Commit 8a3a2734 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

parseInt -> '>>'
refactoring code

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 33b8e770
......@@ -454,4 +454,4 @@ var c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance = 2;
var c_oAscLockNameFrozenPane = "frozenPane";
var c_oAscLockNameTabColor = "tabColor";
var FONT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = parseInt(7 * 96.0 / 25.4);
var FONT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = (7 * 96.0 / 25.4) >> 0;
......@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@
if (this._canResize()) {
var item;
var activeIndex = this.model.getActive();
for(var i in this.wsViews) if (this.wsViews.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
for(var i in this.wsViews) {
item = this.wsViews[i];
// Делаем resize (для не активных сменим как только сделаем его активным)
item.resize(/*isDraw*/i == activeIndex);
......@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@
var item;
var activeIndex = this.model.getActive();
for(i in this.wsViews) if (this.wsViews.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
for(i in this.wsViews) {
item = this.wsViews[i];
// Меняем zoom (для не активных сменим как только сделаем его активным)
item.changeZoom(/*isDraw*/i == activeIndex);
......@@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@
WorkbookView.prototype._initCommentsToSave = function () {
var isFirst = true;
for (var wsKey in this.wsViews) if (this.wsViews.hasOwnProperty(wsKey)) {
for (var wsKey in this.wsViews) {
var wsView = this.wsViews[wsKey];
var wsModel = wsView.model;
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
* @param {Array} buffers DrawingContext + Overlay
* @param {StringRender} stringRender StringRender
* @param {Number} maxDigitWidth Максимальный размер цифры
* @param {asc_CCollaborativeEditing} collaborativeEditing
* @param {asc.CCollaborativeEditing} collaborativeEditing
* @param {Object} settings Settings
* @constructor
......@@ -1143,15 +1143,10 @@
var tmp;
var arrayCells = [];
for (var i in aCFs) {
if (!aCFs.hasOwnProperty(i) )
aRules = aCFs[i].aRules;
if (0 >= aRules.length)
for (var j in aRules) {
if (!aRules.hasOwnProperty(j))
oRule = aRules[j];
// ToDo aboveAverage, beginsWith, cellIs, containsBlanks, containsErrors,
// ToDo containsText, dataBar, duplicateValues, endsWith, expression, iconSet, notContainsBlanks,
......@@ -1182,11 +1177,9 @@
oGradient.init(min, max);
for (var cell in arrayCells) {
if (arrayCells.hasOwnProperty(cell)) {
var dxf = new CellXfs();
dxf.fill = new Fill({bg:oGradient.calculateColor(arrayCells[cell].val)});
var dxf = new CellXfs();
dxf.fill = new Fill({bg:oGradient.calculateColor(arrayCells[cell].val)});
......@@ -2377,7 +2370,7 @@
this._drawRowText(drawingCtx, row, range.c1, range.c2, offsetX, offsetY) );
// draw merged cells at last stage to fix cells background issue
for (i in mergedCells) if (mergedCells.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
for (i in mergedCells) {
mc = mergedCells[i];
this._drawRowBG(drawingCtx, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.c1, offsetX, offsetY, mc);
this._drawCellText(drawingCtx, mc.c1, mc.r1, range.c1, range.c2, offsetX, offsetY, true);
......@@ -2466,23 +2459,23 @@
WorksheetView.prototype._drawRowText = function (drawingCtx, row, colStart, colEnd, offsetX, offsetY) {
if (this.rows[row].height < this.height_1px) {return {};}
var dependentCells = {}, mergedCells = {}, i = undefined, mc;
var dependentCells = {}, mergedCells = {}, i, mc, col;
// draw cells' text
for (var col = colStart; col <= colEnd; ++col) {
for (col = colStart; col <= colEnd; ++col) {
if (this.cols[col].width < this.width_1px) {continue;}
mc = this._drawCellText(drawingCtx, col, row, colStart, colEnd, offsetX, offsetY, false);
if (mc !== null) {mergedCells[mc.index] = {c1: mc.c1, r1: mc.r1, c2: mc.c2, r2: mc.r2};}
// check if long text overlaps this cell
i = this._findSourceOfCellText(col, row);
if (i >= 0) {
dependentCells[i] = (dependentCells[i] || []);
if (i >= 0) {
dependentCells[i] = (dependentCells[i] || []);
// draw long text that overlaps own cell's borders
for (i in dependentCells) if (dependentCells.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
for (i in dependentCells) {
var arr = dependentCells[i], j = arr.length - 1;
col = parseInt(i, 10);
col = i >> 0;
// if source cell belongs to cells range then skip it (text has been drawn already)
if (col >= arr[0] && col <= arr[j]) {continue;}
// draw long text fragment
......@@ -3732,8 +3725,6 @@
opt = this.settings, lengthColors = opt.formulaRangeBorderColor.length;
var strokeColor, fillColor;
for (var i in arrRanges) {
if (!arrRanges.hasOwnProperty(i))
var oFormulaRange = arrRanges[i].clone(true);
strokeColor = fillColor = opt.formulaRangeBorderColor[i%lengthColors];
this._drawElements(this, this._drawSelectionElement, oFormulaRange, isDashLine, lineWidth,
......@@ -4183,8 +4174,6 @@
rowCells = rowModel.getCells();
for (cellColl in rowCells) {
if (!rowCells.hasOwnProperty(cellColl))
cellColl = cellColl - 0;
if (this.width_1px > this.cols[cellColl].width) {continue;}
......@@ -4195,18 +4184,17 @@
WorksheetView.prototype._fetchRowCache = function (row) {
var rc = this.cache.rows[row] = ( this.cache.rows[row] || new CacheElement() );
return rc;
return (this.cache.rows[row] = ( this.cache.rows[row] || new CacheElement() ));
WorksheetView.prototype._fetchCellCache = function (col, row) {
var r = this._fetchRowCache(row), c = r.columns[col] = ( r.columns[col] || {} );
return c;
var r = this._fetchRowCache(row);
return (r.columns[col] = ( r.columns[col] || {} ));
WorksheetView.prototype._fetchCellCacheText = function (col, row) {
var r = this._fetchRowCache(row), cwt = r.columnsWithText[col] = ( r.columnsWithText[col] || {} );
return cwt;
var r = this._fetchRowCache(row);
return (r.columnsWithText[col] = ( r.columnsWithText[col] || {} ));
WorksheetView.prototype._getRowCache = function (row) {
......@@ -4554,7 +4542,7 @@
if (!r.columns[i] || 0 === this.cols[i].width) {continue;}
var ct = r.columns[i].text;
if (!ct) {continue;}
i = parseInt(i);
i >>= 0;
var lc = i - ct.sideL,
rc = i + ct.sideR;
if (col >= lc && col <= rc) {return i;}
......@@ -5591,8 +5579,6 @@
var arrRanges = this.isFormulaEditMode ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges : this.arrActiveChartsRanges,
targetArr = this.isFormulaEditMode ? 0 : -1;
for (i in arrRanges) {
if (!arrRanges.hasOwnProperty(i))
oFormulaRange = arrRanges[i].clone(true);
oFormulaIn = oFormulaRange.intersection(this.visibleRange);
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