Commit abcde3b4 authored by Sergey.Luzyanin's avatar Sergey.Luzyanin

правки к багу 27584 - Изменяется положение inline фигуры при ее повороте

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent c3709095
......@@ -4133,6 +4133,13 @@ ParaDrawing.prototype =
this.Set_DrawingType( c_oAscWrapStyle2.Inline === Props.WrappingStyle ? drawing_Inline : drawing_Anchor );
if(c_oAscWrapStyle2.Inline === Props.WrappingStyle)
if(isRealObject(this.GraphicObj.bounds) && isRealNumber(this.GraphicObj.bounds.w) && isRealNumber(this.GraphicObj.bounds.h))
this.Update_Size(this.GraphicObj.bounds.w, this.GraphicObj.bounds.h);
if ( c_oAscWrapStyle2.Behind === Props.WrappingStyle || c_oAscWrapStyle2.InFront === Props.WrappingStyle )
this.Set_WrappingType( WRAPPING_TYPE_NONE );
......@@ -4159,11 +4166,35 @@ ParaDrawing.prototype =
if ( undefined != Props.AllowOverlap )
this.Set_AllowOverlap( Props.AllowOverlap );
var bNeedUpdateWH = false, newW = this.W, newH = this.H;
if ( undefined != Props.PositionH )
this.Set_PositionH( Props.PositionH.RelativeFrom, Props.PositionH.UseAlign, ( true === Props.PositionH.UseAlign ? Props.PositionH.Align : Props.PositionH.Value ) );
bNeedUpdateWH = true;
if(isRealObject(this.GraphicObj.bounds) && isRealNumber(this.GraphicObj.bounds.w))
newW = this.GraphicObj.bounds.w;
if ( undefined != Props.PositionV )
this.Set_PositionV( Props.PositionV.RelativeFrom, Props.PositionV.UseAlign, ( true === Props.PositionV.UseAlign ? Props.PositionV.Align : Props.PositionV.Value ) );
bNeedUpdateWH = true;
if(isRealObject(this.GraphicObj.bounds) && isRealNumber(this.GraphicObj.bounds.h))
newH = this.GraphicObj.bounds.h;
this.Update_Size(newW, newH);
Draw : function( X, Y, pGraphics, pageIndex, align)
......@@ -4440,12 +4471,15 @@ ParaDrawing.prototype =
if(typeof this.GraphicObj.setStartPage === "function")
this.GraphicObj.setStartPage(pageIndex, this.DocumentContent && this.DocumentContent.Is_HdrFtr());
var _x = this.PositionH.Align ? x - this.GraphicObj.bounds.x : x;
var _y = this.PositionV.Align ? y - this.GraphicObj.bounds.y : y;
var bInline = this.Is_Inline();
var _x = (this.PositionH.Align || bInline) ? x - this.GraphicObj.bounds.x : x;
var _y = (this.PositionV.Align || bInline) ? y - this.GraphicObj.bounds.y : y;
this.graphicObjects.addObjectOnPage(pageIndex, this.GraphicObj);
this.selectX = x;
this.selectY = y;
if( this.GraphicObj.bNeedUpdatePosition || !(isRealNumber(this.GraphicObj.posX) && isRealNumber(this.GraphicObj.posY)) ||
!(Math.abs(this.GraphicObj.posX-_x) < MOVE_DELTA && Math.abs(this.GraphicObj.posY-_y) < MOVE_DELTA))
this.GraphicObj.updatePosition(_x, _y);
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