Commit 105767bb authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

fix #32266

parent 060a5a1f
......@@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@
getTableIntersectionRange: function(range)
var worksheet = this.worksheet;
var res = null;
var res = [];
var tableParts = worksheet.TableParts;
......@@ -2089,11 +2089,6 @@
if(res === null)
res = [];
......@@ -13233,28 +13233,25 @@
t._isLockedCells( range, null, callback );
WorksheetView.prototype.af_checkChangeRange = function(range)
var res = null;
var ws = this.model;
var intersectionTables = this.model.autoFilters.getTableIntersectionRange(range);
var tablePart = intersectionTables[0];
if(range.r1 !== tablePart.Ref.r1)//первая строка таблицы не равно первой строке выделенного диапазона
res = c_oAscError.ID.FTChangeTableRangeError;
else if(intersectionTables.length !== 1)//выделено несколько таблиц
res = c_oAscError.ID.FTRangeIncludedOtherTables;
return res;
WorksheetView.prototype.af_checkChangeRange = function(range) {
var res = null;
var intersectionTables = this.model.autoFilters.getTableIntersectionRange(range);
if (0 < intersectionTables.length) {
var tablePart = intersectionTables[0];
if (range.r1 !== tablePart.Ref.r1)//первая строка таблицы не равно первой строке выделенного диапазона
res = c_oAscError.ID.FTChangeTableRangeError;
} else if (intersectionTables.length !== 1)//выделено несколько таблиц
res = c_oAscError.ID.FTRangeIncludedOtherTables;
} else {
res = c_oAscError.ID.FTChangeTableRangeError;
return res;
* Export
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