Commit ac712e36 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

delete TEST_MATH

parent fdc50868
function CMathPosition()
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
function C_CAccent2(val)
this.typeTest = val;
this.Content = new Array();
this.Run = null;
this.Test_ParaRun = null;
this.TestRun = new Array();
this.A = null;
this.X = null;
this.operator = new CTestMathText(true);
C_CAccent2.prototype.init = function()
var A = new CTestMathText(false);
var X = new CTestMathText(false);
this.A = A;
this.X = X;
this.TestRun = new CTestRun();
C_CAccent2.prototype.setPosition = function(pos)
var PosOper = new CMathPosition();
PosOper.x = pos.x;
PosOper.y = pos.y;
var PosBase = new CMathPosition();
PosBase.x = pos.x;
PosBase.y = pos.y;
C_CAccent2.prototype.Resize = function()
this.A.size =
height: 0,
width: 2.234
this.X.size =
height: 0,
width: 2.234
C_CAccent2.prototype.getPosition = function()
return this.TestRun.getPosition();
function CTestRun()
this.Content = new Array();
CTestRun.prototype.setPosition = function(pos)
var NewPos = new CMathPosition();
NewPos.x = pos.x;
NewPos.y = pos.y;
for(var i = 0; i < this.Content.length; i++)
NewPos.x += this.Content[i].size.width;
CTestRun.prototype.getPosition = function()
return "Type 4, First position " + this.Content[0].pos.x + " second position " + this.Content[1].pos.x;
function CTestMathText(bJDraw)
this.pos = new CMathPosition();
this.bJDraw = bJDraw;
this.GapLeft = 0;
this.rasterOffsetX = 0;
this.rasterOffsetY = 0;
CTestMathText.prototype.setPosition = function(pos)
if (!this.bJDraw) // for text
this.pos.x = pos.x + this.GapLeft;
this.pos.y = pos.y;
else // for symbol only drawing
this.pos.x = pos.x - this.rasterOffsetX;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.rasterOffsetY;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
"use strict";
var CF_X1 = 0.29;
var CF_X2 = 0.34;
var CF_X3 = 0.07;
var CF_X4 = 0.36;
var CF_X5 = 0;
var CF_X6 = 0.36;
var CF_Y1 = 0.78;
var CF_Y2 = 0.79;
/*var CF_Y3 = 0.84;
var CF_Y4 = 1.0;
var CF_Y5 = 0.77;
var CF_Y6 = 0.85;*/
var CF_Y3 = 0.75;
var CF_Y4 = 1.0;
var CF_Y5 = 0.75;
var CF_Y6 = 0.84;
//var COEFF_TH = 0.73;
var COEFF_TH = 0.81;
var CF_WIDTH = 1.3;
var CF_HEIGHT = 1;
var U_SIZE = 36/0.76;
function DrawUnion()
/*var augm = + document.getElementById("CoeffUnion").value;
augm = augm/100;*/
var x = 23,
y = 27;
var betta = U_SIZE/36;
//var _width = 1.3*9.6159*betta,
var _width = CF_WIDTH*9.6159*betta,
//var _width = 10.312548828125*betta,
_height = 11.994444444444444*betta;
var gap = 0.93*betta;
var X = [],
Y = [];
/*X[0] = 10125; Y[0] = 56563;
X[1] = 10125; Y[1] = 0;
X[2] = 0; Y[2] = 0;
X[3] = 0; Y[3] = 56313;
X[4] = 0; Y[4] = 76750;
X[5] = 9031; Y[5] = 87032;
X[6] = 18063; Y[6] = 97313;
X[7] = 35438; Y[7] = 97313;
X[8] = 52813; Y[8] = 97313;
X[9] = 61875; Y[9] = 87251;
X[10] = 70938; Y[10] = 77188;
X[11] = 70938; Y[11] = 58938;
X[12] = 70938; Y[12] = 0;
X[13] = 60813; Y[13] = 0;
X[14] = 60813; Y[14] = 56563;
X[15] = 60813; Y[15] = 72938;
X[16] = 54375; Y[16] = 80782;
X[17] = 47938; Y[17] = 88625;
X[18] = 35438; Y[18] = 88625;
X[19] = 22938; Y[19] = 88625;
X[20] = 16531; Y[20] = 80782;
X[21] = 10125; Y[21] = 72938;
