Commit 83d0adc5 authored by konovalovsergey's avatar konovalovsergey


parent 62fbf585
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
cLOOKUP.prototype.argumentsMin = 2;
cLOOKUP.prototype.argumentsMax = 3;
cLOOKUP.prototype.Calculate = function (arg) {
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = 2 === this.argumentsCurrent ? arg1 : arg[2], resC = -1, resR = -1;
var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1], arg2 = 2 === this.argumentsCurrent ? arg1 : arg[2], resC = -1, resR = -1 ,t = this;
if (cElementType.error === arg0.type) {
return this.value = arg0;
......@@ -586,7 +586,10 @@
var c = new CellAddress(BBox.r1 + resR, BBox.c1 + resC, 0);
return this.value = checkTypeCell(_arg2.getWS()._getCellNoEmpty(c.getRow0(), c.getCol0()));
_arg2.getWS()._getCellNoEmpty(c.getRow0(), c.getCol0(), function(cell){
t.value = checkTypeCell(cell);
return this.value;
} else {
if (cElementType.cellsRange3D === arg1.type && !arg1.isSingleSheet() ||
cElementType.cellsRange3D === arg2.type && !arg2.isSingleSheet()) {
......@@ -1053,7 +1056,11 @@
r = this.bHor ? bb.r1 + number : res;
c = this.bHor ? res : bb.c1 + number;
return checkTypeCell(arg1.getWS()._getCellNoEmpty(r, c));
var resVal;
arg1.getWS()._getCellNoEmpty(r, c, function(cell) {
resVal = checkTypeCell(cell);
return resVal;
VHLOOKUPCache.prototype._get = function (range, valueForSearching, arg3Value) {
var res, _this = this, wsId = range.getWorksheet().getId(), sRangeName = wsId + g_cCharDelimiter +
......@@ -1001,11 +1001,12 @@ parserHelp.setDigitSeparator(AscCommon.g_oDefaultCultureInfo.NumberDecimalSepara
return val;
cArea.prototype.getValue2 = function (i, j) {
var res = this.index(i + 1, j + 1), r, cell;
var res = this.index(i + 1, j + 1), r;
if (!res) {
r = this.getRange();
cell = r.worksheet._getCellNoEmpty(r.bbox.r1 + i, r.bbox.c1 + j);
res = checkTypeCell(cell);
r.worksheet._getCellNoEmpty(r.bbox.r1 + i, r.bbox.c1 + j, function(cell) {
res = checkTypeCell(cell);
return res;
......@@ -1608,7 +1608,10 @@
var offset = cell.getOffset3(r.bbox.c1 + 1, r.bbox.r1 + 1);
var val = checkTypeCell(ws._getCellNoEmpty(r2.bbox.r1, r2.bbox.c1));
var val;
ws._getCellNoEmpty(r2.bbox.r1, r2.bbox.c1, function(cell) {
val = checkTypeCell(cell);
offset.offsetCol *= -1;
offset.offsetRow *= -1;
......@@ -1622,7 +1625,10 @@
} else {
if (matching(arg0.getValue(), matchingInfo)) {
var val = checkTypeCell(ws._getCellNoEmpty(r.bbox.r1, r2.bbox.c1));
var val;
ws._getCellNoEmpty(r.bbox.r1, r2.bbox.c1, function(cell) {
val = checkTypeCell(cell);
if (cElementType.number === val.type) {
_sum += val.getValue();
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -9669,7 +9669,6 @@
//TODO вместо range где возможно использовать cell
var cellFrom, cellTo;
if (value2.length === 1 || isFromula !== false || (skipFormat != null && noSkipVal != null)) {
var numStyle = 0;
if (skipFormat != null && noSkipVal != null) {
......@@ -9719,16 +9718,22 @@
} else {
cellFrom = newVal.getLeftTopCellNoEmpty();
if (isOneMerge && range && range.bbox) {
cellTo = t._getCell(range.bbox.c1, range.bbox.r1).getLeftTopCell();
} else {
cellTo = firstRange.getLeftTopCell();
newVal.getLeftTopCellNoEmpty(function(cellFrom) {
if (cellFrom) {
var range;
if (isOneMerge && range && range.bbox) {
range = t._getCell(range.bbox.c1, range.bbox.r1);
} else {
range = firstRange;
