Commit 9fc9eb4f authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Bug 27498 - Красный крест вместо Chart Texture Fill после переоткрытия документа

убраны локальные CPPTXContentLoader.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 958dfe18
......@@ -5361,8 +5361,7 @@ BinaryChartReader.prototype.ReadCT_ChartSpace = function (type, length, val, cur
return res;
BinaryChartReader.prototype.ReadSpPr = function (length) {
var oPPTXContentLoader = new CPPTXContentLoader();
return oPPTXContentLoader.ReadShapeProperty(;
return window.global_pptx_content_loader.ReadShapeProperty(;
BinaryChartReader.prototype.ReadClrOverride = function(lenght)
......@@ -5389,9 +5388,8 @@ BinaryChartReader.prototype.ReadClrOverride = function(lenght)
BinaryChartReader.prototype.ReadTxPr = function (length) {
var oPPTXContentLoader = new CPPTXContentLoader();
var cur =;
var ret = oPPTXContentLoader.ReadTextBody(null,, null, this.curWorksheet);
var ret = window.global_pptx_content_loader.ReadTextBody(null,, null, this.curWorksheet); = cur + length;
return ret;
......@@ -5142,7 +5142,6 @@
this.bcr = new Binary_CommonReader(;
this.aMerged = [];
this.aHyperlinks = [];
this.oPPTXContentLoader = new CPPTXContentLoader();
this.copyPasteObj = copyPasteObj;
this.curWorksheet = null;
this.Read = function()
......@@ -5819,7 +5818,7 @@
// res = c_oSerConstants.ReadUnknown;
var oGraphicObject = this.oPPTXContentLoader.ReadGraphicObject(, this.curWorksheet);
var oGraphicObject = window.global_pptx_content_loader.ReadGraphicObject(, this.curWorksheet);
if(null != oGraphicObject && !((oGraphicObject.getObjectType() === historyitem_type_Shape || oGraphicObject.getObjectType() === historyitem_type_ImageShape) && !oGraphicObject.spPr))
oDrawing.graphicObject = oGraphicObject;
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