Commit 7848f7db authored by Oleg Korshul's avatar Oleg Korshul

sogou pinyin chrome input (set window["AscInputMethod"]["SogoudPinyin"] = true)

parent 6d2306b4
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
(function(window, undefined)
window["AscInputMethod"] = {};
window["AscInputMethod"]["SogouPinyin"] = true;
// такие методы нужны в апи
// baseEditorsApi.prototype.Begin_CompositeInput = function()
......@@ -666,7 +668,8 @@
if (!this.KeyDownFlag && c_oCompositionState.end == this.compositionState && !this.TextInputAfterComposition && _value != "" && _value != this.ieNonCompositionPrefixConfirm)
var checkInput = (c_oCompositionState.end == this.compositionState && !this.TextInputAfterComposition && _value != "" && _value != this.ieNonCompositionPrefixConfirm) ? true : false;
if (!this.KeyDownFlag && checkInput)
ti_console_log("ti: external input");
......@@ -1110,7 +1113,24 @@
if (_code == 13)
var _ret = this.Api.onKeyDown(e);
var isSendToApi = true;
if (window["AscInputMethod"]["SogouPinyin"])
if (AscCommon.AscBrowser.isChrome)
if ((e.keyCode == 229) && ((e.code == "space") || (e.code == "Space") || (e.key == "Spacebar")))
isSendToApi = false;
// no prevent => input enabled (isChromeKeysNoKeyPressPrevent)
if (isSendToApi)
var _ret = this.Api.onKeyDown(e);
if (!e.defaultPrevented && AscCommon.AscBrowser.isChrome)
this.isChromeKeysNoKeyPressPresent = true;
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