Commit 0297003e authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

fix: Bug 19929 - Ошибка Cannot call method 'indexOf' of null при перетаскивании листов

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent d43e2427
......@@ -1713,11 +1713,13 @@ Workbook.prototype.replaceWorksheet=function(indexFrom, indexTo){
for(var id in se){
var cID = se[id].cellId, _ws = this.getWorksheetById(se[id].sheetId), f = _ws.getCell2(cID).getCells()[0].sFormula;
if( f == null || f == undefined ){
if( f.indexOf(tempW.wFN+":") > 0 || f.indexOf(":"+tempW.wFN) > 0 ){
var _c = _ws.getCell2(cID).getCells()[0];
_c.setFormula(_c.formulaParsed.moveSheet(tempW).assemble());//Перестраиваем трехмерные ссылки в формуле.
this.dependencyFormulas.deleteMasterNodes(_ws.Id, cID);
if( !arrRecalc[_ws.getId()] ){
arrRecalc[_ws.getId()] = {};
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