Commit 7cfdc01f authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander.Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent b60e005a
......@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ var c_oSerPropLenType = {
var g_tabtype_left = 0;
var g_tabtype_right = 1;
var g_tabtype_center = 2;
var g_tabtype_clear = 3;
function OpenColor() {
this.rgb = null; = null;
......@@ -4632,6 +4632,9 @@ function CSlideDrawer()
this.bIsEmptyPresentation = true;
var dKoef = this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100;
if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport)
dKoef *= 2;
var w_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Width;
var h_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Height;
var w_px = (w_mm * dKoef) >> 0;
......@@ -4720,9 +4723,16 @@ function CSlideDrawer()
var _rect = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlideCurrectRect;
var _bounds = this.BoundsChecker.Bounds;
var _x = _rect.left + _bounds.min_x;
var _y = + _bounds.min_y;
if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport)
_x = (_rect.left << 1) + _bounds.min_x;
_y = ( << 1) + _bounds.min_y;
if (this.bIsEmptyPresentation)
var w_px = _bounds.max_x - _bounds.min_x + 1;
......@@ -4749,6 +4759,9 @@ function CSlideDrawer()
var dKoef = this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100;
if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport)
dKoef *= 2;
var w_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Width;
var h_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Height;
var w_px = (w_mm * dKoef) >> 0;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -3503,6 +3503,8 @@ asc_docs_api.prototype.SetMobileVersion = function(val)
this.isMobileVersion = val;
if (this.isMobileVersion)
this.WordControl.bIsRetinaSupport = false; // ipad имеет проблемы с большими картинками
this.WordControl.bIsRetinaNoSupportAttack = true;
this.WordControl.m_bIsRuler = false;
this.ShowParaMarks = false;
......@@ -1766,9 +1766,15 @@ function CEditorPage(api)
var deltaY = 0;
if (undefined != e.wheelDelta && e.wheelDelta != 0)
delta = (e.wheelDelta > 0) ? -45 : 45;
//delta = (e.wheelDelta > 0) ? -45 : 45;
delta = -45 * e.wheelDelta / 120;
else if (undefined != e.detail && e.detail != 0)
delta = (e.detail > 0) ? 45 : -45;
//delta = (e.detail > 0) ? 45 : -45;
delta = 45 * e.detail / 3;
// New school multidimensional scroll (touchpads) deltas
deltaY = delta;
......@@ -1785,15 +1791,24 @@ function CEditorPage(api)
if (e.wheelDeltaY !== undefined)
if (e.wheelDelta != 0)
deltaY = (e.wheelDeltaY > 0) ? -45 : 45;
//deltaY = (e.wheelDeltaY > 0) ? -45 : 45;
deltaY = -45 * e.wheelDeltaY / 120;
if (e.wheelDeltaX !== undefined)
if (e.wheelDeltaX != 0)
deltaX = (e.wheelDeltaX > 0) ? -45 : 45;
//deltaX = (e.wheelDeltaX > 0) ? -45 : 45;
deltaX = -45 * e.wheelDeltaX / 120;
deltaX >>= 0;
deltaY >>= 0;
if (0 != deltaX)
oThis.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollBy(deltaX, 0, false);
else if (0 != deltaY)
......@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ function CHorRuler()
if ((y > (_top - 1)) && (y < (_top + 1.68)))
if (0 == this.m_dIndentLeftFirst && 0 == this.m_dIndentLeft && this.CurrentObjectType == RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH)
if (0 == this.m_dIndentLeftFirst && 0 == this.m_dIndentLeft && this.CurrentObjectType == RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH && this.IsCanMoveMargins)
if (y > (_top + 1))
return 1;
......@@ -508,11 +508,6 @@ var ETblLayoutType = {
var g_nodeAttributeStart = 0xFA;
var g_nodeAttributeEnd = 0xFB;
var g_tabtype_left = 0;
var g_tabtype_right = 1;
var g_tabtype_center = 2;
var g_tabtype_clear = 3;
var g_sErrorCharCountMessage = "g_sErrorCharCountMessage";
var g_nErrorCharCount = 30000;
var g_nErrorParagraphCount = 1000;
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