListSpecial::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new RGISeriesListSpecial(*this));
//void RGISeriesListSpecial::toXML(MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr xml_tag)
// if(series.size() != 0)
// {
// static std::wstring tag_name(L"rgi");
// static std::wstring attr_name(L"index");
// for(std::vector<unsigned short>::const_iterator it = series.begin(), itEnd = series.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
// {
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr rgi_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(tag_name, xml_tag);
// rgi_tag->setAttribute(attr_name,*it);
// }
// }
//const bool RGISeriesListSpecial::fromXML(MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr xml_tag)
// static std::wstring query = L"rgi";
// static std::wstring attr_name(L"index");
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr rgi_nodes = xml_tag->selectNodes(query);
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr rgi_node;
// while(rgi_node = rgi_nodes->nextNode())
// {
// unsigned short rgi = getStructAttribute(rgi_node, attr_name);
// series.push_back(rgi);
// }
// return true;
void RGISeriesListSpecial::load(CFRecord& record)
......@@ -38,18 +38,16 @@ public:
BiffString operator=(const std::wstring & str);
BiffStructurePtr clone();
//virtual void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name);
//virtual const bool fromXML(MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr xml_tag, const std::wstring & attrib_name);
virtual void load(CFRecord& record);
virtual void store(CFRecord& record);
void load(CFRecord& record, const size_t cch, const bool is_wide);
void store(CFRecord& record, const bool is_wide);
void setSize(const size_t size); // Set cch for string that don't have own cch field
const size_t getStructSize() const; // Number of unsigned chars read while loading
void setStructSize(const size_t size); // Set number of unsigned chars read while loading. Must be used by >> operator only
const size_t getSize() const; // String length in characters
void setSize(const size_t size); // Set cch for string that don't have own cch field
const size_t getStructSize() const; // Number of unsigned chars read while loading
void setStructSize(const size_t size); // Set number of unsigned chars read while loading. Must be used by >> operator only
const size_t getSize() const; // String length in characters
const bool isConformToOleLink() const;
const bool isConformToVirtPath() const;
#pragma once
#include "BiffStructure.h"
//#include <Logic/Biff_structures/Phs.h>
//#include <Logic/Biff_structures/BiffString.h>
namespace XLS
......@@ -11,9 +9,6 @@ namespace XLS
struct CFExFilterParams : public BiffStructure_NoVtbl
//void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent);
bool fTop : 1;
bool fPercent : 1;
......@@ -29,9 +24,6 @@ private:
struct CFExTextTemplateParams : public BiffStructure_NoVtbl
//void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent);
unsigned short ctp;
......@@ -45,9 +37,6 @@ private:
struct CFExDateTemplateParams : public BiffStructure_NoVtbl
//void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent);
unsigned short dateOp;
......@@ -61,9 +50,6 @@ private:
struct CFExAveragesTemplateParams : public BiffStructure_NoVtbl
//void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent);
unsigned short iParam;
......@@ -77,9 +63,6 @@ private:
struct CFExDefaultTemplateParams : public BiffStructure_NoVtbl
//void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent);
_UINT32 unused1;
_UINT32 unused2;
......@@ -91,12 +74,10 @@ private:
class CFExTemplateParams : public BiffStructure
//virtual void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent) {};
//virtual const bool fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent) {return false;};
BiffStructurePtr clone();
//virtual void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const unsigned char icfTemplate);
virtual void load(CFRecord& record);
virtual void store(CFRecord& record);
......@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ class CellOffsetResender : public BiffStructure
BiffStructurePtr clone();
//virtual void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent); // stubbed to avoid generating unnecessary tags
virtual void load(CFRecord& record);
virtual void store(CFRecord& record);
......@@ -5,15 +5,6 @@
namespace XLS
//void Cetab::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(L"Cetab", parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"cetab", cetab);
unsigned short Cetab::getHighBit() const
return cetab & 0x8000;
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class CFRecord;
class Cetab : public BiffStructure_NoVtbl
//void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent);
unsigned short getHighBit() const;
void clrHighBit();
const std::wstring getFuncName() const;
#include "ChartNumNillable.h"
#include <Binary/CFRecord.h>
//#include <Logic/Biff_structures/BitMarkedStructs.h>
namespace XLS
......@@ -18,38 +17,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr ChartNumNillable::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new ChartNumNillable(*this));
//void ChartNumNillable::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name)
// if(0xffff != data.fExprO)
// {
// parent->setAttribute(attrib_name, data.xnum);
// }
//const bool ChartNumNillable::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name)
// AUX::BetterVariantT num = getStructAttribute(parent, attrib_name);
// if(VT_NULL != num.vt)
// {
// data.xnum = num;
// }
// else
// {
// data.Byte1 = 0;
// data.Byte2 = 0;
// data.Byte3 = 0;
// data.Byte4 = 0;
// data.type = nil_type_;
// data.fExprO = 0xffff;
// }
// return true;
void ChartNumNillable::store(CFRecord& record)
record << data.xnum;
......@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ public:
BiffStructurePtr clone();
//virtual void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name);
//virtual const bool fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name);
virtual void load(CFRecord& record);
virtual void store(CFRecord& record);
......@@ -16,20 +16,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr DXFNumUsr::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new DXFNumUsr(*this));
//void DXFNumUsr::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// parent->setAttribute(L"fmt", fmt);
