Commit 85df281c authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov

Bug 24585 - При открытии таблицы меняется символ и начертания текста в ячейки

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent e8c5d858
......@@ -2067,6 +2067,10 @@ function CellFormat(format)
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = aParsedFormats[2];
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
if (this.oNullFormat.bTextFormat) {
this.oTextFormat = this.oNullFormat;
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
else if(2 == nFormatsLength)
......@@ -2074,6 +2078,10 @@ function CellFormat(format)
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
if (this.oNegativeFormat.bTextFormat) {
this.oTextFormat = this.oNegativeFormat;
this.oNegativeFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
......@@ -2112,6 +2120,25 @@ CellFormat.prototype =
return this.aComporationFormats[0].bDateTime;
return false;
getTextFormat: function () {
var oRes = null;
if (null == this.aComporationFormats) {
if (null != this.oTextFormat && this.oTextFormat.bTextFormat)
oRes = this.oTextFormat;
else {
var nLength = this.aComporationFormats.length;
var oDefaultComporationFormat = null;
for (var i = 0, length = this.aComporationFormats.length; i < length ; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = this.aComporationFormats[i];
if (null == oCurFormat.ComporationOperator && oCurFormat.bTextFormat) {
oRes = oCurFormat;
return oRes;
getFormatByValue : function(dNumber)
var oRes = null;
......@@ -2918,22 +2918,20 @@ CCellValue.prototype =
else if(CellValueType.String == this.type)
if(null != this.text)
aText = oNumFormat.format(this.text, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
sText = null;
else if(null != this.multiText)
if("@" != oNumFormat.sFormat)
var sSimpleString = "";
for(var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i)
sSimpleString += this.multiText[i].text;
aText = oNumFormat.format(sSimpleString, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
sText = null;
var oTextFormat = oNumFormat.getTextFormat();
if (null != oTextFormat && "@" != oTextFormat.formatString) {
if (null != this.text) {
aText = oNumFormat.format(this.text, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
sText = null;
else if (null != this.multiText) {
var sSimpleString = "";
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i)
sSimpleString += this.multiText[i].text;
aText = oNumFormat.format(sSimpleString, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
sText = null;
else if(CellValueType.Number == this.type && null != this.number)
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