Commit 524ee66a authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

Merge branch 'develop' into Feature/special_paste

parents 06001b54 79213b13
......@@ -132,64 +132,6 @@ $(function () {
strictEqual(Asc.round(-.1-.2-.9+.2), -1, "Asc.round(.1+.2+.9-.2)"); // -1.0000...2
test("AscCommon.extendClass", function test_extendClass() {
function Base(b1) {
this.b1 = b1;
Base.prototype.mb1 = function (b1) {this.b1=b1;};
function Child(b1, c1) {, b1);
this.c1 = c1;
AscCommon.extendClass(Child, Base);
Child.prototype.mc1 = function (c1) {this.c1=c1;};
var x = new Child(1, 2);
ok(x !== undefined, "x = new Child(1, 2)");
ok(x.mb1 !== undefined, "x.mb1");
ok(x.mc1 !== undefined, "x.mc1");
equal(x.b1, 1, "x.b1");
equal(x.c1, 2, "x.c1");
equal(x.b1, 3, "x.b1");
equal(x.c1, 2, "x.c1");
equal(x.b1, 3, "x.b1");
equal(x.c1, 4, "x.c1");
test("AscCommon.extendClass with fabric method", function test_extendClass2() {
function Base(b1) {
if ( !(this instanceof Base) ) {return new Base(b1);}
this.b1 = b1;
return this;
Base.prototype.mb1 = function (b1) {this.b1=b1;};
function Child(b1, c1) {
if ( !(this instanceof Child) ) {return new Child(b1, c1);}, b1);
this.c1 = c1;
return this;
AscCommon.extendClass(Child, Base);
Child.prototype.mc1 = function (c1) {this.c1=c1;};
var x = Child(1, 2);
ok(x !== undefined, "x = Child(1, 2)");
ok(x.mb1 !== undefined, "x.mb1");
ok(x.mc1 !== undefined, "x.mc1");
equal(x.b1, 1, "x.b1");
equal(x.c1, 2, "x.c1");
equal(x.b1, 3, "x.b1");
equal(x.c1, 2, "x.c1");
equal(x.b1, 3, "x.b1");
equal(x.c1, 4, "x.c1");
function check_range(range, c1, r1, c2, r2, msg) {
strictEqual(range.c1, c1, msg + ", c1");
strictEqual(range.r1, r1, msg + ", r1");
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ var editor;
* @extends {AscCommon.baseEditorsApi}
function spreadsheet_api(config) {, config, AscCommon.c_oEditorId.Spreadsheet);, config, AscCommon.c_oEditorId.Spreadsheet);
/************ private!!! **************/
this.topLineEditorName = config['id-input'] || '';
......@@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ var editor;
return this;
AscCommon.extendClass(spreadsheet_api, AscCommon.baseEditorsApi);
spreadsheet_api.prototype = Object.create(AscCommon.baseEditorsApi.prototype);
spreadsheet_api.prototype.constructor = spreadsheet_api;
spreadsheet_api.prototype.sendEvent = function() {
this.handlers.trigger.apply(this.handlers, arguments);
spreadsheet_api.prototype._init = function() {;;
this.topLineEditorElement = document.getElementById(this.topLineEditorName);
// ToDo нужно ли это
asc['editor'] = ( asc['editor'] || this );
......@@ -3285,7 +3285,7 @@ var editor;
this.controller = new AscCommonExcel.asc_CEventsController();
......@@ -71,29 +71,32 @@
* @constructor
function ApiShape(oShape){, oShape);, oShape);
this.Shape = oShape;
AscCommon.extendClass(ApiShape, ApiDrawing);
ApiShape.prototype = Object.create(ApiDrawing.prototype);
ApiShape.prototype.constructor = ApiShape;
* Class representing a image.
* @constructor
function ApiImage(oImage){, oImage);, oImage);
AscCommon.extendClass(ApiImage, ApiDrawing);
ApiImage.prototype = Object.create(ApiDrawing.prototype);
ApiImage.prototype.constructor = ApiImage;
* Class representing a chart.
