Commit 7ae93798 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

Отрисовка border-ов для стилей ячеек

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 62559957
......@@ -1259,6 +1259,11 @@ CCellStyle.prototype = {
if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.font)
return this.xfs.font;
return null;
getBorder: function () {
if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.border)
return this.xfs.border;
return g_oDefaultBorder;
/** @constructor */
......@@ -781,10 +781,6 @@
this.defaultStylesImage = oCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var test = document.createElement('img');
test.src = this.defaultStylesImage;
generateDocumentStyles: function () {
......@@ -792,14 +788,79 @@
drawStyle: function (oGraphics, oStyle, nIndex) {
var nOffsetY = nIndex * this.styleThumbnailHeightPt;
// Fill cell
var bg = oStyle.getFill();
if(null != bg)
bg = bg.getRgb();
var oColor = bg !== null ? asc.numberToCSSColor(bg) : "#FFFFFF";;
oGraphics.rect(0, nOffsetY, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt);
oGraphics.rect(0, nOffsetY, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt).clip();
var bc, bw;
* cell border styles
* @const
var kcbNone = "none";
var kcbThick = "thick";
var kcbThin = "thin";
var kcbMedium = "medium";
var kcbDashDot = "dashDot";
var kcbDashDotDot = "dashDotDot";
var kcbDashed = "dashed";
var kcbDotted = "dotted";
var kcbDouble = "double";
var kcbHair = "hair";
var kcbMediumDashDot = "mediumDashDot";
var kcbMediumDashDotDot = "mediumDashDotDot";
var kcbMediumDashed = "mediumDashed";
var kcbSlantDashDot = "slantDashDot";
var kcbThinBorders = [kcbThin, kcbDashDot, kcbDashDotDot, kcbDashed, kcbDotted, kcbHair];
var kcbMediumBorders = [kcbMedium, kcbMediumDashDot, kcbMediumDashDotDot, kcbMediumDashed, kcbSlantDashDot];
var kcbThickBorders = [kcbThick, kcbDouble];
var isThinBorder = function (bs) {
return $.inArray(bs, kcbThinBorders) >= 0;
var isMediumBorder = function (bs) {
return $.inArray(bs, kcbMediumBorders) >= 0;
var isThickBorder = function (bs) {
return $.inArray(bs, kcbThickBorders) >= 0;
var calcBorderWidth = function (b) {
var s = b.s;
return b == null ? 0 : (
isThinBorder(s) ? 1 : (
isMediumBorder(s) ? 2 : (
isThickBorder(s) ? 3 : 0)));
var drawBorder = function (b, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (null != b && "none" != b.s) {
bc = asc.numberToCSSColor(b.c.getRgb());
bw = calcBorderWidth(b);
if (0 < bw) {
oGraphics.setLineWidth(bw).beginPath().moveTo(x1, y1).lineTo(x2, y2).stroke();
// borders
var oBorders = oStyle.getBorder();
drawBorder(oBorders.l, 0, nOffsetY,
0, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt);
drawBorder(oBorders.r, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, nOffsetY,
this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt);
drawBorder(oBorders.t, 0, nOffsetY,
this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, nOffsetY);
drawBorder(oBorders.t, 0, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt,
this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt);
// Draw text
var fc = oStyle.getFontColor();
if(null != fc)
fc = fc.getRgb();
......@@ -811,9 +872,6 @@
oGraphics.fillText(oStyle.Name, 0, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt / 2);
oGraphics.beginPath().setLineWidth(1).setStrokeStyle(oFontColor).moveTo(0, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt);
oGraphics.lineTo(this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt).stroke();
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