Commit 77754fdc authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

support text values for colorscale

parent 0d6b6271
......@@ -1922,6 +1922,13 @@ function angleInterfaceToFormat(val)
nRes = 0;
return nRes;
function getUniqueKeys(array) {
var i, o = {};
for (i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
o[array[i]] = !o.hasOwnProperty(array[i]);
return o;
* @constructor
......@@ -3496,13 +3503,24 @@ Woorksheet.prototype.initPostOpen = function(handlers){
this.handlers = handlers;
Woorksheet.prototype._getValuesForConditionalFormatting = function(sqref) {
var aValues = [], aCells = [];
var tmp;
this.getRange3(sqref.r1, sqref.c1, sqref.r2, sqref.c2)._setPropertyNoEmpty(null, null, function(c) {
if (!c.isEmptyTextString()) {
return {c: aCells, v: aValues};
Woorksheet.prototype._updateConditionalFormatting = function(range) {
var oGradient = null;
var aCFs = this.aConditionalFormatting;
var aRules, oRule;
var oRuleElement = null;
var aValues = [], aCells = [];
var tmp, i, j, cell, sqref;
var o;
var i, j, cell, sqref, values, tmp, min, max, dxf;
for (i = 0; i < aCFs.length; ++i) {
sqref = aCFs[i].sqref;
// ToDo убрать null === sqref когда научимся мультиселект обрабатывать (\\\source\DOCUMENTS\XLSX\Matematika Quantum Sedekah.xlsx)
......@@ -3514,17 +3532,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._updateConditionalFormatting = function(range) {
for (j = 0; j < aRules.length; ++j) {
oRule = aRules[j];
this.getRange3(sqref.r1, sqref.c1, sqref.r2, sqref.c2)._setPropertyNoEmpty(null, null, function(c) {
if (CellValueType.Number === c.getType() && false === c.isEmptyTextString()) {
tmp = parseFloat(c.getValueWithoutFormat());
if (isNaN(tmp)) {
// ToDo aboveAverage, beginsWith, cellIs, containsBlanks, containsErrors,
// ToDo containsText, dataBar, duplicateValues, endsWith, expression, iconSet, notContainsBlanks,
// ToDo notContainsErrors, notContainsText, timePeriod, top10, uniqueValues (page 2679)
......@@ -3537,26 +3544,39 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._updateConditionalFormatting = function(range) {
if (!(oRuleElement instanceof AscCommonExcel.CColorScale)) {
min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
max = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
values = this._getValuesForConditionalFormatting(sqref);
for (cell = 0; cell < values.v.length; ++cell) {
if (CellValueType.Number === values.c[cell].getType() && !isNaN(tmp = parseFloat(values.v[cell]))) {
values.v[cell] = tmp;
min = Math.min(min, tmp);
max = Math.max(max, tmp);
} else {
values.v[cell] = null;
// ToDo CFVO Type (formula, max, min, num, percent, percentile) (page 2681)
// ToDo support 3 colors in rule
if (0 < aCells.length && 2 === oRuleElement.aColors.length) {
if (0 < values.c.length && 2 === oRuleElement.aColors.length) {
oGradient = new AscCommonExcel.CGradient(oRuleElement.aColors[0], oRuleElement.aColors[1]);
oGradient.init(Math.min.apply(Math, aValues), Math.max.apply(Math, aValues));
oGradient.init(min, max);
for (cell = 0; cell < aCells.length; ++cell) {
var dxf = new AscCommonExcel.CellXfs();
dxf.fill = new AscCommonExcel.Fill({bg: oGradient.calculateColor(aValues[cell])});
for (cell = 0; cell < values.c.length; ++cell) {
dxf = null;
if (null !== values.v[cell]) {
dxf = new AscCommonExcel.CellXfs();
dxf.fill = new AscCommonExcel.Fill({bg: oGradient.calculateColor(values.v[cell])});
case Asc.ECfType.uniqueValues:
o = getUniqueKeys(values.v);
aCells.length = 0;
aValues.length = 0;
......@@ -8835,7 +8855,7 @@ function _isSameSizeMerged(bbox, aMerged) {
return oRes;
function _canPromote(from, wsFrom, to, wsTo, bIsPromote, nWidth, nHeight, bVertical, nIndex) {
var oRes = {oMergedFrom: null, oMergedTo: null};
//если надо только удалить внутреннее содержимое не смотрим на замерженость
......@@ -8868,7 +8888,7 @@ function _canPromote(from, wsFrom, to, wsTo, bIsPromote, nWidth, nHeight, bVerti
return oRes;
// Подготовка Copy Style
function preparePromoteFromTo(from, to) {
var bSuccess = true;
......@@ -8884,7 +8904,7 @@ function preparePromoteFromTo(from, to) {
} else
bSuccess = false;
return bSuccess;
// Перед promoteFromTo обязательно должна быть вызывана функция preparePromoteFromTo
function promoteFromTo(from, wsFrom, to, wsTo) {
var bVertical = true;
......@@ -8912,7 +8932,7 @@ function promoteFromTo(from, wsFrom, to, wsTo) {
wsTo.mergeManager.remove(to, true);
_promoteFromTo(from, wsFrom, to, wsTo, false, oCanPromote, false, bVertical, nIndex);
Range.prototype.promote=function(bCtrl, bVertical, nIndex){
//todo отдельный метод для promote в таблицах и merge в таблицах
var oBBox = this.bbox;
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