Commit 0e8c3fb8 authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

changes for paste format table

parent 5a066c58
......@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
if (this.isCopyPaste)
rangeTable = aTables[i].Ref;
if(!this.isCopyPaste || (this.isCopyPaste && rangeTable && this.isCopyPaste.containsRange(rangeTable) && !ws.bExcludeHiddenRows))
if(!this.isCopyPaste || (this.isCopyPaste && rangeTable && this.isCopyPaste.isIntersect(rangeTable) && !ws.bExcludeHiddenRows)), function(){oThis.WriteTable(aTables[i]);});
......@@ -8885,6 +8885,8 @@
//добавляем форматированные таблицы
var arnToRange = t.model.selectionRange.getLast();
var pasteRange = AscCommonExcel.g_clipboardExcel.pasteProcessor.activeRange;
var activeCellsPasteFragment = typeof pasteRange === "string" ? AscCommonExcel.g_oRangeCache.getAscRange(pasteRange) : pasteRange;
var tablesMap = null;
if (fromBinary && val.TableParts && val.TableParts.length && specialPasteProps.formatTable) {
var range, tablePartRange, tables = val.TableParts, diffRow, diffCol, curTable, bIsAddTable;
......@@ -8898,6 +8900,11 @@
range = t.model.getRange3(diffRow, diffCol, diffRow + (tablePartRange.r2 - tablePartRange.r1),
diffCol + (tablePartRange.c2 - tablePartRange.c1));
//если в активную область при записи попала лишь часть таблицы
if(activeCellsPasteFragment && !activeCellsPasteFragment.containsRange(tablePartRange)){
//если область вставки содержит форматированную таблицу, которая пересекается с вставляемой форматированной таблицей
var intersectionRangeWithTableParts = t.model.autoFilters._intersectionRangeWithTableParts(range.bbox);
if (intersectionRangeWithTableParts) {
......@@ -9542,27 +9549,56 @@
var getTableDxf = function(pasteRow, pasteCol, newVal)
var getTableDxf = function (pasteRow, pasteCol, newVal)
var dxf = null;
var tables = val.autoFilters._intersectionRangeWithTableParts(newVal.bbox);
if(tables && tables[0])
var blocalArea = true;
if (tables && tables[0])
var table = tables[0];
var styleInfo = table.TableStyleInfo;
var styleForCurTable = t.model.workbook.TableStyles.AllStyles[styleInfo.Name];
var headerRowCount = !!(null === table.HeaderRowCount || table.HeaderRowCount > 0);
var bbox = {r1: 0, c1: 0, r2: table.Ref.r2 - table.Ref.r1, c2: table.Ref.c2 - table.Ref.c1};
pasteRow = pasteRow - table.Ref.r1;
pasteCol = pasteCol - table.Ref.c1;
//dxf = styleForCurTable.getStyle(bbox, pasteRow, pasteCol, styleInfo, headerRowCount, table.TotalsRowCount);
if (activeCellsPasteFragment.containsRange(table.Ref))
blocalArea = false;
if (!styleForCurTable)
return null;
var headerRowCount = 1;
var totalsRowCount = 0;
if (null != table.HeaderRowCount)
headerRowCount = table.HeaderRowCount;
if (null != table.TotalsRowCount)
totalsRowCount = table.TotalsRowCount;
var bbox = new Asc.Range(0, 0, table.Ref.c2 - table.Ref.c1, table.Ref.r2 - table.Ref.r1);
styleForCurTable.initStyle(val.sheetMergedStyles, bbox, styleInfo, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount);
var cell = val._getCell(pasteRow, pasteCol);
if (cell)
dxf = cell.getCompiledStyle();
if (null === dxf)
pasteRow = pasteRow - table.Ref.r1;
pasteCol = pasteCol - table.Ref.c1;
dxf = AscCommonExcel.getCompiledStyleWs(val, pasteRow, pasteCol);
return dxf;
return {dxf: dxf, blocalArea: blocalArea};
var colsWidth = {};
......@@ -9636,8 +9672,18 @@
pastedRangeProps.hyperlinkObj = newVal.getHyperlink();
pastedRangeProps.tableDxf = getTableDxf(pasteRow, pasteCol, newVal);
var tableDxf = getTableDxf(pasteRow, pasteCol, newVal);
pastedRangeProps.tableDxfLocal = tableDxf.dxf;
pastedRangeProps.tableDxf = tableDxf.dxf;
if(undefined === colsWidth[nCol])
colsWidth[nCol] = val._getCol(pasteCol);
......@@ -10017,7 +10063,16 @@
if(rangeStyle.tableDxfLocal && specialPasteProps.format)
var cells = range.getCells();
if(cells && cells[0])
if (rangeStyle.hyperLink && specialPasteProps.hyperlink)
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