Commit 3865316a authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov


parent 2de28ba9
......@@ -3229,6 +3229,9 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
if (-1 !== index) {
if (isColHeader) {
if (w < this.width_1px) {
if (style !== kHeaderDefault) {
// Это невидимый столбец
isZeroHeader = true;
// Отрисуем только границу
......@@ -3245,6 +3248,9 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
} else {
if (h < this.height_1px) {
if (style !== kHeaderDefault) {
// Это невидимая строка
isZeroHeader = true;
// Отрисуем только границу
......@@ -3261,37 +3267,37 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
var x2 = x + w;
var y2 = y + h;
var x2WithoutBorder = x2 - this.width_1px;
var y2WithoutBorder = y2 - this.height_1px;
// background только для видимых
if (!isZeroHeader) {
// draw background
.fillRect(x, y, w + 20, h + 20);
.fillRect(x, y, w + 5, h + 5);
// draw border
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && !isColHeader) {
// Select row (top border)
ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y, x2);
// ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y, x2);
// Right border
if (isColHeader) ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x2, y, y2);
if (isColHeader) ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x2, y, y2 + 5);
// Bottom border
if (!isColHeader)ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y2, x2);
if (!isColHeader) ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y2, x2 + 5);
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && isColHeader) {
// Select col (left border)
//ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x, y, y2);
ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x, y, y2);
......@@ -3300,58 +3306,57 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
// draw text
var text = isColHeader ? this._getColumnTitle(index) : this._getRowTitle(index);
var sr = this.stringRender;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics( sr.measureString(text) );
var bl = y2WithoutBorder - (isColHeader ? this.defaultRowDescender : this.rows[index].descender);
var text = isColHeader ? this._getColumnTitle(index) : this._getRowTitle(index);
var sr = this.stringRender;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics(sr.measureString(text));
var bl = y2WithoutBorder - (isColHeader ? this.defaultRowDescender : this.rows[index].descender);
var textX = this._calcTextHorizPos(x, x2WithoutBorder, tm, tm.width < w ? AscCommon.align_Center : AscCommon.align_Left);
var textY = this._calcTextVertPos(y, y2WithoutBorder, bl, tm, Asc.c_oAscVAlign.Bottom);
if (drawingCtx) {
ctx.AddClipRect(x, y, w, h);
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths);
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths);
} else {
.rect(x, y, w, h)
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths)
.rect(x, y, w, h)
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths)
AscCommonExcel.WorksheetView.prototype.__drawRowHeaders = function (drawingCtx, start, end, style, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders())
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders()) {
var range = new asc_Range(0, start, 1, end);
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var r = this.rows;
var offsetX = (undefined !== offsetXForDraw) ? offsetXForDraw : this.headersLeft;
var offsetY = (undefined !== offsetYForDraw) ? offsetYForDraw : r[vr.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
if (undefined === drawingCtx && this.topLeftFrozenCell && undefined === offsetYForDraw) {
var rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
if (start < vr.r1)
if (start < vr.r1) {
offsetY = r[0].top - this.cellsTop;
} else {
offsetY -= r[rFrozen].top - r[0].top;
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {start = vr.r1;}
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {end = vr.r2;}
if (style === undefined) {style = kHeaderDefault;}
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {
start = vr.r1;
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {
end = vr.r2;
if (style === undefined) {
style = kHeaderDefault;
this._setFont(drawingCtx, this.model.getDefaultFontName(), this.model.getDefaultFontSize());
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
.fillRect(offsetX, -offsetY, this.headersWidth * 2, r[end].top - r[start].top);
// draw row headers
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
this.__drawHeader(drawingCtx, offsetX, r[i].top - r[start].top - offsetY,
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