* @constructor
function ApiChart(oChart){, oChart);, oChart);
this.Chart = oChart;
AscCommon.extendClass(ApiChart, ApiDrawing);
ApiChart.prototype = Object.create(ApiDrawing.prototype);
ApiChart.prototype.constructor = ApiChart;
* @typedef {("aliceBlue" | "antiqueWhite" | "aqua" | "aquamarine" | "azure" | "beige" | "bisque" | "black" |
......@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ CChartSpace.prototype.setDrawingBase = CShape.prototype.setDrawingBase;
CChartSpace.prototype.deleteDrawingBase = CShape.prototype.deleteDrawingBase;
CChartSpace.prototype.getDrawingObjectsController = CShape.prototype.getDrawingObjectsController;
CChartSpace.prototype.Is_UseInDocument = CShape.prototype.Is_UseInDocument;
CChartSpace.prototype.getEditorType = function()
return 0;
CChartSpace.prototype.recalculateTransform = function()
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ CGroupShape.prototype.addToRecalculate = function()
this.drawingObjects.controller.objectsForRecalculate[this.Id] = this;
CGroupShape.prototype.getEditorType = function()
return 0;
CGroupShape.prototype.handleUpdateFill = function()
......@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ CImageShape.prototype.getRotateAngle = CShape.prototype.getRotateAngle;
CImageShape.prototype.setWorksheet = CShape.prototype.setWorksheet;
CImageShape.prototype.getDrawingObjectsController = CShape.prototype.getDrawingObjectsController;
CImageShape.prototype.Is_UseInDocument = CShape.prototype.Is_UseInDocument;
CImageShape.prototype.getEditorType = function()
return 0;
CImageShape.prototype.setRecalculateInfo = function()
this.recalcInfo =
......@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ var G_O_DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP = AscFormat.GenerateDefaultColorMap();
CShape.prototype.setDrawingObjects = function(drawingObjects)
CShape.prototype.getEditorType = function()
return 0;
CShape.prototype.setDrawingBase = function(drawingBase)
this.drawingBase = drawingBase;
......@@ -204,9 +210,10 @@ function addToDrawings(worksheet, graphic, position, lockByDefault, anchor)
function CChangesDrawingObjectsAddToDrawingObjects(Class, Pos){
this.Pos = Pos;
this.Type = AscDFH.historyitem_AutoShapes_AddToDrawingObjects;, Class);, Class);
AscCommon.extendClass(CChangesDrawingObjectsAddToDrawingObjects, AscDFH.CChangesBase);
CChangesDrawingObjectsAddToDrawingObjects.prototype = Object.create(AscDFH.CChangesBase.prototype);
CChangesDrawingObjectsAddToDrawingObjects.prototype.constructor = CChangesDrawingObjectsAddToDrawingObjects;
CChangesDrawingObjectsAddToDrawingObjects.prototype.Undo = function(){
AscFormat.deleteDrawingBase(this.Class.worksheet.Drawings, this.Class.Get_Id());
......@@ -228,9 +235,10 @@ AscCommon.extendClass(CChangesDrawingObjectsAddToDrawingObjects, AscDFH.CChanges
function CChangesDrawingObjectsRemoveFromDrawingObjects(Class, Pos){
this.Type = AscDFH.historyitem_AutoShapes_RemoveFromDrawingObjects;
this.Pos = Pos;, Class);, Class);
AscCommon.extendClass(CChangesDrawingObjectsRemoveFromDrawingObjects, AscDFH.CChangesBase);
CChangesDrawingObjectsRemoveFromDrawingObjects.prototype = Object.create(AscDFH.CChangesBase.prototype);
CChangesDrawingObjectsRemoveFromDrawingObjects.prototype.constructor = CChangesDrawingObjectsRemoveFromDrawingObjects;
CChangesDrawingObjectsRemoveFromDrawingObjects.prototype.Undo = function(){
AscFormat.addToDrawings(this.Class.worksheet, this.Class, this.Pos);
......@@ -41,10 +41,11 @@
function CCollaborativeEditing()
AscCommon.extendClass(CCollaborativeEditing, AscCommon.CCollaborativeEditingBase);
CCollaborativeEditing.prototype = Object.create(AscCommon.CCollaborativeEditingBase.prototype);
CCollaborativeEditing.prototype.constructor = CCollaborativeEditing;
CCollaborativeEditing.prototype.Have_OtherChanges = function()
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCUBEKPIMEMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBEKPIMEMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBEKPIMEMBER.prototype.constructor = cCUBEKPIMEMBER;
/** @constructor */
function cCUBEMEMBER() {
......@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCUBEMEMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBEMEMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBEMEMBER.prototype.constructor = cCUBEMEMBER;
/** @constructor */
......@@ -76,7 +78,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCUBEMEMBERPROPERTY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBEMEMBERPROPERTY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
/** @constructor */
......@@ -87,7 +90,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCUBERANKEDMEMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBERANKEDMEMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
/** @constructor */
function cCUBESET() {
......@@ -98,7 +102,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCUBESET.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBESET.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBESET.prototype.constructor = cCUBESET;
/** @constructor */
function cCUBESETCOUNT() {
......@@ -109,7 +114,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCUBESETCOUNT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBESETCOUNT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBESETCOUNT.prototype.constructor = cCUBESETCOUNT;
/** @constructor */
function cCUBEVALUE() {
......@@ -120,5 +126,6 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCUBEVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBEVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCUBEVALUE.prototype.constructor = cCUBEVALUE;
......@@ -49,82 +49,94 @@, "DAVERAGE");
cDAVERAGE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDAVERAGE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDAVERAGE.prototype.constructor = cDAVERAGE;
/** @constructor */
function cDCOUNT() {, "DCOUNT");
cDCOUNT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDCOUNT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDCOUNT.prototype.constructor = cDCOUNT;
/** @constructor */
function cDCOUNTA() {, "DCOUNTA");
cDCOUNTA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDCOUNTA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDCOUNTA.prototype.constructor = cDCOUNTA;
/** @constructor */
function cDGET() {, "DGET");
cDGET.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDGET.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDGET.prototype.constructor = cDGET;
/** @constructor */
function cDMAX() {, "DMAX");
cDMAX.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDMAX.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDMAX.prototype.constructor = cDMAX;
/** @constructor */
function cDMIN() {, "DMIN");
cDMIN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDMIN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDMIN.prototype.constructor = cDMIN;
/** @constructor */
function cDPRODUCT() {, "DPRODUCT");
cDPRODUCT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDPRODUCT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDPRODUCT.prototype.constructor = cDPRODUCT;
/** @constructor */
function cDSTDEV() {, "DSTDEV");
cDSTDEV.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDSTDEV.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDSTDEV.prototype.constructor = cDSTDEV;
/** @constructor */
function cDSTDEVP() {, "DSTDEVP");
cDSTDEVP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDSTDEVP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDSTDEVP.prototype.constructor = cDSTDEVP;
/** @constructor */
function cDSUM() {, "DSUM");
cDSUM.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDSUM.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDSUM.prototype.constructor = cDSUM;
