Commit b9ef67d6 authored by Sergey.Luzyanin's avatar Sergey.Luzyanin Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

трек линий

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 3d58a574
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ function NewShapeTrack(drawingObjects, presetGeom, startX, startY)
this.y = null;
this.extX = null;
this.extY = null;
this.flipH = null;
this.flipV = null;
this.transform = new CMatrix();
......@@ -144,22 +146,38 @@ function NewShapeTrack(drawingObjects, presetGeom, startX, startY)
this.overlayObject = new OverlayObject(geometry, 5, 5, brush, pen, this.transform);
this.lineFlag = CheckLinePreset(final_preset);
this.isLine = this.lineFlag;
this.track = function(e, x, y)
this.flipH = false;
this.flipV = false;
var real_dist_x = x - this.startX;
var abs_dist_x = Math.abs(real_dist_x);
var real_dist_y = y - this.startY;
var abs_dist_y = Math.abs(real_dist_y);
if(!(e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey))
if(x < this.startX)
this.flipH = true;
if(y < this.startY)
this.flipV = true;
if(!(e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) || (e.CtrlKey && !e.ShiftKey && this.isLine))
this.extX = abs_dist_x >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? abs_dist_x : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE);
this.extY = abs_dist_y >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? abs_dist_y : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE);
if(real_dist_x >= 0)
this.x = this.startX;
this.x = abs_dist_x >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? x : this.startX - MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
this.x = abs_dist_x >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? x : this.startX - this.extX;
if(real_dist_y >= 0)
......@@ -168,12 +186,8 @@ function NewShapeTrack(drawingObjects, presetGeom, startX, startY)
this.y = abs_dist_y >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? y : this.startY - MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
this.y = abs_dist_y >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? y : this.startY - this.extY;
this.extX = abs_dist_x >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? abs_dist_x : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
this.extY = abs_dist_y >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? abs_dist_y : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
else if(e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey)
......@@ -261,6 +275,25 @@ function NewShapeTrack(drawingObjects, presetGeom, startX, startY)
this.y = this.startY;
this.y = this.startY - this.extY;
var angle = Math.atan2(real_dist_y, real_dist_x);
if(angle >=0 && angle <= Math.PI/8
|| angle <= 0 && angle >= -Math.PI/8
|| angle >= 7*Math.PI/8 && angle <= Math.PI )
this.extY = 0;
this.y = this.startY;
else if(angle >= 3*Math.PI/8 && angle <= 5*Math.PI/8
|| angle <= -3*Math.PI/8 && angle >= -5*Math.PI/8)
this.extX = 0;
this.x = this.startX;
......@@ -320,7 +353,14 @@ function NewShapeTrack(drawingObjects, presetGeom, startX, startY)
this.overlayObject.updateExtents(this.extX, this.extY);
global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(this.transform, this.x, this.y);
var hc = this.extX * 0.5;
var vc = this.extY * 0.5;
global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(this.transform, -hc, -vc);
if (this.flipH)
global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(this.transform, -1, 1);
if (this.flipV)
global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(this.transform, 1, -1);
global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(this.transform, this.x + hc, this.y + vc);
this.ctrlDown = function()
......@@ -338,7 +378,7 @@ function NewShapeTrack(drawingObjects, presetGeom, startX, startY)
var shape = new CShape(null, this.drawingObjects);
if(this.presetGeom !== "textRect")
shape.initDefault(this.x, this.y, this.extX, this.extY, false, false, this.finalPreset, this.tailEnd, this.headEnd);
shape.initDefault(this.x, this.y, this.extX, this.extY, this.flipH === true, this.flipV === true, this.finalPreset, this.tailEnd, this.headEnd);
shape.initDefaultTextRect(this.x, this.y, this.extX, this.extY, false, false);;
......@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
this.geometry = originalObject.spPr.geometry.createDuplicate();
this.brush = originalObject.brush;
this.pen = originalObject.pen;
this.isLine = originalObject.spPr.geometry && originalObject.spPr.geometry.preset === "line";
this.bChangeCoef = this.translatetNumberHandle % 2 === 0 && this.originalFlipH !== this.originalFlipV;
this.overlayObject = new OverlayObject(this.geometry, this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY, this.brush, this.pen, this.transform);
this.track = function(kd1, kd2, e)
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
this.resizeRelativeCenter(kd1, kd2, e.shiftKey)
this.resize = function(kd1, kd2, shiftKey)
this.resize = function(kd1, kd2, ShiftKey)
var _cos = this.cos;
var _sin = this.sin;
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
var _new_used_half_height;
var _temp;
if(shiftKey === true && this.bAspect === true)
if(ShiftKey === true && this.bAspect === true)
var _new_aspect = this.aspect*(Math.abs(kd1/ kd2));
......@@ -205,9 +205,11 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
_real_width = this.usedExtX*kd1;
_abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width);
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0)
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0 )
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH;
......@@ -220,11 +222,23 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
_real_height = this.usedExtY*kd2;
_abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height);
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0)
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0 )
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey)
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH)
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
_new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX*0.5;
......@@ -261,8 +275,8 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
kd1 = _temp;
_real_height = this.usedExtY*kd2;
_abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height);
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0)
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0 )
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV;
......@@ -270,11 +284,23 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
_real_width = this.usedExtX*kd1;
_abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width);
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0)
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0 )
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey)
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV)
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
_new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX*0.5;
......@@ -310,8 +336,8 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
_real_width = this.usedExtX*kd1;
_abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width);
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0)
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0 )
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH;
......@@ -325,11 +351,23 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
_real_height = this.usedExtY*kd2;
_abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height);
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0)
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0 )
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey)
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH)
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
_new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX*0.5;
_new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY*0.5;
......@@ -364,8 +402,8 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
_real_height = this.usedExtY*kd1;
_abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height);
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0)
this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_height < 0 )
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV;
......@@ -379,11 +417,23 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
_real_width = this.usedExtX*kd2;
_abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width);
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0)
this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE;
if(_real_width < 0 )
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey)
this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV;
this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH;
if(this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV)
this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH;
_new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX*0.5;
_new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY*0.5;
......@@ -440,6 +490,11 @@ function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection)
this.resizeRelativeCenter = function(kd1, kd2, shiftKey)
this.resize(kd1, kd2, shiftKey);
kd1 = 2*kd1 - 1;
kd2 = 2*kd2 - 1;
var _real_height, _real_width;
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