Commit b57b02dd authored by Ilya Kirillov's avatar Ilya Kirillov

Implemented moving start of the table to a new page/column if one in the...

Implemented moving start of the table to a new page/column if one in the current column no enough space because of footnote.
parent 38a8a620
......@@ -1349,8 +1349,10 @@ Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineBottomBound = function(CurLine, CurPa
var RealCurPage = this.private_GetRelativePageIndex(CurPage) - this.Get_StartPage_Relative();
// TODO: Здесь надо бы ускорить эту проверку
var oTopDocument = this.Parent.Get_TopDocumentContent();
var bNoFootnotes = true;
if (this.Parent instanceof CDocument && this.Parent.Footnotes.GetHeight(this.Get_AbsolutePage(CurPage), this.Get_AbsoluteColumn(CurPage)) > 0.001)
if (oTopDocument instanceof CDocument && oTopDocument.Footnotes.GetHeight(this.Get_AbsolutePage(CurPage), this.Get_AbsoluteColumn(CurPage)) > 0.001)
bNoFootnotes = false;
// Сначала проверяем не нужно ли сделать перенос страницы в данном месте
......@@ -12821,7 +12821,7 @@ CTable.prototype =
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan);
if (CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 >= this.Pages[CurPage].LastRow)
if (true !== this.Is_EmptyPage(CurPage) && CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 >= this.Pages[CurPage].LastRow)
VMergeCount = this.Pages[CurPage].LastRow + 1 - CurRow;
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].FirstPage && CurPage === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].StartPage)
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