Commit 1e059cad authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

activeRange -> selectionRange

parent 314467a1
......@@ -1645,11 +1645,11 @@
var maxRows = this.model.getRowsCount();
var lastC = -1, lastR = -1;
// ToDo print each range on new page (now only last)
var activeRange = printOnlySelection ? this.model.selectionRange.getLast() : null;
var selectionRange = printOnlySelection ? this.model.selectionRange.getLast() : null;
var bFitToWidth = false;
var bFitToHeight = false;
if (null === activeRange) {
if (null === selectionRange) {
range = new asc_Range(0, 0, maxCols, maxRows);
for (var c = 0; c < maxCols; ++c) {
......@@ -1678,8 +1678,8 @@
maxRows = Math.max(maxRows, maxObjectsCoord.maxRow);
} else {
maxCols = activeRange.c2 + 1;
maxRows = activeRange.r2 + 1;
maxCols = selectionRange.c2 + 1;
maxRows = selectionRange.r2 + 1;
range = new asc_Range(0, 0, maxCols, maxRows);
......@@ -1766,9 +1766,9 @@
var pageWidthWithFieldsHeadings = (pageWidth - pageRightField) / vector_koef - leftFieldInPt;
var pageHeightWithFieldsHeadings = (pageHeight - pageBottomField) / vector_koef - topFieldInPt;
var currentColIndex = (null !== activeRange) ? activeRange.c1 : 0;
var currentColIndex = (null !== selectionRange) ? selectionRange.c1 : 0;
var currentWidth = 0;
var currentRowIndex = (null !== activeRange) ? activeRange.r1 : 0;
var currentRowIndex = (null !== selectionRange) ? selectionRange.r1 : 0;
var currentHeight = 0;
var isCalcColumnsWidth = true;
......@@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@
currentHeight = 0;
} else {
// Мы дорисовали все колонки, нужна новая строка и стартовая колонка
currentColIndex = (null !== activeRange) ? activeRange.c1 : 0;
currentColIndex = (null !== selectionRange) ? selectionRange.c1 : 0;
currentRowIndex = rowIndex;
currentHeight = 0;
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