Commit 99048cf1 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

Ускорил рассчет формулы cINDEX для этого:

- в cArray и cArea добавил метод getValue (для получения одного значения)
- вынес функцию _parseCellValue для получения значения для ячейки в cArea

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 2dc6dfff
......@@ -459,18 +459,16 @@ function cINDEX() {
cINDEX.prototype = Object.create( cBaseFunction.prototype )
cINDEX.prototype = Object.create( cBaseFunction.prototype );
cINDEX.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
var arg0 = arg[0],
arg1 = arg[1] && !(arg[1] instanceof cEmpty) ? arg[1] : new cNumber( 1 ),
arg2 = arg[2] && !(arg[2] instanceof cEmpty) ? arg[2] : new cNumber( 1 ),
arg3 = arg[3] && !(arg[3] instanceof cEmpty) ? arg[3] : new cNumber( 1 ),
isArrayForm = false, res;
arg1 = arg[1] && !(arg[1] instanceof cEmpty) ? arg[1] : new cNumber(1),
arg2 = arg[2] && !(arg[2] instanceof cEmpty) ? arg[2] : new cNumber(1),
arg3 = arg[3] && !(arg[3] instanceof cEmpty) ? arg[3] : new cNumber(1), res;
if ( arg0 instanceof cArea3D ) {
return this.value = new cError( cErrorType.not_available );
else if ( arg0 instanceof cError ) {
if (arg0 instanceof cArea3D) {
return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.not_available);
} else if (arg0 instanceof cError) {
return this.value = arg0;
......@@ -478,32 +476,22 @@ cINDEX.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
arg2 = arg2.tocNumber();
arg3 = arg3.tocNumber();
if ( arg1 instanceof cError || arg2 instanceof cError || arg3 instanceof cError ) {
return this.value = new cError( cErrorType.wrong_value_type );
if (arg1 instanceof cError || arg2 instanceof cError || arg3 instanceof cError) {
return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type);
if ( arg1.getValue() < 0 || arg2.getValue() < 0 ) {
return this.value = new cError( cErrorType.wrong_value_type );
if (arg1.getValue() < 0 || arg2.getValue() < 0) {
return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type);
if ( arg0 instanceof cArray ) {
arg0 = arg0.getMatrix();
if (arg0 instanceof cArray || arg0 instanceof cArea) {
res = arg0.getValue(arg1.getValue() - 1, arg2.getValue() - 1);
} else {
res = arg0.tryConvert();
else if ( arg0 instanceof cArea ) {
arg0 = arg0.getMatrix();
else {
arg0 = [[arg0.tryConvert()]];
res = arg0[arg1.getValue() - 1];
if ( res ){
res = res[arg2.getValue() - 1];
return this.value = res ? res : new cError( cErrorType.bad_reference );
return this.value = res ? res : new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference);
cINDEX.prototype.getInfo = function () {
return {,
......@@ -633,93 +633,57 @@ cArea.prototype.foreach = function ( action ) {
r._foreach2( action );
cArea.prototype._parseCellValue = function (cell) {
var result, cellType, cellValue;
if (cell) {
cellType = cell.getType();
cellValue = cell.getValueWithoutFormat();
if (cellType === CellValueType.Number) {
result = cell.isEmptyTextString() ? new cEmpty() : new cNumber(cellValue);
} else if (cellType === CellValueType.Bool) {
result = new cBool(cellValue);
} else if (cellType === CellValueType.Error) {
result = new cError(cellValue);
} else if (cellType === CellValueType.String) {
result = new cString(cellValue);
} else {
result = cell.isEmptyTextString() ? checkTypeCell("" + cellValue) : new cNumber(cellValue);
} else {
result = new cEmpty();
return result;
cArea.prototype.foreach2 = function ( action ) {
var r = this.getRange();
if ( r ) {
r._foreach2( function ( cell ) {
var val, cellType;
if ( cell ) {
cellType = cell.getType();
switch( cellType ){
case CellValueType.Number:{
cell.getValueWithoutFormat() === "" ? val = new cEmpty() : val = new cNumber( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
case CellValueType.Bool:{
val = new cBool( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
case CellValueType.Error:{
val = new cError( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
case CellValueType.String:{
val = new cString( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
if ( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && cell.getValueWithoutFormat() !== "" ) {
val = new cNumber( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else {
val = checkTypeCell( "" + cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else {
val = new cEmpty();
action( val );
} );
var t = this, r = this.getRange();
if (r) {
r._foreach2(function (cell) {
cArea.prototype.getValue = function (i, j) {
var r = this.getRange();
var cell = r.worksheet._getCellNoEmpty(r.bbox.r1 + i, r.bbox.c1 + j);
return this._parseCellValue(cell);
cArea.prototype.getMatrix = function () {
var arr = [],
r = this.getRange();
var t = this, arr = [], r = this.getRange();
r._foreach2( function ( cell, i, j, r1, c1 ) {
if ( !arr[i - r1] ) {
if (!arr[i - r1])
arr[i - r1] = [];
if ( cell ) {
var cellType = cell.getType();
if ( cellType === CellValueType.Number ) {
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = cell.isEmptyTextString() ? new cEmpty() : new cNumber( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else if ( cellType === CellValueType.Bool ) {
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cBool( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else if ( cellType === CellValueType.Error ) {
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cError( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else if ( cellType === CellValueType.String ) {
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cString( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else {
if ( !cell.isEmptyTextString() ) {
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cNumber( cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else {
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = checkTypeCell( "" + cell.getValueWithoutFormat() );
else {
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cEmpty();
arr[i - r1][j - c1] = t._parseCellValue();
} );
return arr;
cArea.prototype.index = function ( r, c, n ) {
var bbox = this.getBBox();
var box = {c1:1, c2:bbox.c2-bbox.c1+1, r1:1, r2:bbox.r2-bbox.r1+1}
var box = {c1:1, c2:bbox.c2-bbox.c1+1, r1:1, r2:bbox.r2-bbox.r1+1};
if( r < box.r1 || r > box.r2 || c < box.c1 || c > box.c2 ){
return new cError( cErrorType.bad_reference );
/** @constructor */
......@@ -1437,6 +1401,10 @@ cArray.prototype.isValidArray = function () {
return true;
cArray.prototype.getValue = function (i, j) {
var result = this.array[i];
return result ? result[j] : result;
cArray.prototype.getMatrix = function () {
return this.array;
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