Commit 87cab664 authored by Sergey.Luzyanin's avatar Sergey.Luzyanin Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 99fa59db
......@@ -1793,7 +1793,8 @@ CChartSpace.prototype.recalculateAxis = function()
if( > max_width)
max_width =;
val_ax.yPoints.push({val: arr_val[i], pos: null})
val_ax.yPoints.push({val: arr_val[i], pos: null});
for(i = 0; i < arr_strings.length; ++i)
......@@ -1925,7 +1926,7 @@ CChartSpace.prototype.recalculateAxis = function()
for(i = 0; i <cat_ax.labels.arrLabels.length; ++i)
cat_ax.labels.arrLabels[i].setPosition(cat_ax.labels.x + point_width*i, cat_ax.labels.y + gap_hor_axis);
cat_ax.xPoints.push({pos: cat_ax.labels.x + point_width*i/2, val: i});
cat_ax.xPoints.push({pos: cat_ax.labels.x + point_width*(i+0.5), val: i});
var dist = val_ax.labels.extY/(val_ax.labels.arrLabels.length-1);
......@@ -2011,7 +2012,6 @@ CChartSpace.prototype.recalculateAxis = function()
cat_ax.xPoints.push({pos:rect.x + rect.w - (cat_ax.labels.arrLabels.length - 1 - i)*point_width - point_width/2, val: i});
val_ax.posX = val_ax.x + val_ax.extX;
cat_ax.posY = cat_ax.y;
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