range.getLeftTopCell(function(cellTo) {
if(cellTo) {
rangeStyle.cellValueData2 = {valueData: cellFrom.getValueData(), cell: cellTo.duplicate()};
if (cellFrom && cellTo) {
rangeStyle.cellValueData2 = {valueData: cellFrom.getValueData(), cell: cellTo};
if (!isOneMerge)//settings for text
......@@ -11192,20 +11197,26 @@
if (!maxCount) {
maxCount = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var count = 0, cell, end = 0 < step ? this.model.getRowsCount() - 1 :
var count = 0, isBreak, end = 0 < step ? this.model.getRowsCount() - 1 :
0, isEnd = true, colsCount = this.model.getColsCount(), range = new asc_Range(col, row, col, row);
for (; row * step <= end && count < maxCount; row += step, isEnd = true, ++count) {
for (col = range.c1; col <= range.c2; ++col) {
cell = this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col);
if (cell && false === cell.isEmptyText()) {
isEnd = false;
this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col, function(cell) {
if (cell && false === cell.isEmptyText()) {
isEnd = false;
isBreak = true;
if (isBreak) {
// Идем влево по колонкам
for (col = range.c1 - 1; col >= 0; --col) {
cell = this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col);
if (null === cell || cell.isEmptyText()) {
this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col, function(cell) {
isBreak = (null === cell || cell.isEmptyText());
if (isBreak) {
isEnd = false;
......@@ -11213,8 +11224,10 @@
range.c1 = col + 1;
// Идем вправо по колонкам
for (col = range.c2 + 1; col < colsCount; ++col) {
cell = this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col);
if (null === cell || cell.isEmptyText()) {
this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col, function(cell) {
isBreak = (null === cell || cell.isEmptyText());
if (isBreak) {
isEnd = false;
......@@ -11238,19 +11251,20 @@
if (null === range) {
var row, cell, value, valueLowCase;
var row, value, valueLowCase;
for (row = range.r1; row <= range.r2; ++row) {
cell = this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col);
if (cell) {
value = cell.getValue();
if (!AscCommon.isNumber(value)) {
valueLowCase = value.toLowerCase();
if (!objValues.hasOwnProperty(valueLowCase)) {
objValues[valueLowCase] = 1;
this.model._getCellNoEmpty(row, col, function(cell){
if (cell) {
value = cell.getValue();
if (!AscCommon.isNumber(value)) {
valueLowCase = value.toLowerCase();
if (!objValues.hasOwnProperty(valueLowCase)) {
objValues[valueLowCase] = 1;
......@@ -12426,20 +12440,21 @@
this._updateCellsRange(oAllRange.bbox); // ToDo Стоит обновить nRowsCount и nColsCount
WorksheetView.prototype.getData = function () {
var arrResult, arrCells = [], cell, c, r, row, lastC = -1, lastR = -1, val;
var arrResult, arrCells = [], c, r, row, lastC = -1, lastR = -1, val;
var maxCols = Math.min(this.model.getColsCount(), gc_nMaxCol);
var maxRows = Math.min(this.model.getRowsCount(), gc_nMaxRow);
for (r = 0; r < maxRows; ++r) {
row = [];
for (c = 0; c < maxCols; ++c) {
cell = this.model._getCellNoEmpty(r, c);
if (cell && '' !== (val = cell.getValue())) {
lastC = Math.max(lastC, c);
lastR = Math.max(lastR, r);
} else {
val = '';
this.model._getCellNoEmpty(r, c, function(cell) {
if (cell && '' !== (val = cell.getValue())) {
lastC = Math.max(lastC, c);
lastR = Math.max(lastR, r);
} else {
val = '';
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