Commit 34045013 authored by Igor.Zotov's avatar Igor.Zotov

доработки для осей

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent d23f7b8b
......@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ function CChartsDrawer()
this.allAreaChart = null;
this.gridChart = null;
this.chart = null;
this.cChartSpace = null;
CChartsDrawer.prototype =
reCalculate : function(chartSpace)
this.cChartSpace = chartSpace;
this.calcProp = {};
......@@ -112,6 +115,8 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
draw : function(chartSpace, graphics)
this.cChartSpace = chartSpace;
var cShapeDrawer = new CShapeDrawer();
cShapeDrawer.Graphics = graphics;
this.calcProp.series = chartSpace.chart.plotArea.chart.series;
......@@ -1292,9 +1297,9 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
right += standartMargin / 2;
if(chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.title != null && !isHBar)
right += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.title.extX;
left += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.title.extX;
else if(isHBar && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.title != null)
right += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.title.extX;
left += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.title.extX;
right += standartMargin;
......@@ -1317,11 +1322,11 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
top += standartMargin / 2;
top += standartMargin + standartMargin / 2;
if(chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.title != null && !isHBar)
top += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.title.extY;
bottom += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.title.extY;
else if(isHBar && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.title != null)
top += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.title.extY;
bottom += chartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.title.extY;
if(chartSpace.chart.title !== null && !chartSpace.chart.title.overlay)
top += chartSpace.chart.title.extY;
......@@ -1505,7 +1510,10 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
rightUpPointX = catAx.labels.x;
rightUpPointY = valAx.yPoints[valAx.yPoints.length - 1].pos;
if(valAx.scaling.orientation == ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
rightUpPointY = valAx.yPoints[valAx.yPoints.length - 1].pos;
rightUpPointY = valAx.yPoints[0].pos;
......@@ -1518,7 +1526,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
else if((valAx.labels.x + valAx.labels.extX) >= rightUpPointY)//правее крайней правой точки
right = valAx.labels.x + valAx.labels.extX - rightUpPointY;
right = valAx.labels.extX;
......@@ -1547,16 +1555,29 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var min = this.calcProp.min;
var max = this.calcProp.max;
var orientation = this.cChartSpace ? this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.orientation : ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX;
if(min >= 0 && max >= 0)
numNull = 0;
if(orientation == ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
numNull = 0;
numNull = this.calcProp.numhlines;
if(this.calcProp.type == "HBar")
numNull = this.calcProp.numvlines;
else if(min <= 0 && max <= 0)
numNull = this.calcProp.numhlines;
if(this.calcProp.type == "HBar")
numNull = this.calcProp.numvlines;
if(orientation == ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
numNull = this.calcProp.numhlines;
if(this.calcProp.type == "HBar")
numNull = this.calcProp.numvlines;
numNull = 0;
......@@ -2716,7 +2737,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
//находим шаг
if(isOx || 'HBar' == this.calcProp.type)
step = this._getStep(firstDegree.val + 1.5);
step = this._getStep(firstDegree.val + (firstDegree.val / 10) * 3);
step = this._getStep(firstDegree.val);
......@@ -2787,6 +2808,8 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
step = 5;
else if(step > 5 && step <= 10)
step = 10;
else if(step > 10 && step <= 20)
step = 20;
return step;
......@@ -3093,6 +3116,8 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var resPos;
var resVal;
var diffVal;
var plotArea = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea;
if(val < yPoints[0].val)
resPos = Math.abs(yPoints[1].pos - yPoints[0].pos);
......@@ -3123,7 +3148,12 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
resVal = yPoints[s + 1].val - yPoints[s].val;
result = - (resPos / resVal) * (Math.abs(val - yPoints[s].val)) + yPoints[s].pos;
if(plotArea.valAx.scaling.orientation == ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
result = - (resPos / resVal) * (Math.abs(val - yPoints[s].val)) + yPoints[s].pos;
result = (resPos / resVal) * (Math.abs(val - yPoints[s].val)) + yPoints[s].pos;
result = (resPos / resVal) * (Math.abs(val - yPoints[s].val)) + yPoints[s].pos;
......@@ -6467,7 +6497,7 @@ catAxisChart.prototype =
var stepX = xPoints[1] ? Math.abs(xPoints[1].pos - xPoints[0].pos) : Math.abs(xPoints[0].pos - this.chartProp.chartGutter._bottom / this.chartProp.pxToMM);
var minorStep = stepX / this.chartProp.numvMinorlines;
var posY = this.chartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.posY;
var posY = this.chartProp.nullPositionOX / this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var posX;
var posMinorX;
for(var i = 0; i < xPoints.length; i++)
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