Commit 999a8361 authored by Ilya Kirillov's avatar Ilya Kirillov

Implemented "\p" switch for the PAGEREF field.

parent 9908f722
......@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ function CParagraphBookmark(isStart, sBookmarkId, sBookmarkName)
this.BookmarkId = sBookmarkId;
this.BookmarkName = sBookmarkName;
this.Use = true;
this.PageAbs = 1;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
AscCommon.g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
......@@ -67,6 +70,10 @@ CParagraphBookmark.prototype.GetId = function()
return this.Id;
CParagraphBookmark.prototype.Copy = function()
return new CParagraphBookmark(this.Start, this.BookmarkId, this.BookmarkName);
CParagraphBookmark.prototype.GetBookmarkId = function()
return this.BookmarkId;
......@@ -91,6 +98,21 @@ CParagraphBookmark.prototype.IsStart = function()
return this.Start;
CParagraphBookmark.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr)
this.PageAbs = PRS.Paragraph.Get_AbsolutePage(PRS.Page);
this.X = PRS.X;
this.Y = PRS.Y;
CParagraphBookmark.prototype.GetPage = function()
return this.PageAbs;
CParagraphBookmark.prototype.GetXY = function()
return {X : this.X, Y : this.Y};
// Функции совместного редактирования
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ function ParaFieldChar(Type, LogicDocument)
this.CharType = undefined === Type ? fldchartype_Begin : Type;
this.ComplexField = (this.CharType === fldchartype_Begin) ? new CComplexField(LogicDocument) : null;
this.Run = null;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.PageAbs = 0;
ParaFieldChar.prototype = Object.create(CRunElementBase.prototype);
ParaFieldChar.prototype.constructor = ParaFieldChar;
......@@ -111,6 +114,23 @@ ParaFieldChar.prototype.GetRun = function()
return this.Run;
ParaFieldChar.prototype.SetXY = function(X, Y)
this.X = X;
this.Y = Y;
ParaFieldChar.prototype.GetXY = function()
return {X : this.X, Y : this.Y};
ParaFieldChar.prototype.SetPage = function(nPage)
this.PageAbs = nPage;
ParaFieldChar.prototype.GetPage = function()
return this.PageAbs;
function ParaInstrText(value)
......@@ -273,7 +293,43 @@ CComplexField.prototype.Update = function()
var oBookmarksManager = this.LogicDocument.GetBookmarksManager();
var oBookmark = oBookmarksManager.GetBookmarkByName(this.Instruction.GetBookmarkName());
var sValue = "Error! Bookmark not defined.";
if (oBookmark)
var oStartBookmark = oBookmark[0];
var nBookmarkPage = oStartBookmark.GetPage() + 1;
if (this.Instruction.IsPositionRelative())
if (oStartBookmark.GetPage() === this.SeparateChar.GetPage())
var oBookmarkXY = oStartBookmark.GetXY();
var oFieldXY = this.SeparateChar.GetXY();
if (Math.abs(oBookmarkXY.Y - oFieldXY.Y) < 0.001)
sValue = oBookmarkXY.X < oFieldXY.X ? "above" : "below";
else if (oBookmarkXY.Y < oFieldXY.Y)
sValue = "above";
sValue = "below";
sValue = "on page " + nBookmarkPage;
sValue = (oStartBookmark.GetPage() + 1) + "";
for (var nIndex = 0, nLen = sValue.length; nIndex < nLen; ++nIndex)
this.LogicDocument.AddToParagraph(new ParaText(sValue.charAt(nIndex)));
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ function CParagraphContentBase()
this.StartLine = -1;
this.StartRange = -1;
this.Lines = [];
this.LinesLength = 0;
CParagraphContentBase.prototype.CanSplit = function()
......@@ -3244,6 +3244,9 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
if (PRS.IsFastRecalculate())
Item.SetXY(X + SpaceLen + WordLen, PRS.Y);
if (Item.IsBegin())
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