Commit 11d40131 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Вынес в отдельную функйцию проверку нахождения текста в ячейке

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 3ae41d2d
temp.replaceWith = replaceWith;
temp.isReplaceAll = isReplaceAll;
temp.isNotSelect = true;
......@@ -4283,10 +4283,10 @@ Range.prototype.clone=function(oNewWs){
return this.first;
return this.last;
if(null != action)
......@@ -9666,6 +9666,22 @@
return offs;
WorksheetView.prototype._isCellEqual = function (c, r, options) {
var cell, cellText;
// Не пользуемся RegExp, чтобы не возиться со спец.символами
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
if (mc)
cell = this._getVisibleCell(mc.r1, mc.c1);
cell = this._getVisibleCell(r, c);
cellText = (options.lookIn === c_oAscFindLookIn.Formulas) ? cell.getValueForEdit() : cell.getValue();
if (true !== options.isMatchCase)
cellText = cellText.toLowerCase();
if ((cellText.indexOf(options.findWhat) >= 0) &&
(true !== options.isWholeCell || options.findWhat.length === cellText.length))
return (options.isNotSelect) ? (mc ? new asc_Range(mc.c1, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(c, r, c, r)) : true;
return false;
WorksheetView.prototype.findCellText = function (options) {
var self = this;
if (true !== options.isMatchCase)
......@@ -9678,8 +9694,7 @@
var maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
var maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
var inc = options.scanForward ? +1 : -1;
var ct, mc, excluded = [];
var _tmpCell, cellText;
var ct, mc, excluded = [], isEqual;
function isExcluded(col, row) {
for (var i = 0; i < excluded.length; ++i) {
......@@ -9709,19 +9724,9 @@
for (ct = findNextCell(); ct; ct = findNextCell()) {
// Не пользуемся RegExp, чтобы не возиться со спец.символами
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
if (mc)
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell (new CellAddress(mc.r1, mc.c1, 0));
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell (new CellAddress(r, c, 0));
cellText = (options.lookIn === c_oAscFindLookIn.Formulas) ? _tmpCell.getValueForEdit() : _tmpCell.getValue();
if (true !== options.isMatchCase)
cellText = cellText.toLowerCase();
if (cellText.indexOf(options.findWhat) >= 0) {
if (true !== options.isWholeCell || options.findWhat.length === cellText.length)
return (options.isNotSelect) ? (mc ? new asc_Range(mc.c1, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(c, r, c, r)) : this._setActiveCell(c, r);
isEqual = this._isCellEqual(c, r, options);
if (false !== isEqual)
return (options.isNotSelect) ? isEqual : this._setActiveCell(c, r);
// Сбрасываем замерженные
......@@ -9761,38 +9766,14 @@
maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
for (ct = findNextCell(); ct; ct = findNextCell()) {
// Не пользуемся RegExp, чтобы не возиться со спец.символами
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
if (mc)
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell (new CellAddress(mc.r1, mc.c1, 0));
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell (new CellAddress(r, c, 0));
cellText = (options.lookIn === c_oAscFindLookIn.Formulas) ? _tmpCell.getValueForEdit() : _tmpCell.getValue();
if (true !== options.isMatchCase)
cellText = cellText.toLowerCase();
if (cellText.indexOf(options.findWhat) >= 0) {
if (true !== options.isWholeCell || options.findWhat.length === cellText.length)
return (options.isNotSelect) ? (mc ? new asc_Range(mc.c1, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(c, r, c, r)) : this._setActiveCell(c, r);
isEqual = this._isCellEqual(c, r, options);
if (false !== isEqual)
return (options.isNotSelect) ? isEqual : this._setActiveCell(c, r);
return undefined;
WorksheetView.prototype.replaceCellText = function (options) {
var findFlags = "g"; // Заменяем все вхождения
if (true !== options.isMatchCase)
findFlags += "i"; // Не чувствителен к регистру
var valueForSearching = options.findWhat
.replace( /(\\)/g, "\\\\" ).replace( /(\^)/g, "\\^" )
.replace( /(\()/g, "\\(" ).replace( /(\))/g, "\\)" )
.replace( /(\+)/g, "\\+" ).replace( /(\[)/g, "\\[" )
.replace( /(\])/g, "\\]" ).replace( /(\{)/g, "\\{" )
.replace( /(\})/g, "\\}" ).replace( /(\$)/g, "\\$" )
.replace( /(~)?\*/g, function ( $0, $1 ) { return $1 ? $0 : '(.*)'; } )
.replace( /(~)?\?/g, function ( $0, $1 ) { return $1 ? $0 : '.'; } )
.replace( /(~\*)/g, "\\*" ).replace( /(~\?)/g, "\\?" );
valueForSearching = new RegExp(valueForSearching, findFlags);
var t = this;
var ar = this.activeRange.clone();
var aReplaceCells = [];
......@@ -9801,7 +9782,6 @@
t.handlers.trigger("slowOperation", true);
var aReplaceCellsIndex = {};
var optionsFind = options.clone();
optionsFind.isNotSelect = true;
optionsFind.activeRange = ar;
var findResult, index;
while (true) {
......@@ -9817,37 +9797,39 @@
ar.startRow = findResult.r1;
} else {
var mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(ar.startRow, ar.startCol);
var c1 = mc ? mc.c1 : ar.startCol;
var r1 = mc ? mc.r1 : ar.startRow;
var c = t._getVisibleCell(c1, r1);
if (c === undefined) {
asc_debug("log", "Unknown cell's info: col = " + c1 + ", row = " + r1);
t.handlers.trigger("onRenameCellTextEnd", 0, 0);
var cellValue = (options.lookIn === c_oAscFindLookIn.Formulas) ? c.getValueForEdit() : c.getValue();
// Попробуем сначала найти
if ((true === options.isWholeCell && cellValue.length !== options.findWhat.length) ||
0 > {
var isEqual = this._isCellEqual(ar.startCol, ar.startRow, options);
if (false !== isEqual) {
t.handlers.trigger("onRenameCellTextEnd", 0, 0);
aReplaceCells.push(new asc_Range(c1, r1, c1, r1));
if (0 > aReplaceCells.length) {
t.handlers.trigger("onRenameCellTextEnd", 0, 0);
this._replaceCellsText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options);
this._replaceCellsText(aReplaceCells, options);
WorksheetView.prototype._replaceCellsText = function (aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options) {
WorksheetView.prototype._replaceCellsText = function (aReplaceCells, options) {
var findFlags = "g"; // Заменяем все вхождения
if (true !== options.isMatchCase)
findFlags += "i"; // Не чувствителен к регистру
var valueForSearching = options.findWhat
.replace( /(\\)/g, "\\\\" ).replace( /(\^)/g, "\\^" )
.replace( /(\()/g, "\\(" ).replace( /(\))/g, "\\)" )
.replace( /(\+)/g, "\\+" ).replace( /(\[)/g, "\\[" )
.replace( /(\])/g, "\\]" ).replace( /(\{)/g, "\\{" )
.replace( /(\})/g, "\\}" ).replace( /(\$)/g, "\\$" )
.replace( /(~)?\*/g, function ( $0, $1 ) { return $1 ? $0 : '(.*)'; } )
.replace( /(~)?\?/g, function ( $0, $1 ) { return $1 ? $0 : '.'; } )
.replace( /(~\*)/g, "\\*" ).replace( /(~\?)/g, "\\?" );
valueForSearching = new RegExp(valueForSearching, findFlags);
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