Commit 6880ab29 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

поправлена грамматика для pegjs

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 1b8cf45f
formula = "="? space* ex:expression {return ex;}
expression = fC:functionCall e1:E1 {return [].concat(fC).concat(e1);}
/ "(" e:expression ")" e1:E1 {return ["("].concat(e).concat(")").concat(e1);}
/ prOp:prefOper e:expression e1:E1 {return [].concat(prOp).concat(e).concat(e1);}
/ con:const e1:E1 {return [].concat(con).concat(e1);}
/ cR:cellRef e1:E1 {return [].concat(cR).concat(e1);}
/ functionCall
/ "(" expression ")"
/ const
/ cellRef
/ prOp:prefOper e:expression {return [].concat(prOp).concat(e);}
E1 = inOp:infOper e:expression e1:E1{return [].concat(inOp).concat(e).concat(e1);}
/ pOp:postOper e1:E1{return [].concat(pOp).concat(e1);}
/ infOper expression
/ postOper
functionCall = space* fC:(functionName "(" (aL:(arg:argumentList?{return arg;}) {console.log(aL ? aL.length : 0);return aL;} )")"){return fC;} /*{return [fC,"("].concat(aL).concat([")"]);}*/
var arrObjRef = {};
formula = "="? space* ex:expression {console.log(arrObjRef); return ex;}
expression = fC:functionCall e1:(E1 / EOF?) {var res = [].concat(fC);if(e1 != null && e1 != "EOF" ){res = res.concat(e1);} return res;}
/ "(" e:expression ")" e1:(E1 / EOF?) {var res = ["("].concat(e).concat(")");if(e1 != null && e1 != "EOF" ){res = res.concat(e1);} return res;}
/ prOp:prefOper e:expression e1:(E1 / EOF?) {var res = [].concat(prOp).concat(e); if(e1 != null && e1 != "EOF" ){res = res.concat(e1);} return res;}
/ con:const e1:(E1 / EOF?){var res = [].concat(con); if(e1 != null && e1 != "EOF" ){res = res.concat(e1);} return res;}
/ cR:cellRef e1:(E1 / EOF?) {var res = [].concat(cR); if(e1 != null && e1 != "EOF" ){res = res.concat(e1);} return res;}
E1 = inOp:infOper e:expression e1:(E1 / EOF?){var res = [].concat(inOp).concat(e); if(e1 != null && e1 != "EOF" ){res = res.concat(e1);} return res;}
/ pOp:postOper e1:(E1 / EOF?){var res = [].concat(pOp); if(e1 != null && e1 != "EOF" ){res = res.concat(e1);} return res;}
EOF = !.{return "EOF";}
functionCall = space* fC:(functionName "(" (aL:(arg:argumentList?{return arg;}) {console.log(aL ? aL.length : 0);return aL;} )(rB:")"?{return ")";})){return fC;} /*{return [fC,"("].concat(aL).concat([")"]);}*/
functionName = (letter (udn)*){return text();}
......@@ -26,14 +30,15 @@ argumentList = a1:argument a2:(delim:(comma / semicolon) arg:argument?{console.l
argument = space* exp:expression space* {return exp;}
cellRef = ((wSP:workSheetPrefix? ((A1ref ":" A1ref) / A1ref)){return text();/*return cellA1Ref*/} / name) {return text()+"_";/*cellRef do somethink*/}
cellRef = table / (wSP:workSheetPrefix? ((A1ref ":" A1ref) / A1ref)){arrObjRef[text()] = text(); return text()+"_ref";/*return cellA1Ref*/} / name {arrObjRef[text()] = text(); return text()+"_name";/*cellRef do somethink*/}
table = (name "[" name "]") {arrObjRef[text()] = text(); return text()+"_table";}
A1ref = ((A1c ":" A1c) / (A1r ":" A1r) / (A1c A1r)){return text();}
A1c = A1rc / ("$" A1rc)
A1rc = [a-z]i+ {return text();}
A1r = A1rr / ("$" A1rr)
A1rr = digSeq
A1r = digSeq / ("$" digSeq)
workSheetPrefix = ( workSheetPrefixSpecial / sheetName sheetNameCellRefDelim / sheetName ":" sheetName sheetNameCellRefDelim){return text();}
......@@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ workSheetPrefixSpecial = apostrophe sheetNameSpecial apostrophe sheetNameCellRef
sheetNameSpecial = sheetNameStartCharacterSpecial sheetNameCharactersSpecial? sheetNameEndCharacterSpecial?
sheetNameStartCharacterSpecial = [^'\*\][\\:\?\/]
sheetNameEndCharacterSpecial = sheetNameStartCharacterSpecial
sheetNameEndCharacterSpecial = sheetNameStartCharacterSpecial
sheetNameCharactersSpecial = sheetNameCharacterSpecial*
sheetNameCharacterSpecial = ((apostrophe apostrophe) / [^'\*\][\\:\?\/])
......@@ -57,18 +62,18 @@ nameStartChar = letter / underscore / backslash
nameChars = nameChar+{return text();}
nameChar = letter / decDig / underscore / fullStop
const = space* cnst:(errConst / logConst / strConst / numConst / arrConst) space* {return cnst;}
const = space* cnst:(errConst / logConst / strConst / numConst / arrConst) space* {return cnst+"_const";}
errConst = ("#DIV/0!" / "#N/A" / "#NAME?" / "#NULL!" / "#NUM!" / "#REF!" / "#VALUE!" / "#GETTING_DATA"){return text();/*erroconst do somethink*/}
errConst = ("#DIV/0!"i / "#N/A"i / "#NAME?"i / "#NULL!"i / "#NUM!"i / "#REF!"i / "#VALUE!"i / "#GETTING_DATA"i)i{return text();/*erroconst do somethink*/}
logConst = "TRUE"i / "FALSE"i {return text(); /*logconst do somethink*/}
strConst = d1:dblQuote sc:strChars? d2:dblQuote {return text();/*strconst do somethink*/}
dblQuote = "\""
strChars = ([\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020\u0021\u0023-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF] / "\"\"")+ {return text();}
strChars = (([\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020\u0021\u0023-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD] / [^\u0000-\uFFFF]) / "\"\"")+ {return text();}
numConst = (DecimalIntegerLiteral "." decDig* ExponentPart?
/ "." decDig+ ExponentPart?
numConst = (DecimalIntegerLiteral "." decDig* ExponentPart?
/ "." decDig+ ExponentPart?
/ DecimalIntegerLiteral ExponentPart?) {return text();/*numconst do somethink*/}
DecimalIntegerLiteral = "0" / NonZeroDigit decDig*
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