Commit 3bb46789 authored by Oleg Korshul's avatar Oleg Korshul

local images paste (desktop)

parent db8f358d
......@@ -1785,6 +1785,17 @@ function trimString( str ){
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') ;
function sendImgUrls(api, images, callback, bExcel) {
if (window["AscDesktopEditor"])
// correct local images
for (var nIndex = images.length - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
if (0 == images[nIndex].indexOf("file:/"))
images[nIndex] = window["AscDesktopEditor"]["GetImageBase64"](images[nIndex]);
var rData = {"id": api.documentId, "c": "imgurls", "vkey": api.documentVKey, "userid": api.documentUserId, "saveindex": g_oDocumentUrls.getMaxIndex(), "data": images};
api.sync_StartAction(Asc.c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction, Asc.c_oAscAsyncAction.LoadImage);
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