Commit 65797e11 authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

[ios] cell editor

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent a95aec06
......@@ -1050,16 +1050,20 @@
var ctx = this.overlayCtx, ppix = ctx.getPPIX(), ppiy = ctx.getPPIY();
var begPos, endPos, top, top1, top2, begInfo, endInfo, line1, line2, i;
var selection = [];
function drawRect(x, y, w, h) {
asc_calcnpt(x, ppix), asc_calcnpt(y, ppiy),
asc_calcnpt(w, ppix), asc_calcnpt(h, ppiy));
selection.push([asc_calcnpt(x, ppix), asc_calcnpt(y, ppiy), asc_calcnpt(w, ppix), asc_calcnpt(h, ppiy)]);
// asc_calcnpt(x, ppix), asc_calcnpt(y, ppiy),
// asc_calcnpt(w, ppix), asc_calcnpt(h, ppiy));
begPos = this.selectionBegin;
endPos = this.selectionEnd;
if (begPos !== endPos && !this.isTopLineActive) {
top = this.textRender.calcLineOffset(this.topLineIndex);
......@@ -1081,6 +1085,8 @@
return selection;
// Cursor
......@@ -1407,28 +1413,28 @@
t.selectionBegin = begPos;
t.selectionEnd = endPos;
if (t.isTopLineActive && !t.skipTLUpdate) {t._updateTopLineCurPos();}
CellEditor.prototype._changeSelection = function (coord) {
var t = this;
function doChangeSelection(coord) {
var pos = t._findCursorPosition(coord);
if (pos !== undefined) {pos >= 0 ? t._selectChars(kPosition, pos) : t._selectChars(pos);}
if (t.isSelectMode) {
t.selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(
function () {doChangeSelection(coord);},
var t = this;
function doChangeSelection(coord) {
var pos = t._findCursorPosition(coord);
if (pos !== undefined) {pos >= 0 ? t._selectChars(kPosition, pos) : t._selectChars(pos);}
// if (t.isSelectMode) {
// t.selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(
// function () {doChangeSelection(coord);},
// t.defaults.selectionTimeout);
// }
//t.selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {doChangeSelection(coord);}, 0);
//t.selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {doChangeSelection(coord);}, 0);
CellEditor.prototype._findFragment = function (pos, fragments) {
var i, begin, end;
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