Commit b28b9a53 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov

fixed: Bug 24290 - Неверно рассчитывается функция COUPDAYS при различных значениях аргумента Basis

добавлены функции COMPLEX, DELTA

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent f53ffcd2
......@@ -255,6 +255,26 @@ function days360( date1, date2, flag ){
return sign * ( nD2 - nD1 + ( nM2 - nM1 )* 30.0 + ( nY2 - nY1 ) * 360.0 ) ;
function daysInYear( date, basis ){
switch( basis )
case DayCountBasis.UsPsa30_360: // 0=USA (NASD) 30/360
case DayCountBasis.Actual360: // 2=exact/360
case DayCountBasis.Europ30_360: // 4=Europe 30/360
return new cNumber( 360 );
case DayCountBasis.ActualActual: // 1=exact/exact
var d = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel( date );
return new cNumber( d.isLeapYear() ? 366 : 365 );
case DayCountBasis.Actual365: //3=exact/365
return new cNumber( 365 );
return new cError( cErrorType.not_numeric );
cFormulaFunction.DateAndTime = {
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: Dmitry.Shahtanov
* Date: 27.06.13
* Time: 12:25
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
"use strict";
var NumberBase = {
......@@ -112,14 +120,14 @@ function BesselI( x, n ) {
fTerm = fTerm / nK * fXHalf;
fTerm = Math.pow( fXHalf, n ) / Math.factor( n );
fTerm = Math.pow( fXHalf, n ) / Math.fact( n );
fResult = fTerm; // Start result with TERM(n,0).
if ( fTerm !== 0 ) {
nK = 1;
fTerm = Math.pow( fXHalf, n + 2 * nK ) / ( Math.factor( nK ) * Math.factor( n + nK ) );
fTerm = Math.pow( fXHalf, n + 2 * nK ) / ( Math.fact( nK ) * Math.fact( n + nK ) );
/* Calculation of TERM(n,k) from TERM(n,k-1):
......@@ -335,6 +343,36 @@ function BesselY( fNum, nOrder ) {
function erf( x ) {
var sqrtPI2 = 2 / Math.sqrt( Math.PI ), maxIter = 200, eps = 1e-14, res = x*sqrtPI2, v = 1, j = 1, i = 1, oldRes = 0, cont = true,
sqrtPI = Math.sqrt( Math.PI );
/*for ( i = 1; i < maxIter && cont; i++) {
oldRes = res;
for ( j = 1, v = 1; j <= i; j++ ) {
v *= -x * x / j;
res += sqrtPI2*x * v / (2 * i + 1);
cont = (Math.abs(oldRes-res) >= eps);
/* var r = -Math.exp(-x*x)/(x*sqrtPI), mo = -1
x = 2*x*x;
for ( i = 1, res = 1; i < maxIter && cont; i++) {
oldRes = res;
res += Math.pow( -1, i ) * Math.doubleFact( 2*i-1 ) / Math.pow( x, i );
cont = (Math.abs(oldRes-res) >= eps);
res = res * r;*/
return res /** sqrtPI2*/;
function validBINNumber(n){
return rg_validBINNumber.test(n);
......@@ -375,13 +413,63 @@ function convertFromTo(src,from,to,charLim){
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: Dmitry.Shahtanov
* Date: 27.06.13
* Time: 12:25
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function Complex(r,i,suffix){
this.real = r;
this.img = i;
this.suffix = suffix;
Complex.prototype = {
toString:function () {
var res = [];
var hasImag = this.img != 0,
hasReal = !hasImag || (this.real != 0);
if ( hasReal ) {
res.push( this.real );
if ( hasImag ) {
if ( this.img == 1 ) {
if ( hasReal ) {
res.push( '+' );
else if ( this.img == -1 ) {
res.push( "-" );
else {
this.img > 0 && hasReal ? res.push( "+"+this.img ) : res.push( this.img );
res.push( this.suffix );
return res.join( "" );
Real:function () {
return this.real;
Imag:function () {
return this.img;
Abs:function () {
return Math.sqrt( this.real * this.real + this.img * this.img );
Arg:function () {
if ( this.real == 0.0 && this.img == 0.0 ) {
return Number.NaN;
var phi = Math.acos( r / this.Abs() );
if ( this.img < 0.0 ) {
phi = -phi;
return phi;
cFormulaFunction.Engineering = {
......@@ -655,10 +743,65 @@ cBIN2OCT.prototype.getInfo = function () {
function cCOMPLEX() { this, "COMPLEX" ); this, "COMPLEX", 2, 3 );
cCOMPLEX.prototype = Object.create( cBaseFunction.prototype );
cCOMPLEX.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
var real = arg[0],
img = arg[1],
suf = !arg[2] || arg[2] instanceof cEmpty ? new cString("i") : arg[2];
if ( real instanceof cArea || img instanceof cArea3D ) {
real = real.cross( arguments[1].first );
else if ( real instanceof cArray ) {
real = real.getElement(0);
if ( img instanceof cArea || img instanceof cArea3D ) {
img = img.cross( arguments[1].first );
else if ( img instanceof cArray ) {
img = img.getElement(0);
if ( suf instanceof cArea || suf instanceof cArea3D ) {
suf = suf.cross( arguments[1].first );
else if ( suf instanceof cArray ) {
suf = suf.getElement(0);
real = real.tocNumber();
img = img.tocNumber();
suf = suf.tocString();
if ( real instanceof cError ) return this.value = real;