/** @constructor */
function cDVAR() {, "DVAR");
cDVAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDVAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDVAR.prototype.constructor = cDVAR;
/** @constructor */
function cDVARP() {, "DVARP");
cDVARP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDVARP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDVARP.prototype.constructor = cDVARP;
......@@ -303,7 +303,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cDATE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDATE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDATE.prototype.constructor = cDATE;
cDATE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2], year, month, day;
......@@ -372,7 +373,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cDATEDIF.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDATEDIF.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDATEDIF.prototype.constructor = cDATEDIF;
cDATEDIF.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cDATEDIF.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2];
......@@ -489,7 +491,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cDATEVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDATEVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDATEVALUE.prototype.constructor = cDATEVALUE;
cDATEVALUE.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cDATEVALUE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -528,7 +531,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cDAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDAY.prototype.constructor = cDAY;
cDAY.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cDAY.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], val;
......@@ -600,7 +604,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cDAYS360.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDAYS360.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDAYS360.prototype.constructor = cDAYS360;
cDAYS360.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cDAYS360.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2] ? arg[2] : new cBool(false);
......@@ -665,7 +670,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cEDATE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cEDATE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cEDATE.prototype.constructor = cEDATE;
cEDATE.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cEDATE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1];
......@@ -739,7 +745,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cEOMONTH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cEOMONTH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cEOMONTH.prototype.constructor = cEOMONTH;
cEOMONTH.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cEOMONTH.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1];
......@@ -804,7 +811,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cHOUR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cHOUR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cHOUR.prototype.constructor = cHOUR;
cHOUR.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cHOUR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], val;
......@@ -868,7 +876,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cMINUTE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMINUTE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMINUTE.prototype.constructor = cMINUTE;
cMINUTE.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cMINUTE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], val;
......@@ -931,7 +940,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cMONTH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMONTH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMONTH.prototype.constructor = cMONTH;
cMONTH.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cMONTH.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], val;
......@@ -999,7 +1009,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cNETWORKDAYS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNETWORKDAYS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNETWORKDAYS.prototype.constructor = cNETWORKDAYS;
cNETWORKDAYS.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cNETWORKDAYS.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2];
......@@ -1120,7 +1131,8 @@, "NETWORKDAYS.INTL");
cNETWORKDAYS_INTL.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNETWORKDAYS_INTL.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNETWORKDAYS_INTL.prototype.constructor = cNETWORKDAYS_INTL;
/** @constructor */
function cNOW() {
......@@ -1131,7 +1143,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 0;
cNOW.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNOW.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNOW.prototype.constructor = cNOW;
cNOW.prototype.Calculate = function () {
var d = new Date();
this.value = new cNumber(d.getExcelDate() +
......@@ -1154,7 +1167,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cSECOND.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cSECOND.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cSECOND.prototype.constructor = cSECOND;
cSECOND.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cSECOND.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], val;
......@@ -1217,7 +1231,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cTIME.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTIME.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTIME.prototype.constructor = cTIME;
cTIME.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var hour = arg[0], minute = arg[1], second = arg[2];
......@@ -1277,7 +1292,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cTIMEVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTIMEVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTIMEVALUE.prototype.constructor = cTIMEVALUE;
cTIMEVALUE.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cTIMEVALUE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -1317,7 +1333,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 0;
cTODAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTODAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTODAY.prototype.constructor = cTODAY;
cTODAY.prototype.Calculate = function () {
this.setCA(new cNumber(new Date().getExcelDate()), true);
if (arguments[1].getNumFormatStr().toLowerCase() === "general") {
......@@ -1340,7 +1357,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cWEEKDAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWEEKDAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWEEKDAY.prototype.constructor = cWEEKDAY;
cWEEKDAY.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cWEEKDAY.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1] ? arg[1] : new cNumber(1);
......@@ -1422,7 +1440,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cWEEKNUM.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWEEKNUM.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWEEKNUM.prototype.constructor = cWEEKNUM;
cWEEKNUM.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cWEEKNUM.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1] ? arg[1] : new cNumber(1), type = 0;
......@@ -1537,7 +1556,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cWORKDAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWORKDAY.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWORKDAY.prototype.constructor = cWORKDAY;
cWORKDAY.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cWORKDAY.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2];
......@@ -1659,7 +1679,8 @@, "WORKDAY.INTL");
cWORKDAY_INTL.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWORKDAY_INTL.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cWORKDAY_INTL.prototype.constructor = cWORKDAY_INTL;
