Commit 8b9a4fac authored by Ilya.Kirillov's avatar Ilya.Kirillov

Функции для работы с редактором стилей, для рецензирования, для рассылок...

Функции для работы с редактором стилей, для рецензирования, для рассылок перенесены в закрытую часть Private/StyleManager.js, Private/TrackRevisions.js, Private/MailMerge.js соответственно.  Сделано, чтобы окно с теущими измнениями в рецензировании всегда показывалось, а не как раньше только в режиме рецензирования. Исправлены баги в MailMerge: не перерисовывалась подсветка полей при изменении колонтитулов (баг 30520), неправильно формировались настройки конечной сеции документа (баг 30346). Исправлен баг с неправильным выставлением текущего колонтитула после снятия галки "Специальный колонтитул для первой страницы" (баг 30476).

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent b1e1d834
......@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@
......@@ -139,7 +138,12 @@
"dst": "../../Word/sdk-all.js",
"externs": [
......@@ -1575,6 +1575,12 @@ var historydescription_Document_AddNewStyle = 0x0123;
var historydescription_Document_RemoveStyle = 0x0124;
var historydescription_Document_AddTextArt = 0x0125;
var historydescription_Document_RemoveAllCustomStyles = 0x0126;
var historydescription_Document_AcceptAllRevisionChanges = 0x0127;
var historydescription_Document_RejectAllRevisionChanges = 0x0128;
var historydescription_Document_AcceptRevisionChange = 0x0129;
var historydescription_Document_RejectRevisionChange = 0x012a;
var historydescription_Document_AcceptRevisionChangesBySelection = 0x012b;
var historydescription_Document_RejectRevisionChangesBySelection = 0x012c;
......@@ -1881,6 +1887,13 @@ function Get_HistoryPointStringDescription(nDescription)
case historydescription_Document_RemoveStyle : sString = "Document_RemoveStyle "; break;
case historydescription_Document_AddTextArt : sString = "Document_AddTextArt "; break;
case historydescription_Document_RemoveAllCustomStyles : sString = "Document_RemoveAllCustomStyles "; break;
case historydescription_Document_AcceptAllRevisionChanges : sString = "Document_AcceptAllRevisionChanges "; break;
case historydescription_Document_RejectAllRevisionChanges : sString = "Document_RejectAllRevisionChanges "; break;
case historydescription_Document_AcceptRevisionChange : sString = "Document_AcceptRevisionChange "; break;
case historydescription_Document_RejectRevisionChange : sString = "Document_RejectRevisionChange "; break;
case historydescription_Document_AcceptRevisionChangesBySelection : sString = "Document_AcceptRevisionChangesBySelection "; break;
case historydescription_Document_RejectRevisionChangesBySelection : sString = "Document_RejectRevisionChangesBySelection "; break;
return sString;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -9488,177 +9488,6 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype.Set_ParagraphFramePr = function(FramePr, bDelete)
CDocumentContent.prototype.Accept_RevisionChanges = function(Type, bAll)
if (docpostype_Content === this.CurPos.Type || true === bAll)
if (true === this.Selection.Use || true === bAll)
var StartPos = this.Selection.StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Selection.EndPos;
if (StartPos > EndPos)
StartPos = this.Selection.EndPos;
EndPos = this.Selection.StartPos;
var LastElement = this.Content[EndPos];
var LastParaEnd = (type_Paragraph === LastElement.Get_Type() && true === LastElement.Selection_CheckParaEnd() ? true : false);
if (true === bAll)
StartPos = 0;
EndPos = this.Content.length - 1;
LastParaEnd = true;
if (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaPr === Type)
for (var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++)
var Element = this.Content[CurPos];
if (type_Paragraph === Element.Get_Type() && (true === Element.Is_SelectedAll() || true === bAll) && true === Element.Have_PrChange())
for (var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++)
var Element = this.Content[CurPos];
Element.Accept_RevisionChanges(Type, bAll);
if (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaAdd === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaRem === Type)
EndPos = (true === LastParaEnd ? EndPos : EndPos - 1);
for (var CurPos = EndPos; CurPos >= StartPos; CurPos--)
var Element = this.Content[CurPos];
if (type_Paragraph === Element.Get_Type())
var ReviewType = Element.Get_ReviewType();
if (reviewtype_Add === ReviewType && (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaAdd === Type))
else if (reviewtype_Remove === ReviewType && (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaRem === Type))
else if (docpostype_DrawingObjects === this.CurPos.Type)
this.DrawingObjects.Accept_RevisionChanges(Type, bAll);
