Commit b25aa0e3 authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Поправила баг : при копировании и вставке формул в таблицах ну учитывалось...

Поправила баг : при копировании и вставке формул в таблицах ну учитывалось смещение, поэтому было неправильное позиционирование

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 6c51b912
......@@ -1100,17 +1100,7 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Is_BrkBinBefore = function()
ParaMath.prototype.Shift_Range = function(Dx, Dy, _CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if ( EndPos >= 1 )
this.X += Dx;
this.Y += Dy;
this.Root.Shift_Range(Dx, Dy, _CurLine, _CurRange);
// Функция для работы с формулой
......@@ -2039,6 +2039,7 @@ CMathBase.prototype.private_UpdatePosOnRemove = CMathContent.prototype.private
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos = CMathContent.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos = CMathContent.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_SetNeedResize = CMathContent.prototype.private_SetNeedResize;
CMathBase.prototype.Shift_Range = CMathContent.prototype.Shift_Range;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectCurPos = function()
if (this.CurPos > this.Content.length - 1)
......@@ -2161,6 +2162,11 @@ CMathBounds.prototype.SetPos = function(Line, Pos, PRSA)
this.Bounds[Line].SetPos(Pos, PRSA);
CMathBounds.prototype.ShiftPos = function(Line, Dx, Dy)
this.Bounds[Line].ShiftPos(Line, Dx, Dy);
CMathBounds.prototype.GetPos = function(Line)
var Pos = new CMathPosition();
......@@ -2219,6 +2225,11 @@ CMathBoundsMeasures.prototype.SetPos = function(Pos, PRSA)
this.X = PRSA.X + Pos.x;
this.Y = PRSA.Y + Pos.y - this.Asc;
CMathBoundsMeasures.prototype.ShiftPos = function(Line, Dx, Dy)
this.X += Dx;
this.Y += Dy;
CMathBoundsMeasures.prototype.GetX = function()
return this.X;
......@@ -999,6 +999,15 @@ CMathContent.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PRSA, Line, Range, Page)
this.Content[i].setPosition(pos, PRSA, Line, Range, Page);
CMathContent.prototype.Shift_Range = function(Dx, Dy, _CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
this.Bounds.ShiftPos(CurLine, Dx, Dy);, Dx, Dy, _CurLine, _CurRange);
CMathContent.prototype.old_setPosition = function(pos)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
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