Commit 6be14cb1 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Добавил эвент "asc_onInitEditorStyles" для отправки стилей ячеек в таблице

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 50c484f4
// объекты, нужные для отправки в тулбар (шрифты, стили)
this.guiFonts = null; // Переменная для сохранения фонтов для облегченной версии (переход в edit mod)
this.guiStyles = null; // Переменная для сохранения стилей ячеек
this._gui_control_colors = null;
this._gui_color_schemes = null;
this.GuiControlColorsMap = null;
* asc_onStartAction (type, id)
* asc_onEndAction (type, id)
* asc_onInitEditorFonts (gui_fonts)
* asc_onInitEditorStyles (gui_styles)
* asc_onOpenDocumentProgress (_OpenDocumentProgress)
* asc_onAdvancedOptions (asc_CAdvancedOptions, ascAdvancedOptionsAction) - эвент на получение дополнительных опций (открытие/сохранение CSV)
* asc_onError (c_oAscError.ID, c_oAscError.Level)
if (null !== this.guiFonts && "asc_onInitEditorFonts" === name) {
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onInitEditorFonts", this.guiFonts);
else if (null !== this.tablePictures && "asc_onInitTablePictures" === name) {
this.guiFonts = null;
} else if (null !== this.guiStyles && "asc_onInitEditorStyles" === name) {
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onInitEditorStyles", this.guiStyles);
this.guiStyles = null;
} else if (null !== this.tablePictures && "asc_onInitTablePictures" === name) {
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onInitTablePictures", this.tablePictures);
else if ("asc_onSendThemeColors" == name)
if (this._gui_control_colors != null)
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onSendThemeColors", this._gui_control_colors.Colors, this._gui_control_colors.StandartColors);
this._gui_control_colors = null;
else if ("asc_onSendThemeColorSchemes" == name)
if (this._gui_color_schemes != null)
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onSendThemeColorSchemes", this._gui_color_schemes);
this._gui_color_schemes = null;
else if ("asc_onInitEditorShapes" == name)
this.tablePictures = null;
} else if (null !== this._gui_control_colors && "asc_onSendThemeColors" === name) {
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onSendThemeColors", this._gui_control_colors.Colors, this._gui_control_colors.StandartColors);
this._gui_control_colors = null;
} else if (null !== this._gui_color_schemes && "asc_onSendThemeColorSchemes" === name) {
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onSendThemeColorSchemes", this._gui_color_schemes);
this._gui_color_schemes = null;
} else if ("asc_onInitEditorShapes" === name) {
this.handlers.trigger("asc_onInitEditorShapes", g_oAutoShapesGroups, g_oAutoShapesTypes);
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