Commit 98cd3f30 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 26eeb5a2
function CEditorPage(api)
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this.Init = function()
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this.verRulerMouseMove = function(e)
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this.onMouseDown = function(e)
this.onMouseMove = function(e)
this.onMouseMove2 = function()
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this.horizontalScroll = function(sender,scrollPositionX,maxX,isAtLeft,isAtRight)
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this.OnResize = function(isAttack)
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this.getScrollMaxY = function(size)
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this.EndUpdateOverlay = function()
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this.CheckRetinaElement = function(htmlElem)
this.GetDrawingPageInfo = function(nPageIndex)
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this.InitDocument = function(bIsEmpty)
this.InitControl = function()
this.OpenDocument = function(info)
this.AnimationFrame = function()
this.onTimerScroll = function()
this.StartMainTimer = function()
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this.onTimerScroll2_sync = function()
this.UpdateHorRuler = function()
this.UpdateVerRuler = function()
this.SetCurrentPage = function(isNoUpdateRulers)
this.SetCurrentPage2 = function()
this.UpdateHorRulerBack = function()
this.UpdateVerRulerBack = function()
this.GoToPage = function(lPageNum)
this.GetVerticalScrollTo = function(y, page)
this.GetHorizontalScrollTo = function(x, page)
this.ReinitTB = function()
this.SetTextBoxMode = function(isEA)
this.TextBoxFocus = function()
this.OnTextBoxInput = function()
this.CheckTextBoxSize = function()
this.TextBoxOnKeyDown = function(e)
this.onChangeTB = function()
this.CheckTextBoxInputPos = function()
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asc_docs_api.prototype.Update_ParaInd = function( Ind )
asc_docs_api.prototype.Internal_Update_Ind_Left = function(Left)
asc_docs_api.prototype.Internal_Update_Ind_Right = function(Right)
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