Commit 6f3371db authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

1. Реализовано свойство wrapRight в MathSettings (для строк, кроме первой и...

1. Реализовано свойство wrapRight в MathSettings (для строк, кроме первой и тех, которые выровнены относительно первой строки, применяется выравнивание к правой границе)
2. Добавлены функции для работы с wrapRight через контекстное меню MathSettings
3. Применение Justification, BreakBin для конекстного меню MathSettings
4. Поправлен баг : при принудительном переносе при выравнивании справа или по центру alignAt не учитываем, выравниваем также как первую строку. (При выравнивании слева или по ширине все осталось как прежде, alnAt учитывается)

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 3e46b13d
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
var g_dMathArgSizeKoeff_1 = 0.76;
var g_dMathArgSizeKoeff_2 = 0.6498; // 0.76 * 0.855
function CMathPropertiesSettings()
this.brkBin = null;
......@@ -17,14 +15,12 @@ function CMathPropertiesSettings()
this.dispDef = null;
this.intLim = null;
this.lMargin = null;
this.naryLim = null;
this.lMargin = null;
this.rMargin = null;
this.wrapIndent = null;
this.wrapRight = null;
// не реализовано //
this.brkBinSub = null;
......@@ -43,8 +39,6 @@ function CMathPropertiesSettings()
this.smallFrac = null;
this.wrapRight = null;
CMathPropertiesSettings.prototype.SetDefaultPr = function()
......@@ -58,6 +52,7 @@ CMathPropertiesSettings.prototype.SetDefaultPr = function()
this.naryLim = NARY_UndOvr;
this.rMargin = 0;
this.wrapIndent = 25; // mm
this.wrapRight = false;
CMathPropertiesSettings.prototype.Merge = function(Pr)
......@@ -87,6 +82,9 @@ CMathPropertiesSettings.prototype.Merge = function(Pr)
if(Pr.mathFont !== null && Pr.mathFont !== undefined)
this.mathFont = Pr.mathFont;
if(Pr.wrapRight !== null && Pr.wrapRight !== undefined)
this.wrapRight = Pr.wrapRight;
CMathPropertiesSettings.prototype.Copy = function()
......@@ -324,15 +322,11 @@ CMathSettings.prototype.Get_WrapIndent = function(WrapState)
var wrapIndent = 0;
if(WrapState == ALIGN_MARGIN_WRAP || WrapState == ALIGN_WRAP)
if(this.wrapRight == false && (WrapState == ALIGN_MARGIN_WRAP || WrapState == ALIGN_WRAP))
wrapIndent = this.GetPrDispDef().wrapIndent;
return wrapIndent;
CMathSettings.prototype.IsWrap = function(WrapState)
return WrapState == ALIGN_MARGIN_WRAP || WrapState == ALIGN_WRAP;
CMathSettings.prototype.Get_LeftMargin = function(WrapState)
......@@ -377,6 +371,11 @@ CMathSettings.prototype.Get_BrkBin = function()
return this.CompiledPr.brkBin;
CMathSettings.prototype.Get_WrapRight = function()
return this.CompiledPr.wrapRight;
CMathSettings.prototype.Load_Settings = function()
var Settings = {};
......@@ -468,27 +467,32 @@ CMathSettings.prototype.Get_MenuProps = function()
CMathSettings.prototype.Set_MenuProps = function(Props)
if(Props.BrkBin !== undefined)
this.Pr.brkBin = Props.BrkBin == c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsBrkBin.BreakAfter ? BREAK_AFTER : BREAK_BEFORE;
if(Props.Justification !== undefined)
case c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsAlign.Justify:
this.Pr.brkBin = align_Justify;
this.Pr.defJc = align_Justify;
case c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsAlign.Center:
this.Pr.brkBin = align_Center;
this.Pr.defJc = align_Center;
case c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsAlign.Left:
this.Pr.brkBin = align_Left;
this.Pr.defJc = align_Left;
case c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsAlign.Right:
this.Pr.brkBin = align_Right;
this.Pr.defJc = align_Right;
......@@ -533,12 +537,16 @@ CMathSettings.prototype.Set_MenuProps = function(Props)
this.Pr.rMargin = Props.RightMargin;
if(Props.WrapIndent !== undefined && Props.WrapIndent == Props.WrapIndent + 0)