/** @constructor */
function cYEAR() {
......@@ -1670,7 +1691,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cYEAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cYEAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cYEAR.prototype.constructor = cYEAR;
cYEAR.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cYEAR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], val;
......@@ -1732,7 +1754,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cYEARFRAC.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cYEARFRAC.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cYEARFRAC.prototype.constructor = cYEARFRAC;
cYEARFRAC.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cYEARFRAC.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2] ? arg[2] : new cNumber(0);
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cERROR_TYPE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cERROR_TYPE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cERROR_TYPE.prototype.constructor = cERROR_TYPE;
cERROR_TYPE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
function typeError(elem) {
if (elem instanceof cError) {
......@@ -125,7 +126,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISBLANK.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISBLANK.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISBLANK.prototype.constructor = cISBLANK;
cISBLANK.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -154,7 +156,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISERR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISERR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISERR.prototype.constructor = cISERR;
cISERR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -186,7 +189,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISERROR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISERROR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISERROR.prototype.constructor = cISERROR;
cISERROR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -218,7 +222,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISEVEN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISEVEN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISEVEN.prototype.constructor = cISEVEN;
cISEVEN.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -255,7 +260,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISLOGICAL.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISLOGICAL.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISLOGICAL.prototype.constructor = cISLOGICAL;
cISLOGICAL.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -287,7 +293,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISNA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISNA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISNA.prototype.constructor = cISNA;
cISNA.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -319,7 +326,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISNONTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISNONTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISNONTEXT.prototype.constructor = cISNONTEXT;
cISNONTEXT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -350,7 +358,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISNUMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISNUMBER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISNUMBER.prototype.constructor = cISNUMBER;
cISNUMBER.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -382,7 +391,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISODD.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISODD.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISODD.prototype.constructor = cISODD;
cISODD.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -419,7 +429,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISREF.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISREF.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISREF.prototype.constructor = cISREF;
cISREF.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
if ((arg[0] instanceof cRef || arg[0] instanceof cArea || arg[0] instanceof cArea3D ||
arg[0] instanceof cRef3D) && arg[0].isValid && arg[0].isValid()) {
......@@ -443,7 +454,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cISTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cISTEXT.prototype.constructor = cISTEXT;
cISTEXT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -475,7 +487,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cN.prototype.constructor = cN;
cN.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cN.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -521,7 +534,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 0;
cNA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNA.prototype.constructor = cNA;
cNA.prototype.Calculate = function () {
return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.not_available);
......@@ -540,7 +554,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cTYPE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTYPE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTYPE.prototype.constructor = cTYPE;
cTYPE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cAND.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cAND.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cAND.prototype.constructor = cAND;
cAND.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var argResult = null;
for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
......@@ -137,7 +138,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 0;
cFALSE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cFALSE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cFALSE.prototype.constructor = cFALSE;
cFALSE.prototype.Calculate = function () {
return this.value = new cBool(false);
......@@ -156,7 +158,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cIF.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cIF.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cIF.prototype.constructor = cIF;
cIF.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2];
......@@ -198,7 +201,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cIFERROR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cIFERROR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cIFERROR.prototype.constructor = cIFERROR;
cIFERROR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -232,7 +236,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cNOT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNOT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cNOT.prototype.constructor = cNOT;
cNOT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArray) {
......@@ -271,7 +276,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cOR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cOR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cOR.prototype.constructor = cOR;
cOR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var argResult = null;
for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
......@@ -343,7 +349,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 0;
cTRUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTRUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTRUE.prototype.constructor = cTRUE;
cTRUE.prototype.Calculate = function () {
return this.value = new cBool(true);
......@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 5;
cADDRESS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cADDRESS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cADDRESS.prototype.constructor = cADDRESS;
cADDRESS.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var rowNumber = arg[0], colNumber = arg[1], refType = arg[2] ? arg[2] : new cNumber(1), A1RefType = arg[3] ?
