Commit 3c09a892 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

Правка бага http://bugzserver/show_bug.cgi?id=22707

Переход на UTC время (т.к. на ubuntu учитывалось зимнее и летнее время и возникала разница при создании даты)

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 78b81482
......@@ -1013,13 +1013,13 @@ NumFormat.prototype =
var stDate, day, month, year, dayWeek;
stDate = new Date(1904,0,1,0,0,0);
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1904,0,1,0,0,0));
stDate.setDate( stDate.getDate() + d.val );
day = stDate.getDate();
dayWeek = ( stDate.getDay() > 0) ? stDate.getDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getMonth();
year = stDate.getFullYear();
stDate.setUTCDate( stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val );
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = ( stDate.getUTCDay() > 0) ? stDate.getUTCDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
......@@ -1032,23 +1032,23 @@ NumFormat.prototype =
else if(number < 60)
stDate = new Date(1899,11,31,0,0,0);
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1899,11,31,0,0,0));
stDate.setDate( stDate.getDate() + d.val );
day = stDate.getDate();
dayWeek = ( stDate.getDay() > 0) ? stDate.getDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getMonth();
year = stDate.getFullYear();
stDate.setUTCDate( stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val );
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = ( stDate.getUTCDay() > 0) ? stDate.getUTCDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
stDate = new Date(1899,11,30,0,0,0);
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1899,11,30,0,0,0));
stDate.setDate( stDate.getDate() + d.val );
day = stDate.getDate();
dayWeek = stDate.getDay();
month = stDate.getMonth();
year = stDate.getFullYear();
stDate.setUTCDate( stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val );
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = stDate.getUTCDay();
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
return {d: day, month: month, year: year, dayWeek: dayWeek, hour: h.val, min: min.val, sec: s.val, ms: ms.val, countDay: d.val };
......@@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ FormatParser.prototype =
if(null != m && (null != d || null != y))
bDate = true;
var oNowDate = new Date();
var oNowDate;
if(null != d)
nDay = d - 0;
......@@ -2899,7 +2899,10 @@ FormatParser.prototype =
if(null != y)
nYear = y - 0;
oNowDate = new Date();
nYear = oNowDate.getFullYear();
if(nYear < 30)
nYear = 2000 + res.y;
......@@ -2912,7 +2915,7 @@ FormatParser.prototype =
if(null != h)
bTime = true;
var nHour = h - 0;
nHour = h - 0;
if(null != ampm)
if(nHour <= 23)
......@@ -2941,15 +2944,15 @@ FormatParser.prototype =
if(true == bValidDate && (true == bDate || true == bTime))
dValue = ((new Date(nYear,nMounth,nDay,nHour,nMinute,nSecond)).getTime() - (new Date(1904,0,1,0,0,0)).getTime()) / (86400 * 1000);
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear,nMounth,nDay,nHour,nMinute,nSecond) - Date.UTC(1904,0,1,0,0,0)) / (86400 * 1000);
if(1900 < nYear || (1900 == nYear && 2 < nMounth ))
dValue = ((new Date(nYear,nMounth,nDay,nHour,nMinute,nSecond)).getTime() - (new Date(1899,11,30,0,0,0)).getTime()) / (86400 * 1000);
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear,nMounth,nDay,nHour,nMinute,nSecond) - Date.UTC(1899,11,30,0,0,0)) / (86400 * 1000);
else if(1900 == nYear && 2 == nMounth && 29 == nDay)
dValue = 60;
dValue = ((new Date(nYear,nMounth,nDay,nHour,nMinute,nSecond)).getTime() - (new Date(1899,11,31,0,0,0)).getTime()) / (86400 * 1000);
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear,nMounth,nDay,nHour,nMinute,nSecond) - Date.UTC(1899,11,31,0,0,0)) / (86400 * 1000);
if(dValue > 0)
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