Commit 5e4374c9 authored by Ilya.Kirillov's avatar Ilya.Kirillov

Добавлен класс FramePr в настройки параграфа.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent e7e83b23
......@@ -5604,6 +5604,17 @@ CNumPr.prototype =
var dropcap_None = 0x00;
var dropcap_Drop = 0x01;
var dropcap_Margin = 0x02;
var wrap_Around = 0x01;
var wrap_Auto = 0x02;
var wrap_None = 0x03;
var wrap_NotBeside = 0x04;
var wrap_Through = 0x05;
var wrap_Tight = 0x06;
function CFramePr()
this.DropCap = undefined; // Является ли данный элемент буквицей
......@@ -5631,17 +5642,212 @@ CFramePr.prototype =
FramePr.DropCap = this.DropCap;
FramePr.H = this.H;
FramePr.HAnchor = this.HAnchor;
FramePr.HRule = this.HRule;
FramePr.HSpace = this.HSpace;
FramePr.Lines = this.Lines;
FramePr.HRule = this.HRule;
FramePr.HSpace = this.HSpace;
FramePr.Lines = this.Lines;
FramePr.VAnchor = this.VAnchor;
FramePr.VSpace = this.VSpace;
FramePr.W = this.W;
FramePr.Wrap = this.Wrap;
FramePr.X = this.X;
FramePr.DropCap = this.DropCap;
FramePr.DropCap = this.DropCap;
FramePr.VSpace = this.VSpace;
FramePr.W = this.W;
FramePr.Wrap = this.Wrap;
FramePr.X = this.X;
FramePr.XAlign = this.XAlign;
FramePr.Y = this.Y;
FramePr.YAlign = this.YAlign;
return FramePr;
Compare : function(FramePr)
if ( this.DropCap != FramePr.DropCap || Math.abs(this.H - FramePr.H) > 0.001 || this.HAnchor != FramePr.HAnchor || this.HRule != FramePr.HRule || this.HSpace != FramePr.HSpace ||
this.Lines != FramePr.Lines || this.VAnchor != FramePr.VAnchor || this.VSpace != FramePr.VSpace || Math.abs( this.W - FramePr.W ) > 0.001 || this.Wrap != FramePr.Wrap ||
Math.abs( this.X - FramePr.X ) > 0.001 || this.XAlign != FramePr.XAlign || Math.abs( this.Y - FramePr.Y ) > 0.001 || this.YAlign != FramePr.YAlign )
return false;
return true;
Set_FromObject : function(FramePr)
this.DropCap = FramePr.DropCap;
this.H = FramePr.H;
this.HAnchor = FramePr.HAnchor;
this.HRule = FramePr.HRule;
this.HSpace = FramePr.HSpace;
this.Lines = FramePr.Lines;
this.VAnchor = FramePr.VAnchor;
this.VSpace = FramePr.VSpace;
this.W = FramePr.W;
this.Wrap = FramePr.Wrap;
this.X = FramePr.X;
this.XAlign = FramePr.XAlign;
this.Y = FramePr.Y;
this.YAlign = FramePr.YAlign;
Write_ToBinary : function(Writer)
var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
var Flags = 0;
if ( undefined != this.DropCap )
Writer.WriteLong( this.DropCap );
Flags |= 1;
if ( undefined != this.H )
Writer.WriteDouble( this.H );
Flags |= 2;
if ( undefined != this.HAnchor )
Writer.WriteLong( this.HAnchor );
Flags |= 4;
if ( undefined != this.HRule )
Writer.WriteLong( this.HRule );
Flags |= 8;
if ( undefined != this.HSpace )
Writer.WriteDouble( this.HSpace );
Flags |= 16;
if ( undefined != this.Lines )
Writer.WriteLong( this.Lines );
Flags |= 32;
if ( undefined != this.VAnchor )
Writer.WriteLong( this.VAnchor );
Flags |= 64;
if ( undefined != this.VSpace )
Writer.WriteDouble( this.VSpace );
Flags |= 128;
if ( undefined != this.W )
Writer.WriteDouble( this.W );
Flags |= 256;
if ( undefined != this.X )
Writer.WriteDouble( this.X );
Flags |= 512;
if ( undefined != this.XAlign )
