Commit 76596a5a authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul

печать в нативной версии, где не используется скриптовый движок шрифтов

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent a2670252
......@@ -1290,9 +1290,15 @@ CMetafile.prototype =
var _font_info = window.g_font_infos[window.g_map_font_index[this.m_oFont.Name]];
var _is_face_index_no_0 = (_font_info.faceIndexR <= 0 && _font_info.faceIndexI <= 0 && _font_info.faceIndexB <= 0 && _font_info.faceIndexBI <= 0);
if (code < 0xFFFF && _is_face_index_no_0)
if (code < 0xFFFF && (_is_face_index_no_0 || window["native"] !== undefined))
return this.FillText(x, y, String.fromCharCode(code));
if (window["native"] !== undefined)
// TODO:
var _old_pos = this.Memory.pos;
g_fontApplication.LoadFont(_font_info.Name, window.g_font_loader, g_oTextMeasurer.m_oManager, this.m_oFont.FontSize, Math.max(this.m_oFont.Style, 0), 72, 72);
......@@ -1317,6 +1323,12 @@ CMetafile.prototype =
tg : function(gid,x,y)
if (window["native"] !== undefined)
// TODO:
var _old_pos = this.Memory.pos;
g_fontApplication.LoadFont(this.m_oFont.Name, window.g_font_loader, g_oTextMeasurer.m_oManager, this.m_oFont.FontSize, Math.max(this.m_oFont.Style, 0), 72, 72);
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