Commit 1acb24b2 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

fix bug 32406

parent 19d3d171
......@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ asc_docs_api.prototype.UpdateParagraphProp = function(ParaPr, bParaPr){
ListType.SubType = undefined;
var AutoNumType = g_NumberingArr[ParaPr.Bullet.bulletType.AutoNumType] - 99;
var AutoNumType = AscCommonWord.g_NumberingArr[ParaPr.Bullet.bulletType.AutoNumType] - 99;
if(AutoNumType > 0 && AutoNumType < 9)
ListType.SubType = AutoNumType;
......@@ -2479,3 +2479,4 @@ function getNumInfoLvl(Lvl) {
window['AscCommonWord'] = window['AscCommonWord'] || {};
window['AscCommonWord'].CAbstractNum = CAbstractNum;
window['AscCommonWord'].getNumInfoLvl = getNumInfoLvl;
window['AscCommonWord'].g_NumberingArr = g_NumberingArr;
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