Commit 0c39bc8b authored by Sergey.Luzyanin's avatar Sergey.Luzyanin Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Поправлен баг с изменеием заливки фона слайда картинкой.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent a9ed7ef5
......@@ -2296,20 +2296,17 @@ asc_docs_api.prototype.SetSlideProps = function(prop)
var _old_fill = this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Slides[this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.CurPage].backgroundFill;
if (isRealObject(_old_fill))
_old_fill = _old_fill.createDuplicate();
var bg = new CBg();
bg.bgPr = new CBgPr();
bg.bgPr.Fill = CorrectUniFill(_back_fill, _old_fill);
var image_url = "";
if (bg.bgPr.Fill != null && bg.bgPr.Fill.fill != null && bg.bgPr.Fill.fill.type == FILL_TYPE_BLIP)
if (_back_fill.asc_getType() == c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP && _back_fill.fill && typeof _back_fill.fill.url === "string" && _back_fill.fill.url.length > 0)
image_url = bg.bgPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId;
image_url = _back_fill.fill.url;
if (image_url != "" && _back_fill.fill && _back_fill.fill.url != "" && _back_fill.fill.url != null)
if (image_url != "")
var _image = this.ImageLoader.LoadImage(image_url, 1);
var srcLocal = g_oDocumentUrls.getImageLocal(image_url);
if (srcLocal) {
image_url = srcLocal;
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