CDocumentContent.prototype.Reject_RevisionChanges = function(Type, bAll)
if (docpostype_Content === this.CurPos.Type || true === bAll)
if (true === this.Selection.Use || true === bAll)
var StartPos = this.Selection.StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Selection.EndPos;
if (StartPos > EndPos)
StartPos = this.Selection.EndPos;
EndPos = this.Selection.StartPos;
var LastElement = this.Content[EndPos];
var LastParaEnd = (type_Paragraph === LastElement.Get_Type() && true === LastElement.Selection_CheckParaEnd() ? true : false);
if (true === bAll)
StartPos = 0;
EndPos = this.Content.length - 1;
LastParaEnd = true;
if (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaPr === Type)
for (var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++)
var Element = this.Content[CurPos];
if (type_Paragraph === Element.Get_Type() && (true === Element.Is_SelectedAll() || true === bAll) && true === Element.Have_PrChange())
for (var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++)
var Element = this.Content[CurPos];
Element.Reject_RevisionChanges(Type, bAll);
if (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaAdd === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaRem === Type)
EndPos = (true === LastParaEnd ? EndPos : EndPos - 1);
for (var CurPos = EndPos; CurPos >= StartPos; CurPos--)
var Element = this.Content[CurPos];
if (type_Paragraph === Element.Get_Type())
var ReviewType = Element.Get_ReviewType();
if (reviewtype_Add === ReviewType && (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaAdd === Type))
else if (reviewtype_Remove === ReviewType && (undefined === Type || c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaRem === Type))
else if (docpostype_DrawingObjects === this.CurPos.Type)
this.DrawingObjects.Reject_RevisionChanges(Type, bAll);
CDocumentContent.prototype.Get_RevisionsChangeParagraph = function(SearchEngine)
if (true === SearchEngine.Is_Found())
var Direction = SearchEngine.Get_Direction();
var Pos = 0;
if (true !== SearchEngine.Is_CurrentFound())
Pos = (true === this.Selection.Use ? (this.Selection.StartPos <= this.Selection.EndPos ? this.Selection.StartPos : this.Selection.EndPos) : this.CurPos.ContentPos);
if (Direction > 0)
Pos = 0;
Pos = this.Content.length - 1;
while (true !== SearchEngine.Is_Found())
Pos = (Direction > 0 ? Pos + 1 : Pos - 1);
if (Pos >= this.Content.length || Pos < 0)
CDocumentContent.prototype.Add_ToContent = function(Pos, Item)
this.Internal_Content_Add(Pos, Item);
......@@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ CHeaderFooterController.prototype =
Header.Reset( X, Y, XLimit, YLimit );
bRecalcHeader = Header.Recalculate(PageIndex, SectPr);
if ( -1 === Header.RecalcInfo.CurPage )
......@@ -2368,16 +2368,6 @@ CHeaderFooterController.prototype.Set_ParagraphFramePr = function(FramePr, bDele
if (null !== this.CurHdrFtr)
this.CurHdrFtr.Set_ParagraphFramePr(FramePr, bDelete);
CHeaderFooterController.prototype.Accept_RevisionChanges = function(Type, bAll)
if (null !== this.CurHdrFtr)
this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Accept_RevisionChanges(Type, bAll);
CHeaderFooterController.prototype.Reject_RevisionChanges = function(Type, bAll)
if (null !== this.CurHdrFtr)
this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Reject_RevisionChanges(Type, bAll);
CHeaderFooterController.prototype.Get_SelectionBounds = function()
if (null !== this.CurHdrFtr)
......@@ -9291,7 +9291,7 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
if (this.Is_TrackRevisions() && editor && this.bFromDocument)
if (editor && this.bFromDocument)
var TrackManager = this.LogicDocument.Get_TrackRevisionsManager();
var _Y = 0, Page_abs = 0, TextTransform = undefined;
......@@ -2224,7 +2224,6 @@ CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Check_RevisionsChanges = fun
ContentPos.Update(CurPos, Depth);
this.Content[CurPos].Check_RevisionsChanges(Checker, ContentPos, Depth + 1);
CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Accept_RevisionChanges = function(Type, bAll)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -376,7 +376,6 @@
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......@@ -418,7 +417,12 @@
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../OfficeWeb/Word/Private/api.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../OfficeWeb/Word/Private/StyleManager.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../OfficeWeb/Word/Private/MailMerge.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../OfficeWeb/Word/Private/TrackRevisions.js"></script>
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<script data-main="app" src="../../../vendor/requirejs/require.js"></script>
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