this.Pr.wrapIndent = Props.WrapIndent;
if(Props.WrapRight !== undefined && Props.WrapRight !== null)
this.Pr.wrapRight = Props.WrapRight;
this.bNeedCompile = true;
......@@ -557,7 +565,7 @@ function CMathMenuSettings(oMathPr)
this.BrkBin = oMathPr.brkBin === BREAK_BEFORE ? c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsBrkBin.BreakBefore : c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsBrkBin.BreakAfter;
this.BrkBin = oMathPr.brkBin === BREAK_AFTER ? c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsBrkBin.BreakAfter : c_oAscMathInterfaceSettingsBrkBin.BreakBefore;
......@@ -596,6 +604,7 @@ function CMathMenuSettings(oMathPr)
this.LeftMargin = oMathPr.lMargin/10;
this.RightMargin = oMathPr.rMargin/10;
this.WrapIndent = oMathPr.wrapIndent/10;
this.WrapRight = oMathPr.wrapRight;
......@@ -607,6 +616,7 @@ function CMathMenuSettings(oMathPr)
this.LeftMargin = undefined;
this.RightMargin = undefined;
this.WrapIndent = undefined;
this.WrapRight = undefined;
CMathMenuSettings.prototype.get_BreakBin = function(){ return this.BrkBin;};
......@@ -625,6 +635,8 @@ CMathMenuSettings.prototype.get_RightMargin = function(){ return this.RightMargi
CMathMenuSettings.prototype.put_RightMargin = function(rMargin){ this.RightMargin = rMargin;};
CMathMenuSettings.prototype.get_WrapIndent = function(){return this.WrapIndent;};
CMathMenuSettings.prototype.put_WrapIndent = function(WrapIndent){this.WrapIndent = WrapIndent;};
CMathMenuSettings.prototype.get_WrapRight = function(){ return this.WrapRight;};
CMathMenuSettings.prototype.put_WrapRight = function(WrapRight){ this.WrapRight = WrapRight;};
window["CMathMenuSettings"] = CMathMenuSettings;
CMathMenuSettings.prototype["get_BreakBin"] = CMathMenuSettings.prototype.get_BreakBin;
......@@ -643,6 +655,8 @@ CMathMenuSettings.prototype["get_RightMargin"] = CMathMenuSettings.prototype
CMathMenuSettings.prototype["put_RightMargin"] = CMathMenuSettings.prototype.put_RightMargin;
CMathMenuSettings.prototype["get_WrapIndent"] = CMathMenuSettings.prototype.get_WrapIndent;
CMathMenuSettings.prototype["put_WrapIndent"] = CMathMenuSettings.prototype.put_WrapIndent;
CMathMenuSettings.prototype["get_WrapRight"] = CMathMenuSettings.prototype.get_WrapRight;
CMathMenuSettings.prototype["put_WrapRight"] = CMathMenuSettings.prototype.put_WrapRight;
function Get_WordDocumentDefaultMathSettings()
......@@ -1313,7 +1327,11 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Get_AlignToLine = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, _Page, _X, _X
if(Jc == align_Justify)
if(true == MathSettings.Get_WrapRight()) // флаг свидетельствует о том, что строки кроме первой и строк, выровненных относительно первой, нужно размещать окол правой границы
X = Math.max(XEnd - WidthLine + WrapLine, XStart);
else if(Jc == align_Justify)
X = XEnd - XStart > MaxWidth ? XStart + (XEnd - XStart - MaxWidth)/2 + WrapLine : XStart;
......@@ -2217,21 +2235,18 @@ ParaMath.prototype.private_UpdateXLimits = function(PRS)
var AlignAt;
var Jc = this.Get_Align();
if(Jc == align_Left || Jc == align_Justify)
var alignBrk = this.Root.Get_AlignBrk(PRS.Line, this.Is_BrkBinBefore());
var alignBrk = this.Root.Get_AlignBrk(PRS.Line, this.Is_BrkBinBefore());
if(alignBrk !== null)
if(alignBrk !== null)
if(alignBrk == 0 || Jc == align_Right || Jc == align_Center)
if(alignBrk == 0)
AlignAt = 0;
var PosAln = alignBrk < this.DispositionOpers.length ? alignBrk - 1 : this.DispositionOpers.length - 1;
AlignAt = this.DispositionOpers[PosAln];
AlignAt = 0;
var PosAln = alignBrk < this.DispositionOpers.length ? alignBrk - 1 : this.DispositionOpers.length - 1;
AlignAt = this.DispositionOpers[PosAln];
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