Commit 1ac8a3ec authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Increase, Decrease FontSize

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 3853b59b
......@@ -1110,11 +1110,15 @@ CMathBase.prototype =
Apply_TextPr: function(TextPr, IncFontSize, ApplyToAll)
if(TextPr.FontSize !== undefined)
if(TextPr == undefined)
History.Add( this, { Type : historyitem_Math_CtrPrpFSize, New : TextPr.FontSize, Old : this.CtrPrp.FontSize } );
this.CtrPrp.FontSize = TextPr.FontSize;
this.RecalcInfo.bCtrPrp = true;
var CtrPrp = this.Get_CompiledCtrPrp_2();
this.Set_FontSizeCtrPrp(FontSize_IncreaseDecreaseValue( IncFontSize, CtrPrp.FontSize ));
if(TextPr.FontSize !== undefined)
for(var i=0; i < this.nRow; i++)
......@@ -1126,6 +1130,12 @@ CMathBase.prototype =
Set_FontSizeCtrPrp: function(Value)
History.Add( this, { Type : historyitem_Math_CtrPrpFSize, New : Value, Old : this.CtrPrp.FontSize } );
this.CtrPrp.FontSize = Value;
this.RecalcInfo.bCtrPrp = true;
Set_Select_ToMComp: function(Direction)
this.SelectStart.X = this.SelectEnd.X = this.CurPos_X;
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