arg[3] : new cBool(true), sheetName = arg[4] ? arg[4] : new cEmpty();
......@@ -215,7 +216,8 @@, "AREAS");
cAREAS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cAREAS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cAREAS.prototype.constructor = cAREAS;
/** @constructor */
function cCHOOSE() {
......@@ -226,7 +228,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 30;
cCHOOSE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCHOOSE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCHOOSE.prototype.constructor = cCHOOSE;
cCHOOSE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -264,7 +267,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cCOLUMN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCOLUMN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCOLUMN.prototype.constructor = cCOLUMN;
cCOLUMN.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0;
if (this.argumentsCurrent == 0) {
......@@ -294,7 +298,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cCOLUMNS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCOLUMNS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCOLUMNS.prototype.constructor = cCOLUMNS;
cCOLUMNS.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
var range;
......@@ -318,7 +323,8 @@, "GETPIVOTDATA");
cGETPIVOTDATA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cGETPIVOTDATA.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cGETPIVOTDATA.prototype.constructor = cGETPIVOTDATA;
/** @constructor */
function cHLOOKUP() {
......@@ -329,7 +335,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 4;
cHLOOKUP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cHLOOKUP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cHLOOKUP.prototype.constructor = cHLOOKUP;
cHLOOKUP.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2];
var arg3 = this.argumentsCurrent == 4 ? arg[3].tocBool().value : true;
......@@ -433,7 +440,8 @@, "HYPERLINK");
cHYPERLINK.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cHYPERLINK.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cHYPERLINK.prototype.constructor = cHYPERLINK;
/** @constructor */
function cINDEX() {
......@@ -444,7 +452,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 4;
cINDEX.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cINDEX.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cINDEX.prototype.constructor = cINDEX;
cINDEX.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1] && (cElementType.empty !== arg[1].type) ? arg[1] : new cNumber(1), arg2 = arg[2] &&
(cElementType.empty !== arg[2].type) ? arg[2] : new cNumber(1), arg3 = arg[3] &&
......@@ -525,7 +534,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cINDIRECT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cINDIRECT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cINDIRECT.prototype.constructor = cINDIRECT;
cINDIRECT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var t = this, arg0 = arg[0].tocString(), arg1 = arg[1] ? arg[1] :
new cBool(true), r1 = arguments[1], wb = r1.worksheet.workbook, o = {
......@@ -599,7 +609,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cLOOKUP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLOOKUP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLOOKUP.prototype.constructor = cLOOKUP;
cLOOKUP.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = this.argumentsCurrent == 2 ? arg1 : arg[2], resC = -1, resR = -1;
......@@ -744,7 +755,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cMATCH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMATCH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMATCH.prototype.constructor = cMATCH;
cMATCH.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2] ? arg[2] : new cNumber(1);
......@@ -849,7 +861,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 5;
cOFFSET.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cOFFSET.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cOFFSET.prototype.constructor = cOFFSET;
cOFFSET.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
function validBBOX(bbox) {
......@@ -949,7 +962,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cROW.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cROW.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cROW.prototype.constructor = cROW;
cROW.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0;
if (this.argumentsCurrent == 0) {
......@@ -979,7 +993,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cROWS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cROWS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cROWS.prototype.constructor = cROWS;
cROWS.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
var range;
......@@ -1003,7 +1018,8 @@, "RTD");
cRTD.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cRTD.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cRTD.prototype.constructor = cRTD;
/** @constructor */
function cTRANSPOSE() {
......@@ -1014,7 +1030,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cTRANSPOSE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTRANSPOSE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTRANSPOSE.prototype.constructor = cTRANSPOSE;
cTRANSPOSE.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cTRANSPOSE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
......@@ -1147,7 +1164,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 4;
cVLOOKUP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cVLOOKUP.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cVLOOKUP.prototype.constructor = cVLOOKUP;
cVLOOKUP.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2];
var arg3 = this.argumentsCurrent == 4 ? arg[3].tocBool().value : true;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -66,14 +66,16 @@, "ASC");