//const bool DXFNumUsr::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// fmt = static_cast<std::wstring >(getStructAttribute(parent, L"fmt"));
// return true;
void DXFNumUsr::store(CFRecord& record)
size_t start_ptr = record.getDataSize();
......@@ -23,36 +23,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr EnhancedProtection::clone()
//void EnhancedProtection::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotObjects", iprotObjects);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotScenarios", iprotScenarios);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotFormatCells", iprotFormatCells);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotFormatColumns", iprotFormatColumns);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotFormatRows", iprotFormatRows);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotInsertColumns", iprotInsertColumns);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotInsertRows", iprotInsertRows);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotInsertHyperlinks", iprotInsertHyperlinks);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotDeleteColumns", iprotDeleteColumns);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotDeleteRows", iprotDeleteRows);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotSelLockedCells", iprotSelLockedCells);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotSort", iprotSort);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotAutoFilter", iprotAutoFilter);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotPivotTables", iprotPivotTables);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iprotSelUnlockedCells", iprotSelUnlockedCells);
//const bool EnhancedProtection::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### EnhancedProtection record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! EnhancedProtection record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void EnhancedProtection::store(CFRecord& record)
#pragma message("####################### EnhancedProtection record has no BiffStructure::store() implemented")
......@@ -18,25 +18,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr ExtPtgArea3D::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new ExtPtgArea3D(*this));
//void ExtPtgArea3D::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"itabFirst", iTabs.itabFirst);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"itabLast", iTabs.itabLast);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"loc", area + cell_base_ref);
//const bool ExtPtgArea3D::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### ExtPtgArea3D record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! ExtPtgArea3D record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
// area -= cell_base_ref;
void ExtPtgArea3D::store(CFRecord& record)
......@@ -12,23 +12,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr ExtPtgAreaErr3D::clone()
//void ExtPtgAreaErr3D::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"itabFirst", iTabs.itabFirst);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"itabLast", iTabs.itabLast);
//const bool ExtPtgAreaErr3D::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### ExtPtgAreaErr3D record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! ExtPtgAreaErr3D record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void ExtPtgAreaErr3D::store(CFRecord& record)
#pragma message("####################### ExtPtgAreaErr3D record has no BiffStructure::store() implemented")
......@@ -12,23 +12,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr ExternDocName::clone()
//void ExternDocName::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"ixals", ixals);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"extName", extName);
// nameDefinition.toXML(own_tag);
//const bool ExternDocName::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### ExternDocName record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! ExternDocName record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void ExternDocName::store(CFRecord& record)
......@@ -23,13 +23,6 @@ Ftab_Cetab::Ftab_Cetab(const unsigned short func_index_init)
//void Ftab_Cetab::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(isMacro() ? "Cetab" : "Ftab", parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(isMacro() ? L"cetab" : L"iftab", func_index);
// Ftab values
#include "HideObjEnum.h"
//#include <Exception/WrongBiffRecord.h>
namespace XLS
......@@ -11,52 +10,5 @@ BiffStructurePtr HideObjEnum::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new HideObjEnum(*this));
//void HideObjEnum::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name)
// std::wstring out_value;
// switch(val)
// {
// case SHOWALL:
// out_value = L"all";
// break;
// out_value = L"placeholders";
// break;
// case HIDEALL:
// out_value = L"none";
// break;
// default:
// throw;// EXCEPT::RT::WrongBiffRecord("Unsupported type of HideObjEnum.", "unknown");
// }
// parent->setAttribute(attrib_name, out_value);
//const bool HideObjEnum::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name)
// std::wstring in_value = getStructAttribute(parent, attrib_name);
// if(std::wstring (L"all") == in_value)
// {
// val = SHOWALL;
// }
// else if(std::wstring (L"placeholders") == in_value)
// {
// }
// else if(std::wstring (L"none") == in_value)
// {
// val = HIDEALL;
// }
// else
// {
// throw;// EXCEPT::RT::WrongBiffRecord("Unsupported type of HideObjEnum.", "unknown");
// }
// return true;
} // namespace XLS
......@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ class HideObjEnum : public BiffAttributeSimple<unsigned short>
BiffStructurePtr clone();
//virtual void toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name);
//virtual const bool fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent, const std::wstring & attrib_name);
SHOWALL = 0x0000,
......@@ -11,22 +11,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr MDir::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new MDir(*this));
//void MDir::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"imdt", imdt);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"mdd", mdd);
//const bool MDir::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### MDir record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! MDir record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void MDir::store(CFRecord& record)
record << imdt << mdd;
......@@ -12,24 +12,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr MOper::clone()
