Commit 8378e6ae authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov

если при копировании нет цвета или заливки, пробуем восстановить его из unifill

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent a39ef11c
......@@ -343,8 +343,13 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
return src;
RGBToCSS : function(rgb)
RGBToCSS : function(rgb, unifill)
if (null == rgb && null != unifill) {
unifill.check(this.oDocument.Get_Theme(), this.oDocument.Get_ColorMap());
var RGBA = unifill.getRGBAColor();
rgb = new CDocumentColor(RGBA.R, RGBA.G, RGBA.B);
var sResult = "#";
var sR = rgb.r.toString(16);
if(sR.length == 1)
......@@ -437,8 +442,8 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
//if(Def_pPr.Spacing.After != Item_pPr.Spacing.After)
apPr.push("margin-bottom:" + (Item_pPr.Spacing.After * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt) + "pt");
if(Def_pPr.Shd.Value != Item_pPr.Shd.Value)
apPr.push("background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(Item_pPr.Shd.Color));
if (null != Item_pPr.Shd && shd_Nil != Item_pPr.Shd.Value && (null != Item_pPr.Shd.Color || null != Item_pPr.Shd.Unifill))
apPr.push("background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(Item_pPr.Shd.Color, Item_pPr.Shd.Unifill));
if(Item_pPr.Tabs.Get_Count() > 0)
......@@ -506,10 +511,12 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
if (null != Value.HighLight && highlight_None != Value.HighLight)
aProp.push("background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(Value.HighLight));
if (null != Value.Color) {
var color = this.RGBToCSS(Value.Color);
if (null != Value.Shd && shd_Nil != Value.Shd.Value && (null != Value.Shd.Color || null != Value.Shd.Unifill))
aProp.push("background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(Value.Shd.Color, Value.Shd.Unifill));
else if (null != Value.HighLight && highlight_None != Value.HighLight)
aProp.push("background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(Value.HighLight, null));
if (null != Value.Color || null != Value.Unifill) {
var color = this.RGBToCSS(Value.Color, Value.Unifill);
aProp.push("color:" + color);
aProp.push("mso-style-textfill-fill-color:" + color);
......@@ -806,12 +813,13 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
var size = 0.5;
var color = { r : 0, g : 0, b : 0 };
var color = border.Color;
var unifill = border.Unifill;
if(null != border.Size)
size = border.Size * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt;
if(null != border.Color)
color = border.Color;
res += name + ":"+size+"pt solid "+this.RGBToCSS(color)+";";
if (null == color)
color = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
res += name + ":" + size + "pt solid " + this.RGBToCSS(color, unifill) + ";";
return res;
......@@ -902,13 +910,13 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
if(null != cellPr && null != cellPr.Shd)
if(shd_Nil != cellPr.Shd.Value)
tcStyle += "background-color:"+this.RGBToCSS(cellPr.Shd.Color)+";";
if (shd_Nil != cellPr.Shd.Value && (null != cellPr.Shd.Color || null != cellPr.Shd.Unifill))
tcStyle += "background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(cellPr.Shd.Color, cellPr.Shd.Unifill) + ";";
else if(null != tablePr && null != tablePr.Shd)
if(shd_Nil != tablePr.Shd.Value)
tcStyle += "background-color:"+this.RGBToCSS(tablePr.Shd.Color)+";";
if (shd_Nil != tablePr.Shd.Value && (null != tablePr.Shd.Color || null != tablePr.Shd.Unifill))
tcStyle += "background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(tablePr.Shd.Color, tablePr.Shd.Unifill) + ";";
var oCellMar = {};
if(null != cellPr && null != cellPr.TableCellMar)
......@@ -1087,8 +1095,8 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
DomTable.setAttribute("align", align);
if(null != Pr.TableInd)
tblStyle += "margin-left:"+(Pr.TableInd * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt;";
if(null != Pr.Shd && shd_Nil != Pr.Shd.Value)
tblStyle += "background:"+this.RGBToCSS(Pr.Shd.Color)+";";
if (null != Pr.Shd && shd_Nil != Pr.Shd.Value && (null != Pr.Shd.Color || null != Pr.Shd.Unifill))
tblStyle += "background:" + this.RGBToCSS(Pr.Shd.Color, Pr.Shd.Unifill) + ";";
if(null != Pr.TableCellMar)
tblStyle += this._MarginToStyle(Pr.TableCellMar, "mso-padding-alt");
if(null != Pr.TableBorders)
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