Commit 29addbf1 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

delete unused code

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent d1cba2e8
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -23,49 +23,6 @@ OfficeExcel.Gutter = function()
this._bottom = 25;
OfficeExcel.Shadow = function()
this._visible = false;
this._offset_x = 2;
this._offset_y = 2;
this._blur = 3;
this._color = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
OfficeExcel.chartZoom = function()
this._factor = 1.5;
this._fade_in = true;
this._fade_out = true;
this._hdir = 'right';
this._vdir = 'down';
this._frames = 25;
this._delay = 16.666;
this._shadow = true;
this._mode = 'canvas';
this._thumbnail_width = 75;
this._thumbnail_height = 75;
this._thumbnail_fixed = false;
this._background = true;
this._action = 'zoom';
OfficeExcel.Tooltips = function()
this._tooltips = null;
this._effect = 'fade';
this._hotspot = 3;
this._css_class = 'OfficeExcel_tooltip';
this._highlight = true;
this._event = 'onmousemove'
this._override = null;
this._hotspot_xonly = false;
this._hotspot = 3;
this._coords_adjust = null;
OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._curvy = false;
......@@ -73,8 +30,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._noredraw = false;
this._chromefix = true;
this._adjustable = false;
this._xmin = 0;
......@@ -84,9 +39,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._outofbounds = false;
this._resizable = false;
this._total = true;
this._noaxes = false;
this._noxaxis = false;
this._noyaxis = false;
......@@ -108,64 +60,23 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._axis_color = 'black';
this._multiplier_x = 1;
this._multiplier_w = 1;
this._annotate_color = 'black';
this._annotatable = false;
this._units_pre = '';
this._units_post = '';
this._units_ingraph = false;
this._events_mousemove = null;
this._events_mousemove_revertto = null;
this._events_click = null;
this._events = [];
this._resize_handle_background = null;
this._crosshairs = false;
this._crosshairs_color = '#333';
this._crosshairs_hline = true;
this._crosshairs_vline = true;
this._crosshairs_linewidth = 1;
this._crosshairs_coords = false;
this._crosshairs_coords_fixed = true;
this._crosshairs_coords_fadeout = false;
this._crosshairs_coords_labels_x = 'X';
this._crosshairs_coords_labels_y = 'Y';
this._scale_round = false;
this._scale_decimals = 0;
this._scale_point = '.';
this._scale_thousand = ',';
this._scale_formatter = null;
this._highlight_stroke = 'black';
this._highlight_fill = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
this._highlight_style = 'explode';
this._highlight_style_2d_fill = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
this._highlight_style_2d_stroke = 'rgba(255,255,255,0)';
this._contextmenu = null;
this._contextmenu_bg = null;
this._contextmenu_submenu = null;
this._colors = ['rgb(0,0,255)', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#0f0'];
this._colors_sequential = false;
this._colors_reverse = false;
this._colors_alternate = null;
this._colors_alpha = null;
this._colors_default = 'black';
this._title_yaxis_align = 'left';
this._title_yaxis_position = 'left';
this._title_left = '';
this._title_right = '';
this._gutter_center = 60;
this._radius = null;
......@@ -176,9 +87,8 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._centerx = null;
this._centery = null;
this._borders = true;
this._border = false;
this._area_border = true; // ãðàíèöà äëÿ âñåé îáëàñòè äèàãðàììû
this._area_border = true; // граница для всей области диаграммы
this._border_color = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
this._align = 'center';
......@@ -198,12 +108,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._ylabels_invert = false;
this._labels = [];
this._labels_offset = 0;
this._labels_offsetx = 10;
this._labels_offsety = 10;
this._labels_axes = '';
this._labels_position = 'center';
this._labels_align = 'bottom';
this._labels_ingraph = null;
this._labels_above = false;
this._labels_above_decimals = 0;
......@@ -212,7 +116,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._labels_sticks = false;
this._labels_sticks_length = 7;
this._labels_sticks_color = '#aaa';
this._labels_specific = null;
this._labels_specific_align = 'left';
this._background_barcolor1 = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
......@@ -231,12 +134,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._background_grid_autofit_align = false;
this._background_vbars = null;
this._background_hbars = null;
this._background_image = null;
this._background_image_x = null;
this._background_image_y = null;
this._background_image_stretch = true;
this._background_image_align = null;
this._background_circles = true;
this._line_visible = true;
......@@ -253,7 +150,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._smallxticks = 3;
this._largexticks = 5;
this._smallyticks = 3;
this._largeyticks = 5;
this._ticksize = 3;
this._tickdirection = -1;
......@@ -261,26 +157,18 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._tickmarks_linewidth = null;
this._tickmarks_dot_color = 'white';
this._resize_handle_adjust = [0,0];
this._key = [];
this._key_background = 'white';
this._key_position = 'graph';
this._key_position_x = null;
this._key_position_y = null;
this._key_position_gutter_boxed = true;
this._key_shadow = false;
this._key_shadow_color = '#666';
this._key_shadow_blur = 3;
this._key_shadow_offsetx = 2;
this._key_shadow_offsety = 2;
this._key_rounded = true;
this._key_linewidth = 1;
this._key_color_shape = 'square';
this._key_colors = null;
this._key_halign = 'right';
this._key_text_size = 10;
this._key_interactive = false;
this._noendxtick = false;
this._noendytick = true;
......@@ -293,13 +181,7 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._backdrop = false;
this._backdrop_size = 30;
this._backdrop_alpha = 0.2
this._animation_factor = 1;
this._animation_unfold_x = false;
this._animation_unfold_y = true;
this._animation_unfold_initial = 2;
this._animation_grow_factor = 1;
this._backdrop_alpha = 0.2;
this._grouping = 'grouped';
......@@ -310,10 +192,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._line = false;
this._line_linewidth = 1;
this._line_colors = ['green', 'red'];
this._line_shadow_color = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
this._line_shadow_offsetx = 3;
this._line_shadow_offsety = 3;
this._line_shadow_blur = 2;
this._line_stepped = false;
this._boxplot_width = 1;
......@@ -325,17 +203,5 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._xscale_numlabels = 10;
this._xscale_formatter = null;
this._xtickinterval = null;
this._margin = 2;
this._circle = 0;
this._circle_fill = 'red';
this._circle_stroke = 'black';
this._accumulative = false;
this._boxplot = false;
this._vbars = null;
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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