if ( img instanceof cError ) return this.value = img;
if ( suf instanceof cError ) return this.value = suf;
real = real.getValue();
img = img.getValue();
suf = suf.getValue();
if( suf != "i" && suf != "j" ){
return this.value = new cError( cErrorType.wrong_value_type );
var c = new Complex(real,img,suf);
this.value = new cString( c.toString() );
return this.value;
cCOMPLEX.prototype.getInfo = function () {
return {,
args:"( real-number , imaginary-number [ , suffix ] )"
function cCONVERT() { this, "CONVERT" );
......@@ -838,16 +981,94 @@ cDEC2OCT.prototype.getInfo = function () {
function cDELTA() { this, "DELTA" ); this, "DELTA", 1, 2 );
cDELTA.prototype = Object.create( cBaseFunction.prototype );
cDELTA.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
var number1 = arg[0], number2 = !arg[1] ? new cNumber(0) : arg[1];
if ( number1 instanceof cArea || number2 instanceof cArea3D ) {
number1 = number1.cross( arguments[1].first );
else if ( number1 instanceof cArray ) {
number1 = number1.getElement(0);
if ( number2 instanceof cArea || number2 instanceof cArea3D ) {
number2 = number2.cross( arguments[1].first );
else if ( number2 instanceof cArray ) {
number2 = number2.getElement(0);
number1 = number1.tocNumber();
number2 = number2.tocNumber();
if ( number1 instanceof cError ) return this.value = number1;
if ( number2 instanceof cError ) return this.value = number2;
number1 = number1.getValue();
number2 = number2.getValue();
this.value = new cNumber( number1 == number2 ? 1 : 0 );
return this.value;
cDELTA.prototype.getInfo = function () {
return {,
args:"( number-1 [ , number-2 ] )"
function cERF() { this, "ERF" ); this, "ERF", 1, 2 );
cERF.prototype = Object.create( cBaseFunction.prototype );
/*cERF.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
var a = arg[0], b = arg[1] ? arg[1] : new cUndefined();
if ( a instanceof cArea || b instanceof cArea3D ) {
a = a.cross( arguments[1].first );
else if ( a instanceof cArray ) {
a = a.getElement(0);
if ( b instanceof cArea || b instanceof cArea3D ) {
b = b.cross( arguments[1].first );
else if ( b instanceof cArray ) {
b = b.getElement(0);
a = a.tocNumber();
if ( a instanceof cError ){ return this.value = a; }
if( !( b instanceof cUndefined ) ){
b = b.tocNumber();
if ( b instanceof cError ){ return this.value = b; }
this.value = new cNumber( erf( b.getValue() ) - erf( a.getValue() ) );
this.value = new cNumber( erf( a.getValue() ) );
return this.value;
cERF.prototype.getInfo = function () {
return {,
args:"( lower-bound [ , upper-bound ] )"
function cERFC() { this, "ERFC" );
......@@ -195,10 +195,13 @@ function getcoupdaybs( settl, matur, frequency, basis ) {
function getcoupdays( settl, matur, frequency, basis ) {
var m = lcl_GetCouppcd( settl, matur, frequency ),
n = new Date( m );
n.addMonths( 12 / frequency );
return diffDate( m, n, basis );
if( basis == DayCountBasis.ActualActual ){
var m = lcl_GetCouppcd( settl, matur, frequency ),
n = new Date( m );
n.addMonths( 12 / frequency );
return diffDate( m, n, basis );
return daysInYear( 0, basis ) / frequency;
function getcoupnum( settl, matur, frequency ) {
......@@ -1145,13 +1148,18 @@ cCOUPDAYS.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
if ( frequency instanceof cError ) return this.value = frequency;
if ( basis instanceof cError ) return this.value = basis;
if ( settlement.getValue() >= maturity.getValue() || basis.getValue() < 0 || basis.getValue() > 4 || ( frequency.getValue() != 1 && frequency.getValue() != 2 && frequency.getValue() != 4 ) )
settlement = settlement.getValue();
maturity = maturity.getValue();
frequency = frequency.getValue();
basis = basis.getValue();
if ( settlement >= maturity || basis < 0 || basis > 4 || ( frequency != 1 && frequency != 2 && frequency != 4 ) )
return this.value = new cError( cErrorType.not_numeric );
var settl = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel( settlement.getValue() ),
matur = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel( maturity.getValue() );
var settl = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel( settlement ),
matur = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel( maturity );
return this.value = new cNumber( getcoupdays( settl, matur, frequency.getValue(), basis.getValue() ) );
return this.value = new cNumber( getcoupdays( settl, matur, frequency, basis ) );
cCOUPDAYS.prototype.getInfo = function () {
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