Writer.WriteLong( this.XAlign );
Flags |= 1024;
if ( undefined != this.Y )
Writer.WriteDouble( this.Y );
Flags |= 2048;
if ( undefined != this.YAlign )
Writer.WriteLong( this.YAlign );
Flags |= 4096;
var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
Writer.Seek( StartPos );
Writer.WriteLong( Flags );
Writer.Seek( EndPos );
Read_FromBinary : function(Reader)
var Flags = Reader.GetLong();
if ( Flags & 1 )
this.DropCap = Reader.GetLong();
if ( Flags & 2 )
this.H = Reader.GetDouble();
if ( Flags & 4 )
this.HAnchor = Reader.GetLong();
if ( Flags & 8 )
this.HRule = Reader.GetLong();
if ( Flags & 16 )
this.HSpace = Reader.GetDouble();
if ( Flags & 32 )
this.Lines = Reader.GetLong();
if ( Flags & 64 )
this.VAnchor = Reader.GetLong();
if ( Flags & 128 )
this.VSpace = Reader.GetDouble();
if ( Flags & 256 )
this.W = Reader.GetDouble();
if ( Flags & 512 )
this.X = Reader.GetDouble();
if ( Flags & 1024 )
this.XAlign = Reader.GetLong();
if ( Flags & 2048 )
this.Y = Reader.GetDouble();
if ( Flags & 4096 )
this.YAlign = Reader.GetLong();
Init_Default_DropCap : function(bInside)
this.DropCap = ( true === bInside ? dropcap_Drop : dropcap_Margin );
this.Lines = 3;
this.Wrap = wrap_Around;
this.VAnchor = c_oAscVAnchor.Text;
this.HAnchor = ( true === bInside ? c_oAscHAnchor.Text : c_oAscHAnchor.Page );
Get_W : function()
return this.W;
Get_H : function()
return this.H;
Is_DropCap : function()
if ( dropcap_Margin === this.DropCap || dropcap_Drop === this.DropCap )
return true;
return false;
function CParaPr()
......@@ -5722,6 +5928,11 @@ CParaPr.prototype =
if ( undefined != this.PStyle )
ParaPr.PStyle = this.PStyle;
if ( undefined != this.FramePr )
ParaPr.FramePr = this.FramePr.Copy();
ParaPr.FramePr = undefined;
return ParaPr;
......@@ -5793,6 +6004,8 @@ CParaPr.prototype =
if ( undefined != ParaPr.PStyle )
this.PStyle = ParaPr.PStyle;
this.FramePr = undefined;
Init_Default : function()
......@@ -5825,6 +6038,7 @@ CParaPr.prototype =
this.Tabs = new CParaTabs();
this.NumPr = undefined;
this.PStyle = undefined;
this.FramePr = undefined;
Set_FromObject : function(ParaPr)
......@@ -5928,6 +6142,14 @@ CParaPr.prototype =
this.NumPr = undefined;
if ( undefined != ParaPr.FramePr )
this.FramePr = new CFramePr();
this.FramePr.Set_FromObject( ParaPr.FramePr );
this.FramePr = undefined;
Compare : function(ParaPr)
......@@ -6028,6 +6250,10 @@ CParaPr.prototype =
Result_ParaPr.Locked = ParaPr.Locked;
// FramePr
if ( undefined != this.FramePr && undefined != ParaPr.FramePr && true === this.FramePr.Compare(ParaPr.FramePr) )
Result_ParaPr.FramePr = this.FramePr;
return Result_ParaPr;
......@@ -6139,6 +6365,12 @@ CParaPr.prototype =
Flags |= 65536;
if ( undefined != this.FramePr )
this.FramePr.Write_ToBinary( Writer );
Flags |= 131072;
var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
Writer.Seek( StartPos );
Writer.WriteLong( Flags );
......@@ -6229,6 +6461,12 @@ CParaPr.prototype =
if ( Flags & 65536 )
this.PStyle = Reader.GetString2();
if ( Flags & 131072 )
this.FramePr = new CFramePr();
this.FramePr.Read_FromBinary( Reader );
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