Commit b097a921 authored by Anna Pavlova's avatar Anna Pavlova Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Поправлен Bug #28463

Поправлен Bug #31826  в коммите 98f68569 [98f68569]
parent 47115f37
......@@ -258,33 +258,29 @@ CMathBase.prototype.align = function(pos_x, pos_y)
if(this.alignment.hgt[pos_x] == MCJC_CENTER)
var maxAsc = 0;
var _ascent;
for(var j = 0; j < this.nCol; j++)
_ascent = this.elements[pos_x][j].size.ascent;
var _ascent = this.elements[pos_x][j].size.ascent;
maxAsc = ( maxAsc > _ascent ) ? maxAsc : _ascent;
PosAlign.y = (maxAsc - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.ascent);
PosAlign.y = maxAsc - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.ascent;
else if(this.alignment.hgt[pos_x] == MCJC_LEFT)
PosAlign.y = 0;
else // MCJC_RIGHT
var maxH = 0;
var _h;
for(var j = 0; j < this.nCol; j++)
_h = this.elements[pos_x][j].size.height;
var _h = this.elements[pos_x][j].size.height;
maxH = ( maxH > _h ) ? maxH : _h;
var coeffHgt;
if(this.alignment.hgt[pos_x] == MCJC_RIGHT)
coeffHgt = 1;
coeffHgt = 0;
PosAlign.y = (maxH - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.height)*coeffHgt;
PosAlign.y = maxH - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.height;
var maxW = 0;
......@@ -296,16 +292,10 @@ CMathBase.prototype.align = function(pos_x, pos_y)
if(this.alignment.wdt[pos_y] == MCJC_CENTER)
PosAlign.x = (maxW - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.width)*0.5;
var coeffWdt;
if(this.alignment.wdt[pos_y] == MCJC_RIGHT)
coeffWdt = 1;
coeffWdt = 0;
PosAlign.x = (maxW - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.width)*coeffWdt;
else if(this.alignment.hgt[pos_x] == MCJC_LEFT)
PosAlign.x = 0;
else // MCJC_RIGHT
PosAlign.x = maxW - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.width;
return PosAlign;
......@@ -1997,7 +1987,7 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
var bContainCompareOper = PRS.bContainCompareOper;
var bOneLine = PRS.bMath_OneLine;
var MathFirstItem = PRS.MathFirstItem;
this.bOneLine = this.bCanBreak == false || PRS.bMath_OneLine == true;
if(this.kind !== MATH_DELIMITER)
......@@ -2030,7 +2020,7 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
this.UpdatePRS_OneLine(PRS, WordLen, MathFirstItem);
this.UpdatePRS_OneLine(PRS, WordLen, PRS.MathFirstItem);
this.Bounds.SetWidth(0, 0, this.size.width);
this.Bounds.UpdateMetrics(0, 0, this.size);
......@@ -346,23 +346,61 @@ CFraction.prototype.PreRecalc = function(Parent, ParaMath, ArgSize, RPI, GapsInf
RPI.bDecreasedComp = bDecreasedComp;
RPI.bSmallFraction = bSmallFraction;
CFraction.prototype.recalculateSize = function(oMeasure)
CFraction.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
var WordLen = PRS.WordLen; // запоминаем, чтобы внутр мат объекты не увеличили WordLen
var bContainCompareOper = PRS.bContainCompareOper;
var bOneLine = PRS.bMath_OneLine;
this.bOneLine = this.bCanBreak == false || PRS.bMath_OneLine == true;
this.BrGapLeft = this.GapLeft;
this.BrGapRight = this.GapRight;
PRS.bMath_OneLine = this.bOneLine;
this.Numerator.Recalculate_Reset(PRS.Range, PRS.Line, PRS); // обновим StartLine и StartRange
this.Numerator.Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, Depth);
var bNumBarFraction = PRS.bSingleBarFraction;
this.Denominator.Recalculate_Reset(PRS.Range, PRS.Line, PRS);
this.Denominator.Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, Depth);
var bDenBarFraction = PRS.bSingleBarFraction;
if(this.Pr.type == BAR_FRACTION || this.Pr.type == NO_BAR_FRACTION)
this.recalculateBarFraction(g_oTextMeasurer, bNumBarFraction, bDenBarFraction);
else if(this.Pr.type == SKEWED_FRACTION)
else if(this.Pr.type == LINEAR_FRACTION)
this.UpdatePRS_OneLine(PRS, WordLen, PRS.MathFirstItem);
this.Bounds.SetWidth(0, 0, this.size.width);
this.Bounds.UpdateMetrics(0, 0, this.size);
PRS.bMath_OneLine = bOneLine;
PRS.bContainCompareOper = bContainCompareOper;
CFraction.prototype.recalculateBarFraction = function(oMeasure)
CFraction.prototype.recalculateBarFraction = function(oMeasure, bNumBarFraction, bDenBarFraction)
var ctrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var Plh = new CMathText(true);
Plh.Measure(g_oTextMeasurer, ctrPrp);
var num = this.elements[0][0].size,
den = this.elements[1][0].size;
var NumWidth = bNumBarFraction ? num.width + 0.25*Plh.size.width : num.width;
var DenWidth = bDenBarFraction ? den.width + 0.25*Plh.size.width : den.width;
var mgCtrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var width = num.width > den.width ? num.width : den.width;
var width = NumWidth > DenWidth ? NumWidth : DenWidth;
var height = num.height + den.height;
var ascent = num.height + this.ParaMath.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp);
......@@ -461,6 +499,24 @@ CFraction.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PosInfo), pos, PosInfo);
CFraction.prototype.align = function(pos_x, pos_y)
var PosAlign = new CMathPosition();
if(this.Pr.type == BAR_FRACTION || this.Pr.type == NO_BAR_FRACTION)
if(pos_x == 0)
PosAlign.x = (this.size.width - this.Numerator.size.width)*0.5;
PosAlign.x = (this.size.width - this.Denominator.size.width)*0.5;
else if(this.Pr.type == LINEAR_FRACTION)
PosAlign.y = this.size.ascent - this.elements[pos_x][pos_y].size.ascent;
return PosAlign;
CFraction.prototype.fillContent = function()
this.Numerator = new CNumerator(this.Content[0]);
......@@ -4140,6 +4140,30 @@ CMathContent.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
RangeEndPos = Pos - 1;
var bSingleBarFraction = false;
for(var Pos = 0; Pos < ContentLen; Pos++)
if(this.Content[Pos].kind == MATH_FRACTION && this.Content[Pos].Pr.type == BAR_FRACTION)
bSingleBarFraction = false;
bSingleBarFraction = true;
else if( !(this.Content[Pos].Type == para_Math_Run && true == this.Content[Pos].Is_Empty()) ) // не пустой Run, другой мат объект
bSingleBarFraction = false;
PRS.bSingleBarFraction = bSingleBarFraction;
this.protected_FillRange(CurLine, CurRange, RangeStartPos, RangeEndPos);
CMathContent.prototype.private_ForceBreakBox = function(PRS, Box, _Depth, PrevLastPos, LastPos)
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