cASC.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cASC.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cASC.prototype.constructor = cASC;
/** @constructor */
function cBAHTTEXT() {, "BAHTTEXT");
cBAHTTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cBAHTTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cBAHTTEXT.prototype.constructor = cBAHTTEXT;
/** @constructor */
function cCHAR() {
......@@ -84,7 +86,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cCHAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCHAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCHAR.prototype.constructor = cCHAR;
cCHAR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -132,7 +135,8 @@
cCLEAN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCLEAN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCLEAN.prototype.constructor = cCLEAN;
cCLEAN.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -170,7 +174,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cCODE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCODE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCODE.prototype.constructor = cCODE;
cCODE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -216,7 +221,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 255;
cCONCATENATE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCONCATENATE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cCONCATENATE.prototype.constructor = cCONCATENATE;
cCONCATENATE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = new cString(""), argI;
for (var i = 0; i < this.argumentsCurrent; i++) {
......@@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cDOLLAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDOLLAR.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cDOLLAR.prototype.constructor = cDOLLAR;
cDOLLAR.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cDOLLAR.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
......@@ -461,7 +468,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cEXACT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cEXACT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cEXACT.prototype.constructor = cEXACT;
cEXACT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -508,7 +516,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cFIND.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cFIND.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cFIND.prototype.constructor = cFIND;
cFIND.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = this.getArguments() == 3 ? arg[2] :
null, res, str, searchStr, pos = -1;
......@@ -602,7 +611,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cFIXED.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cFIXED.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cFIXED.prototype.constructor = cFIXED;
cFIXED.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
function SignZeroPositive(number) {
......@@ -795,7 +805,8 @@, "JIS");
cJIS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cJIS.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cJIS.prototype.constructor = cJIS;
/** @constructor */
function cLEFT() {
......@@ -806,7 +817,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cLEFT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLEFT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLEFT.prototype.constructor = cLEFT;
cLEFT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = this.argumentsCurrent == 1 ? new cNumber(1) : arg[1];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -864,7 +876,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cLEN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLEN.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLEN.prototype.constructor = cLEN;
cLEN.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -906,7 +919,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cLOWER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLOWER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cLOWER.prototype.constructor = cLOWER;
cLOWER.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -940,7 +954,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cMID.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMID.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cMID.prototype.constructor = cMID;
cMID.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -1014,7 +1029,8 @@, "PHONETIC");
cPHONETIC.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cPHONETIC.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cPHONETIC.prototype.constructor = cPHONETIC;
/** @constructor */
function cPROPER() {
......@@ -1025,7 +1041,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cPROPER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cPROPER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cPROPER.prototype.constructor = cPROPER;
cPROPER.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var reg_PROPER = new RegExp("[-#$+*/^&%<\\[\\]='?_\\@!~`\">: ;.\\)\\(,]|\\d|\\s"), arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -1092,7 +1109,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 4;
cREPLACE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cREPLACE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cREPLACE.prototype.constructor = cREPLACE;
cREPLACE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2], arg3 = arg[3];
......@@ -1178,7 +1196,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cREPT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cREPT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cREPT.prototype.constructor = cREPT;
cREPT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], res = "";
if (arg0 instanceof cError) {
......@@ -1241,7 +1260,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cRIGHT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cRIGHT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cRIGHT.prototype.constructor = cRIGHT;
