Commit 5fd853f8 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

support containsText and notContainsText in conditional formatting

parent 47fdeb2c
......@@ -3533,8 +3533,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._updateConditionalFormatting = function(range) {
oRule = aRules[j];
// ToDo aboveAverage, beginsWith, cellIs, containsBlanks, containsErrors,
// ToDo containsText, dataBar, duplicateValues, endsWith, expression, iconSet, notContainsBlanks,
// ToDo notContainsErrors, notContainsText, timePeriod, top10, uniqueValues (page 2679)
// ToDo dataBar, endsWith, expression, iconSet, notContainsBlanks,
// ToDo notContainsErrors, timePeriod, top10 (page 2679)
switch (oRule.type) {
case Asc.ECfType.colorScale:
if (1 !== oRule.aRuleElements.length) {
......@@ -3584,6 +3584,16 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._updateConditionalFormatting = function(range) {
case Asc.ECfType.containsText:
case Asc.ECfType.notContainsText:
if (oRule.dxf) {
condition = oRule.type === Asc.ECfType.containsText;
values = this._getValuesForConditionalFormatting(sqref);
for (cell = 0; cell < values.c.length; ++cell) {
values.c[cell].setConditionalFormattingStyle((condition === (-1 === values.v[cell].indexOf(oRule.text))) ? null : oRule.dxf);
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