Commit 4b03714c authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

delete unused code

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 5d160bd4
......@@ -1422,7 +1422,6 @@ function drawChart(chart, arrValues, width, height, options) {
// *****Легенда******
bar._otherProps._key_position = 'graph';
bar._otherProps._key = [];
bar._otherProps._key_halign = chart.legend.position;
......@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._key = [];
this._key_background = 'white';
this._key_position = 'graph';
this._key_position_x = null;
this._key_position_y = null;
this._key_position_gutter_boxed = true;
......@@ -2747,13 +2747,6 @@ if (typeof(obj._otherProps._scale_formatter) == 'function') {
OfficeExcel.GetHeight=function(obj){return obj.canvas.height;}
OfficeExcel.GetWidth=function(obj){return obj.canvas.width;}
* This resets the canvas. Keep in mind that any translate() that has been performed will also be reset.
* @param object canvas The canvas
OfficeExcel.Reset=function(canvas){canvas.width = canvas.width;}
* This function skirts the annoying canvas anti-aliasing
OfficeExcel.DrawKey = function (obj, key, colors)
var canvas = obj.canvas;
var context = obj.context;
context.lineWidth = 1;
* Key positioned in the gutter
var keypos = obj._otherProps._key_position;
var textsize = obj._otherProps._text_size;
* Account for null values in the key
......@@ -27,23 +20,7 @@
key = key_non_null;
colors = colors_non_null;
if (keypos && keypos == 'gutter') {
OfficeExcel.DrawKey_gutter(obj, key, colors);
* In-graph style key
} else if (keypos && keypos == 'graph') {
OfficeExcel.DrawKey_graph(obj, key, colors);
} else {
alert('[COMMON] (' + + ') Unknown key position: ' + keypos);
OfficeExcel.DrawKey_graph(obj, key, colors);
......@@ -401,160 +378,6 @@
* This does the actual drawing of the key when it's in the gutter
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param array key The key items to draw
* @param array colors An aray of colors that the key will use
OfficeExcel.DrawKey_gutter = function (obj, key, colors)
var canvas = obj.canvas;
var context = obj.context;
var text_size = typeof(obj._otherProps._key_text_size) == 'number' ? obj._otherProps._key_text_size : obj._otherProps._text_size;
var text_font = obj._otherProps._text_font;
var gutterLeft = obj._chartGutter._left;
var gutterRight = obj._chartGutter._right;
var gutterTop = obj._chartGutter._top;
var gutterBottom = obj._chartGutter._bottom;
var hpos = OfficeExcel.GetWidth(obj) / 2;
var vpos = (gutterTop / 2) - 5;
var title = obj._chartTitle._text;
var blob_size = text_size; // The blob of color
var hmargin = 8; // This is the size of the gaps between the blob of color and the text
var vmargin = 4; // This is the vertical margin of the key
var fillstyle = obj._otherProps._key_background;
var strokestyle = 'black';
var length = 0;
// Need to work out the length of the key first
context.font = text_size + 'pt ' + text_font;
for (i=0; i<key.length; ++i) {
length += hmargin;
length += blob_size;
length += hmargin;
length += context.measureText(key[i]).width;
length += hmargin;
* Work out hpos since in the Pie it isn't necessarily dead center
if (obj.type == 'pie') {
if (obj._otherProps._align == 'left') {
var hpos = obj.radius + gutterLeft;
} else if (obj._otherProps._align == 'right') {
var hpos = obj.canvas.width - obj.radius - gutterRight;
} else {
hpos = canvas.width / 2;
* This makes the key centered
hpos -= (length / 2);
* Override the horizontal/vertical positioning
if (typeof(obj._otherProps._key_position_x) == 'number') {
hpos = obj._otherProps._key_position_x;
if (typeof(obj._otherProps._key_position_y) == 'number') {
vpos = obj._otherProps._key_position_y;
* Draw the box that the key sits in
if (obj._otherProps._key_position_gutter_boxed) {
context.fillStyle = fillstyle;
context.strokeStyle = strokestyle;
if (obj._otherProps._key_rounded) {
OfficeExcel.strokedCurvyRect(context, hpos, vpos - vmargin, length, text_size + vmargin + vmargin)
// Odd... OfficeExcel.filledCurvyRect(context, hpos, vpos - vmargin, length, text_size + vmargin + vmargin);
} else {
context.strokeRect(hpos, vpos - vmargin, length, text_size + vmargin + vmargin);
context.fillRect(hpos, vpos - vmargin, length, text_size + vmargin + vmargin);
* Draw the blobs of color and the text
// Custom colors for the key
if (obj._otherProps._key_colors) {
colors = obj._otherProps._key_colors;
for (var i=0, pos=hpos; i<key.length; ++i) {
pos += hmargin;
// Draw the blob of color - line
if (obj._otherProps._key_color_shape =='line') {
context.strokeStyle = colors[i];
context.moveTo(pos, vpos + (blob_size / 2));
context.lineTo(pos + blob_size, vpos + (blob_size / 2));
// Circle
} else if (obj._otherProps._key_color_shape == 'circle') {
context.fillStyle = colors[i];
context.moveTo(pos, vpos + (blob_size / 2));
context.arc(pos + (blob_size / 2), vpos + (blob_size / 2), (blob_size / 2), 0, 6.28, 0);
} else {
context.fillStyle = colors[i];
context.fillRect(pos, vpos, blob_size, blob_size);
pos += blob_size;
pos += hmargin;
context.fillStyle = 'black';
OfficeExcel.Text(context, text_font, text_size, pos, vpos + text_size - 1, key[i]);
pos += context.measureText(key[i]).width;
* Returns the key length, but accounts for null values
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