cRIGHT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = this.argumentsCurrent == 1 ? new cNumber(1) : arg[1];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -1299,7 +1319,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 3;
cSEARCH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cSEARCH.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cSEARCH.prototype.constructor = cSEARCH;
cSEARCH.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2] ? arg[2] : new cNumber(1);
......@@ -1397,7 +1418,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 4;
cSUBSTITUTE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cSUBSTITUTE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cSUBSTITUTE.prototype.constructor = cSUBSTITUTE;
cSUBSTITUTE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = arg[2], arg3 = arg[3] ? arg[3] : new cNumber(0);
......@@ -1479,7 +1501,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cT.prototype.constructor = cT;
cT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cRef || arg0 instanceof cRef3D) {
......@@ -1513,7 +1536,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 2;
cTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTEXT.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTEXT.prototype.constructor = cTEXT;
cTEXT.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1];
if (arg0 instanceof cRef || arg0 instanceof cRef3D) {
......@@ -1585,7 +1609,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cTRIM.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTRIM.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cTRIM.prototype.constructor = cTRIM;
cTRIM.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -1622,7 +1647,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cUPPER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cUPPER.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cUPPER.prototype.constructor = cUPPER;
cUPPER.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
if (arg0 instanceof cArea || arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
......@@ -1654,7 +1680,8 @@
this.argumentsMax = 1;
cVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cVALUE.prototype = Object.create(cBaseFunction.prototype);
cVALUE.prototype.constructor = cVALUE;
cVALUE.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone;
cVALUE.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0];
......@@ -3880,12 +3880,13 @@ TreeRBNode.prototype = {
* @extends {TreeRBNode}
function IntervalTreeRBNode(low, high, storedValue){, low, storedValue);, low, storedValue);
this.high = high;
this.maxHigh = this.high;
this.minLow = this.key;
AscCommon.extendClass(IntervalTreeRBNode, TreeRBNode);
IntervalTreeRBNode.prototype = Object.create(TreeRBNode.prototype);
IntervalTreeRBNode.prototype.constructor = IntervalTreeRBNode;
IntervalTreeRBNode.prototype.isEqual = function (x) {
return this.key == x.key && this.high == x.high;
......@@ -4181,9 +4182,10 @@ TreeRB.prototype = {
* @extends {TreeRB}
function IntervalTreeRB(){;;
AscCommon.extendClass(IntervalTreeRB, TreeRB);
IntervalTreeRB.prototype = Object.create(TreeRB.prototype);
IntervalTreeRB.prototype.constructor = IntervalTreeRB;
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._init = function (x) {
this.nil = new IntervalTreeRBNode();
this.nil.left = this.nil.right = this.nil.parent = this.nil;
......@@ -4231,7 +4233,7 @@ IntervalTreeRB.prototype._enumerateRecursion = function (low, high, x, enumResul
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._leftRotate = function (x) {
var y = x.right;, x);, x);
x.maxHigh = Math.max(x.left.maxHigh,Math.max(x.right.maxHigh,x.high));
x.minLow = Math.min(x.left.minLow,Math.min(x.right.minLow,x.key));
......@@ -4240,7 +4242,7 @@ IntervalTreeRB.prototype._leftRotate = function (x) {
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._rightRotate = function (y) {
var x = y.left;, y);, y);
y.maxHigh = Math.max(y.left.maxHigh,Math.max(y.right.maxHigh,y.high));
y.minLow = Math.min(y.left.minLow,Math.min(y.right.minLow,y.key));
......@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@
if (3 == arguments.length) {
var range = arguments[0];, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);
// ToDo стоит пересмотреть конструкторы.
this.refType1 = range.refType1;
this.refType2 = range.refType2;
......@@ -800,29 +800,30 @@
this.sheet = arguments[1];
this.sheet2 = arguments[2];
} else if (arguments.length > 1) {
ActiveRange.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Range.apply(this, arguments);
} else {, 0, 0, 0, 0);, 0, 0, 0, 0);
AscCommon.extendClass(Range3D, Range);
Range3D.prototype = Object.create(Range.prototype);
Range3D.prototype.constructor = Range3D;
Range3D.prototype.isIntersect = function () {
var oRes = true;
if (2 == arguments.length) {
oRes = this.sheet === arguments[1];
return oRes && Range3D.superclass.isIntersect.apply(this, arguments);
return oRes && Range.prototype.isIntersect.apply(this, arguments);
Range3D.prototype.clone = function () {
return new Range3D(ActiveRange.superclass.clone.apply(this, arguments), this.sheet, this.sheet2);
return new Range3D(Range.prototype.clone.apply(this, arguments), this.sheet, this.sheet2);
Range3D.prototype.setSheet = function (sheet, sheet2) {
this.sheet = sheet;
this.sheet2 = sheet2 ? sheet2 : sheet;
Range3D.prototype.getName = function () {
return AscCommon.parserHelp.get3DRef(this.sheet, Range3D.superclass.getName.apply(this));
return AscCommon.parserHelp.get3DRef(this.sheet, Range.prototype.getName.apply(this));
......@@ -1091,46 +1092,47 @@
if(1 == arguments.length)
var range = arguments[0];, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);
// ToDo стоит пересмотреть конструкторы.