//void MOper::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"colLast", colLast);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"rowLast", rowLast);
// std::for_each(extOper.begin(), extOper.end(), boost::bind(&SerAr::toXML, _1, own_tag));
//const bool MOper::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### MOper record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! MOper record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void MOper::store(CFRecord& record)
#pragma message("####################### MOper record has no BiffStructure::store() implemented")
......@@ -11,27 +11,6 @@ XLS::BiffStructurePtr RC4CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader::clone()
return XLS::BiffStructurePtr(new RC4CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader(*this));
//void RC4CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"vMajor", EncryptionVersionInfo.vMajor);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"vMinor", EncryptionVersionInfo.vMinor);
// Flags.toXML(own_tag);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"EncryptionHeaderSize", EncryptionHeaderSize);
// encryptionHeader.toXML(own_tag);
// encryptionVerifier.toXML(own_tag);
//const bool RC4CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### RC4CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! RC4CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void RC4CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader::store(XLS::CFRecord& record)
......@@ -12,29 +12,6 @@ XLS::BiffStructurePtr RC4EncryptionHeader::clone()
//void RC4EncryptionHeader::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"vMajor", EncryptionVersionInfo.vMajor);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"vMinor", EncryptionVersionInfo.vMinor);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"Salt", (STR::int2hex_wstr(Salt.b1) + STR::int2hex_wstr(Salt.b2) +
// STR::int2hex_wstr(Salt.b3) + STR::int2hex_wstr(Salt.b4)).c_str());
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"EncryptedVerifier", (STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifier.b1) + STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifier.b2) +
// STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifier.b3) + STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifier.b4)).c_str());
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"EncryptedVerifierHash", (STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifierHash.b1) + STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifierHash.b2) +
// STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifierHash.b3) + STR::int2hex_wstr(EncryptedVerifierHash.b4)).c_str());
//const bool RC4EncryptionHeader::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### RC4EncryptionHeader record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! RC4EncryptionHeader record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void RC4EncryptionHeader::store(XLS::CFRecord& record)
#pragma message("####################### RC4EncryptionHeader record has no BiffStructure::store() implemented")
......@@ -22,26 +22,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr RRD::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new RRD(*this));
//void RRD::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"cbMemory", cbMemory);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"revid", revid);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"revt", revt.type);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"fUndoAction", fUndoAction);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"fDelAtEdgeOfSort", fDelAtEdgeOfSort);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"tabid", tabid);
//const bool RRD::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### RRD record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! RRD record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void RRD::store(CFRecord& record)
......@@ -24,19 +24,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr RevLblName::clone()
//void RevLblName::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// parent->setAttribute(L"name", st);
//const bool RevLblName::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### RevLblName record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! RevLblName record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void RevLblName::store(CFRecord& record)
......@@ -22,23 +22,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr RevNamePly::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new RevNamePly(*this));
//void RevNamePly::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"sheet", sheet);
// name.toXML(own_tag);
//const bool RevNamePly::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### RevNamePly record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! RevNamePly record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void RevNamePly::store(CFRecord& record)
......@@ -12,41 +12,6 @@ BiffStructurePtr SortCond12::clone()
return BiffStructurePtr(new SortCond12(*this));
//void SortCond12::toXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
// MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr own_tag = XMLSTUFF::createElement(getClassName(), parent);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"fSortDes", fSortDes);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"sortOn", sortOn);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"rfx", rfx);
// switch(sortOn)
// {
// //case 0x00: // ignored according to specs
// case 0x01:
// case 0x02:
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"dxfId", condDataValue.condDataValue);
// break;
// case 0x03:
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iIconSet", cfflag.iIconSet.set);
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"iIcon", cfflag.iIcon);
// break;
// }
// if(cchSt)
// {
// own_tag->setAttribute(L"stSslist", stSslist);
// }
//const bool SortCond12::fromXML(BiffStructurePtr & parent)
//#pragma message("####################### SortCond12 record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented")
// Log::error(" Error!!! SortCond12 record has no BiffStructure::fromXML() implemented.");
// return false;
void SortCond12::store(CFRecord& record)
#pragma message("####################### SortCond12 record has no BiffStructure::store() implemented")
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