X[22] = 10125; Y[22] = 56563;*/
X[0] = 35438; Y[0] = 88625;
X[1] = 22938; Y[1] = 88625;
X[2] = 16531; Y[2] = 80782;
X[3] = 10125; Y[3] = 72938;
X[4] = 10125; Y[4] = 56563;
X[5] = 10125; Y[5] = 0;
X[6] = 0; Y[6] = 0;
X[7] = 0; Y[7] = 56313;
X[8] = 0; Y[8] = 76750;
X[9] = 9031; Y[9] = 87032;
X[10] = 18063; Y[10] = 97313;
X[11] = 35438; Y[11] = 97313;
var textScale = U_SIZE/1000, // 1000 pt
alpha = textScale*25.4/96 /64;
//var thick = X[1] - X[2];
var thick = (X[5] - X[6])*COEFF_TH;
var Width_1 = (_width - gap)/alpha - 2*thick,
Height = _height/alpha;
var w1 = X[2] - X[4],
w2 = X[0] - X[2],
w3 = X[3] - X[4],
w4 = X[1] - X[2];
/*var k1 = w3/w1,
k2 = w4/w2;*/
var k1 = CF_X3,
k2 = CF_X4;
var WW1 = CF_X1*Width_1/2,
WW2 = WW1*k1,
WW3 = (1- CF_X1)*Width_1/2 *k2;
X[4] *= COEFF_TH;
X[5] *= COEFF_TH;
X[2] = X[4] + WW1;
X[3] = X[4] + WW2;
X[1] = X[4] + WW3 + WW1;
X[0] = X[4] + Width_1/2;
var Width_2 = (_width - gap)/alpha;
var w5 = X[9] - X[7],
w6 = X[11] - X[9],
w7 = X[8] - X[7],
w8 = X[10] - X[9];
/*var k3 = w7/w5,
k4 = w8/w6;*/
var k3 = CF_X5,
k4 = CF_X6;
var WW4 = CF_X2*Width_2/ 2,
WW5 = WW4*k3,
WW6 = (1- CF_X2)*Width_2/2 *k4;
X[8] = X[7] + WW5;
X[9] = X[7] + WW4;
X[10] = X[7] + WW4 + WW6;
X[11] = X[7] + Width_2/2;
var Width = (_width - gap)/alpha;
var HH = (Y[0] - Y[4])*CF_HEIGHT,
h1 = (Y[2] - Y[4])*CF_HEIGHT,
h2 = (Y[0] - Y[2])*CF_HEIGHT;
Y[2] = Y[4] + HH*CF_Y1;
Y[3] = Y[4] + h1*CF_Y3;
Y[1] = Y[4] + HH*CF_Y1 +h2*CF_Y4;
Y[0] = Y[4] + HH;
var HH2 = (Y[11] - Y[7])*CF_HEIGHT,
h3 = (Y[9] - Y[7])*CF_HEIGHT,
h4 = (Y[11] - Y[9])*CF_HEIGHT;
Y[9] = Y[7] + HH2*CF_Y2;
Y[8] = Y[7] + h3*CF_Y5;
Y[10] = Y[7] + HH2*CF_Y2 + h4*CF_Y6;
Y[11] = Y[7] + HH2;
var HH = Y[4]*0.68;
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Y[i] += HH;
Y[7+i] += HH;
for(var i = 0; i < 11; i++)
X[22 - i] = Width - X[i];
Y[22 - i] = Y[i];
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 23; i++)
var xxx = X[i] + 7100;
var str = "X[" + i +"] = " + xxx + "; Y[" + i + "] = " + Y[i] + ";";
for(var i = 0; i < 23; i++)
XX[i] = x + X[i]*alpha;
YY[i] = y + Y[i]*alpha;
var intGrid = MathControl.pGraph.GetIntegerGrid();
MathControl.pGraph.b_color1(0,0,0, 255);
MathControl.pGraph.p_color(0,0,0, 255);
MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[0], YY[0], XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3], XX[4], YY[4]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[9], YY[9], XX[10], YY[10], XX[11], YY[11]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[11], YY[11], XX[12], YY[12], XX[13], YY[13]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[13], YY[13], XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[16], YY[16]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[17], YY[17]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[18], YY[18]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[18], YY[18], XX[19], YY[19], XX[20], YY[20]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[20], YY[20], XX[21], YY[21], XX[22], YY[22]);
"use strict";
var DEGR_REDUCT = 0.728;
var default_font = {FontFamily : {Name : "Cambria Math", Index : -1 }, FontSize : 36};
//var metricsDF = {};
function GetMathFont(GFont)
var metrics =
Height: g_oTextMeasurer.GetHeight(),
