Commit 1d85bf8e authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Поправил баг http://bugzserver/show_bug.cgi?id=25943

При scroll нужно проверять не ушли ли мы за закрепленную область.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent e5474025
......@@ -1203,6 +1203,26 @@
WorksheetView.prototype._fixVisibleRange = function (range) {
var tmp;
if (null !== this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
tmp = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
if (range.r1 < tmp) {
range.r1 = tmp;
tmp = this._findVisibleRow(range.r1, +1);
if (0 < tmp)
range.r1 = tmp;
tmp = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
if (range.c1 < tmp) {
range.c1 = tmp;
tmp = this._findVisibleCol(range.c1, +1);
if (0 < tmp)
range.c1 = tmp;
* Вычисляет ширину столбца для заданного количества символов
* @param {Number} count Количество символов
......@@ -5153,12 +5173,17 @@
fixStartRow.startCol = vr.c1;
fixStartRow.startRow = start;
this._fixSelectionOfHiddenCells(0, delta >= 0 ? +1 : -1, fixStartRow);
var reinitScrollY = start !== fixStartRow.r1;
if (reinitScrollY && 0 > delta) // Для скролла вверх обычный сдвиг + дорисовка
delta += fixStartRow.r1 - start;
start = fixStartRow.r1;
if (start === vr.r1) {return this;}
if (start === vr.r1) {
if (reinitScrollY)
return this;
......@@ -5305,12 +5330,17 @@
fixStartCol.startCol = start;
fixStartCol.startRow = vr.r1;
this._fixSelectionOfHiddenCells(delta >= 0 ? +1 : -1, 0, fixStartCol);
var reinitScrollX = start !== fixStartCol.c1;
if (reinitScrollX && 0 > delta) // Для скролла влево обычный сдвиг + дорисовка
delta += fixStartCol.c1 - start;
start = fixStartCol.c1;
if (start === vr.c1) {return this;}
if (start === vr.c1) {
if (reinitScrollX)
return this;
......@@ -5951,56 +5981,55 @@
ar.r2 = ar.r1 === res.r1 ? res.r2 : res.r1;
WorksheetView.prototype._findVisibleCol = function (from, dc, flag) {
var to = dc < 0 ? -1 : this.cols.length, c;
for (c = from; c !== to; c += dc) {
if (this.cols[c].width > t.width_1px) {return c;}
return flag ? -1 : this._findVisibleCol(from, dc * -1, true);
WorksheetView.prototype._findVisibleRow = function (from, dr, flag) {
var to = dr < 0 ? -1 : this.rows.length, r;
for (r = from; r !== to; r += dr) {
if (this.rows[r].height > this.height_1px) {return r;}
return flag ? -1 : this._findVisibleRow(from, dr * -1, true);
WorksheetView.prototype._fixSelectionOfHiddenCells = function (dc, dr, range) {
var t = this, ar = (range) ? range : t.activeRange, c1, c2, r1, r2, mc, i, arn = ar.clone(true);
var ar = (range) ? range : this.activeRange, c1, c2, r1, r2, mc, i, arn = ar.clone(true);
if (dc === undefined) {dc = +1;}
if (dr === undefined) {dr = +1;}
function findVisibleCol(from, dc, flag) {
var to = dc < 0 ? -1 : t.cols.length, c;
for (c = from; c !== to; c += dc) {
if (t.cols[c].width > t.width_1px) {return c;}
return flag ? -1 : findVisibleCol(from, dc * -1, true);
function findVisibleRow(from, dr, flag) {
var to = dr < 0 ? -1 : t.rows.length, r;
for (r = from; r !== to; r += dr) {
if (t.rows[r].height > t.height_1px) {return r;}
return flag ? -1 : findVisibleRow(from, dr * -1, true);
if (ar.c2 === ar.c1) {
if (t.cols[ar.c1].width < t.width_1px) {
c1 = c2 = findVisibleCol(ar.c1, dc);
if (this.cols[ar.c1].width < this.width_1px) {
c1 = c2 = this._findVisibleCol(ar.c1, dc);
} else {
if (0 !== dc && t.nColsCount > ar.c2 && t.cols[ar.c2].width < t.width_1px) {
if (0 !== dc && this.nColsCount > ar.c2 && this.cols[ar.c2].width < this.width_1px) {
// Проверка для одновременно замерженных и скрытых ячеек (A1:C1 merge, B:C hidden)
for (mc = null, i = arn.r1; i <= arn.r2; ++i) {
mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(i, ar.c2);
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(i, ar.c2);
if (mc) {break;}
if (!mc) {c2 = findVisibleCol(ar.c2, dc);}
if (!mc) {c2 = this._findVisibleCol(ar.c2, dc);}
if (c1 < 0 || c2 < 0) {throw "Error: all columns are hidden";}
if (ar.r2 === ar.r1) {
if (t.rows[ar.r1].height < t.height_1px) {
r1 = r2 = findVisibleRow(ar.r1, dr);
if (this.rows[ar.r1].height < this.height_1px) {
r1 = r2 = this._findVisibleRow(ar.r1, dr);
} else {
if (0 !== dr && t.nRowsCount > ar.r2 && t.rows[ar.r2].height < t.height_1px) {
if (0 !== dr && this.nRowsCount > ar.r2 && this.rows[ar.r2].height < this.height_1px) {
//Проверка для одновременно замерженных и скрытых ячеек (A1:A3 merge, 2:3 hidden)
for (mc = null, i = arn.c1; i <= arn.c2; ++i) {
mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(ar.r2, i);
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(ar.r2, i);
if (mc) {break;}
if (!mc) {r2 = findVisibleRow(ar.r2, dr);}
if (!mc) {r2 = this._findVisibleRow(ar.r2, dr);}
if (r1 < 0 || r2 < 0) {throw "Error: all rows are hidden";}
......@@ -6015,12 +6044,12 @@
if (c1 >= 0) {ar.startCol = c1;}
if (r1 >= 0) {ar.startRow = r1;}
if (0 !== dc && t.cols[ar.startCol].width < t.width_1px) {
c1 = findVisibleCol(ar.startCol, dc);
if (0 !== dc && this.cols[ar.startCol].width < this.width_1px) {
c1 = this._findVisibleCol(ar.startCol, dc);
if (c1 >= 0) {ar.startCol = c1;}
if (0 !== dr && t.rows[ar.startRow].height < t.height_1px) {
r1 = findVisibleRow(ar.startRow, dr);
if (0 !== dr && this.rows[ar.startRow].height < this.height_1px) {
r1 = this._findVisibleRow(ar.startRow, dr);
if (r1 >= 0) {ar.startRow = r1;}
......@@ -6260,8 +6289,7 @@
// Потеряем ли мы что-то при merge ячеек
WorksheetView.prototype.getSelectionMergeInfo = function (options) {
var t = this;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var arn = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var notEmpty = false;
var r, c;
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