Commit 569fb116 authored by Ilya Kirillov's avatar Ilya Kirillov

Worked on moving the cursor through complex fields with Ctrl+Left/Right.

parent a19e722b
......@@ -5637,6 +5637,9 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_WordStartPos = function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseC
var NeedUpdate = false;
var isFieldCode = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldCode();
var isFieldValue = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldValue();
// На первом этапе ищем позицию первого непробельного элемента
if ( 0 === SearchPos.Stage )
......@@ -5647,10 +5650,17 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_WordStartPos = function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseC
var bSpace = false;
if (para_FieldChar === Type)
SearchPos.ProcessComplexFieldChar(-1, Item);
isFieldCode = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldCode();
isFieldValue = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldValue();
if ( para_Space === Type || para_Tab === Type || ( para_Text === Type && true === Item.Is_NBSP() ) || ( para_Drawing === Type && true !== Item.Is_Inline() ) )
bSpace = true;
if ( true === bSpace )
if ( true === bSpace || isFieldCode )
......@@ -5692,6 +5702,16 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_WordStartPos = function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseC
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
var TempType = Item.Type;
if (para_FieldChar === Item.Type)
SearchPos.ProcessComplexFieldChar(-1, Item);
isFieldCode = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldCode();
isFieldValue = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldValue();
if (isFieldCode)
if ( (para_Text !== TempType && para_Math_Text !== TempType) || true === Item.Is_NBSP() || ( true === SearchPos.Punctuation && true !== Item.Is_Punctuation() ) || ( false === SearchPos.Punctuation && false !== Item.Is_Punctuation() ) )
SearchPos.Found = true;
......@@ -5717,6 +5737,9 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_WordEndPos = function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseCon
var NeedUpdate = false;
var isFieldCode = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldCode();
var isFieldValue = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldValue();
if ( 0 === SearchPos.Stage )
// На первом этапе ищем первый нетекстовый ( и не таб ) элемент
......@@ -5726,21 +5749,31 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_WordEndPos = function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseCon
var Type = Item.Type;
var bText = false;
if (para_FieldChar === Type)
SearchPos.ProcessComplexFieldChar(1, Item);
isFieldCode = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldCode();
isFieldValue = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldValue();
if ( (para_Text === Type || para_Math_Text === Type) && true != Item.Is_NBSP() && ( true === SearchPos.First || ( SearchPos.Punctuation === Item.Is_Punctuation() ) ) )
bText = true;
if ( true === bText )
if ( true === bText || isFieldCode )
if ( true === SearchPos.First )
SearchPos.First = false;
SearchPos.Punctuation = Item.Is_Punctuation();
if (!isFieldCode)
if (true === SearchPos.First)
SearchPos.First = false;
SearchPos.Punctuation = Item.Is_Punctuation();
// Отмечаем, что сдвиг уже произошел
SearchPos.Shift = true;
// Отмечаем, что сдвиг уже произошел
SearchPos.Shift = true;
// Выходим из рана
if ( CurPos >= ContentLen )
......@@ -5798,6 +5831,16 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_WordEndPos = function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseCon
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
var TempType = Item.Type;
if (para_FieldChar === Item.Type)
SearchPos.ProcessComplexFieldChar(1, Item);
isFieldCode = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldCode();
isFieldValue = SearchPos.IsComplexFieldValue();
if (isFieldCode)
if ( (true !== StepEnd && para_End === TempType) || !( para_Space === TempType || ( para_Text === TempType && true === Item.Is_NBSP() ) ) )
SearchPos.Found = true;
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