Descender: (-1)*g_oTextMeasurer.GetDescender(),
Placeholder: g_oTextMeasurer.Measure2Code( StartTextElement )
var Fnt =
FontSize: GFont.FontSize,
FontFamily : {Name: GFont.FontFamily.Name, Index: GFont.FontFamily.Index },
metrics: metrics
return Fnt;
/*function GetMetrics(value, font)
return g_oTextMeasurer.Measure2Code(value);
/*function getTypeHeight(h)
var H1 = metricsDF.Height + metricsDF.Descender + metricsDF.Placeholder.Height,
H2 = 2.5*metricsDF.Placeholder.Height,
H3 = H1 + metricsDF.Placeholder.Height,
H4 = H3 + metricsDF.Descender,
H5 = H3 + H1;
var type = null;
if(h < H2)
type = 0;
else if(h < H4)
type = 1;
else if(h < H5)
type = 2;
type = 3;
return type;
function getStateHeight(height, print)
var metric = print.metrics;
var state = null;
var H1 = metric.Height + metric.Descender + metric.Placeholder.Height,
H2 = 2.5*metric.Placeholder.Height,
H3 = H1 + metric.Placeholder.Height,
H4 = H3 + metric.Descender,
H5 = H3 + H1;
if(height < H2)
state = 0;
else if(height < H4)
state = 1;
else if(height < H5)
state = 2;
state = 3;
return state;
function getMaxHeight(print)
var metric = print.metrics;
var H1 = metric.Height + metric.Descender + metric.Placeholder.Height,
H2 = 2.5*metric.Placeholder.Height,
H3 = H1 + metric.Placeholder.Height,
H4 = H3 + metric.Descender,
H5 = H3 + H1;
return H5;
function getStateHeight_2(height, GFont)
var metric = GFont.metrics;
var state = null;
var gap = metric.Height - metric.Placeholder.Height;
var H1 = metric.Height,
H2 = H1 + gap,
H3 = 2*metric.Placeholder.Height + gap,
H4 = 3*metric.Placeholder.Height + 2*gap,
H5 = 4*metric.Placeholder.Height + 2*gap;
if( height < H1 )
state = 0;
else if( height < H3 )
state = 1;
else if( height < H4 )
state = 2;
else if( height < H5 )
state = 3;
state = 4;
return state;
function getTypeDegree(IFont, flag)
var fontSize = null;
var CONST_INDEX = flag ? 0.62 : 0.728;
var sD = IFont.FontSize*CONST_INDEX;
if( sD - Math.floor(sD) > 0.65 )
fontSize = Math.ceil(sD) - 0.5;
fontSize = Math.floor(sD);
var GFont = {FontFamily: IFont.FontFamily, FontSize: fontSize};
var IFont = GetMathFont(GFont);
return IFont;
function getStateHeight_1(height, GFont)
var metric = GFont.metrics,
state = 0;
var gap = metric.Height - metric.Placeholder.Height;
var H5 = 5*metric.Placeholder.Height + 4*gap;
if(H5 < height)
state = 3;
return state;
function getMaxHeight_1(print)
var metric = print.metrics;
var gap = metric.Height - metric.Placeholder.Height;
return 5*metric.Placeholder.Height + 4*gap;
function getStateHeight_3( height, GFont) //for radical
var metric = GFont.metrics,
var gap = metric.Height - metric.Placeholder.Height;
var H0 = metric.Placeholder.Height,
H1 = metric.Height,
H2 = 2*metric.Placeholder.Height + 1.5*gap,
H3 = 3*metric.Placeholder.Height + 2.4*gap,
H4 = 4*metric.Placeholder.Height + 3*gap,
H5 = 5*metric.Placeholder.Height + 4*gap;
if(height < H0)
GenHeight = H1*0.75;
else if( height < H1 )
GenHeight = H1;
else if( height < H2 )
GenHeight = H2;
else if( height < H3 )
GenHeight = H3;
else if( height < H4 )
GenHeight = H4;
else if(height < H5)
GenHeight = H5;
GenHeight = height;
return GenHeight;
\ No newline at end of file
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