this.refType1 = range.refType1;
this.refType2 = range.refType2;
else if(arguments.length > 1)
ActiveRange.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Range.apply(this, arguments);
else, 0, 0, 0, 0);, 0, 0, 0, 0);
this.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
this.startCol = 0; // Активная ячейка в выделении
this.startRow = 0; // Активная ячейка в выделении
AscCommon.extendClass(ActiveRange, Range);
ActiveRange.prototype = Object.create(Range.prototype);
ActiveRange.prototype.constructor = ActiveRange;
ActiveRange.prototype.assign = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.assign.apply(this, arguments);
Range.prototype.assign.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.assign2 = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.assign2.apply(this, arguments);
Range.prototype.assign2.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.clone = function(){
var oRes = new ActiveRange(ActiveRange.superclass.clone.apply(this, arguments));
var oRes = new ActiveRange(Range.prototype.clone.apply(this, arguments));
oRes.type = this.type;
oRes.startCol = this.startCol;
oRes.startRow = this.startRow;
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.normalize = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.normalize.apply(this, arguments);
Range.prototype.normalize.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.isEqualAll = function () {
var bRes = ActiveRange.superclass.isEqual.apply(this, arguments);
var bRes = Range.prototype.isEqual.apply(this, arguments);
if(bRes && arguments.length > 0)
var range = arguments[0];
......@@ -1139,16 +1141,16 @@
return bRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.contains = function () {
return ActiveRange.superclass.contains.apply(this, arguments);
return Range.prototype.contains.apply(this, arguments);
ActiveRange.prototype.containsRange = function () {
return ActiveRange.superclass.containsRange.apply(this, arguments);
return Range.prototype.containsRange.apply(this, arguments);
ActiveRange.prototype.containsFirstLineRange = function () {
return ActiveRange.superclass.containsFirstLineRange.apply(this, arguments);
return Range.prototype.containsFirstLineRange.apply(this, arguments);
ActiveRange.prototype.intersection = function () {
var oRes = ActiveRange.superclass.intersection.apply(this, arguments);
var oRes = Range.prototype.intersection.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new ActiveRange(oRes);
......@@ -1157,7 +1159,7 @@
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.intersectionSimple = function () {
var oRes = ActiveRange.superclass.intersectionSimple.apply(this, arguments);
var oRes = Range.prototype.intersectionSimple.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new ActiveRange(oRes);
......@@ -1166,17 +1168,17 @@
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.union = function () {
var oRes = new ActiveRange(ActiveRange.superclass.union.apply(this, arguments));
var oRes = new ActiveRange(Range.prototype.union.apply(this, arguments));
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.union2 = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.union2.apply(this, arguments);
Range.prototype.union2.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.union3 = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.union3.apply(this, arguments);
Range.prototype.union3.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
......@@ -1185,12 +1187,12 @@
ActiveRange.prototype.setOffsetFirst = function(offset){
ActiveRange.superclass.setOffsetFirst.apply(this, arguments);
Range.prototype.setOffsetFirst.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.setOffsetLast = function(offset){
ActiveRange.superclass.setOffsetLast.apply(this, arguments);
Range.prototype.setOffsetLast.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
......@@ -1226,37 +1228,39 @@
if(1 == arguments.length)
var range = arguments[0];, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);
else if(arguments.length > 1)
FormulaRange.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Range.apply(this, arguments);
else, 0, 0, 0, 0);, 0, 0, 0, 0);
this.refType1 = referenceType.R;
this.refType2 = referenceType.R;
AscCommon.extendClass(FormulaRange, Range);
FormulaRange.prototype = Object.create(Range.prototype);
FormulaRange.prototype.constructor = FormulaRange;
FormulaRange.prototype.clone = function () {
var oRes = new FormulaRange(FormulaRange.superclass.clone.apply(this, arguments));
var oRes = new FormulaRange(Range.prototype.clone.apply(this, arguments));
oRes.refType1 = this.refType1;
oRes.refType2 = this.refType2;
return oRes;
FormulaRange.prototype.intersection = function () {
var oRes = FormulaRange.superclass.intersection.apply(this, arguments);
var oRes = Range.prototype.intersection.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new FormulaRange(oRes);
return oRes;
FormulaRange.prototype.intersectionSimple = function () {
var oRes = FormulaRange.superclass.intersectionSimple.apply(this, arguments);
var oRes = Range.prototype.intersectionSimple.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new FormulaRange(oRes);
return oRes;
FormulaRange.prototype.union = function () {
return new FormulaRange(FormulaRange.superclass.union.apply(this, arguments));
return new FormulaRange(Range.prototype.union.apply(this, arguments));
FormulaRange.prototype.getName = function () {
var sRes = "";
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ function twttr(){};
function _gaq(){};
function constructor(){};
function superclass(){};
function touchstart(){};
function touchmove(){};
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