Commit bab107c1 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

fix num format for base function

parent d07f4209
......@@ -439,6 +439,8 @@ var c_Date1900Const = 25568; //разница в днях между 01.01.1970
var c_sPerDay = 86400;
var c_msPerDay = c_sPerDay * 1000;
var rx_sFuncPref = /_xlfn\./i;
var c_numFormatFirstCell = -1;
var c_numFormatNone = -1;
Date.prototype.excelNullDate1900 = Date.UTC( 1899, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0 );
Date.prototype.excelNullDate1904 = Date.UTC( 1904, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
......@@ -2278,7 +2280,7 @@ parserHelp.setDigitSeparator(AscCommon.g_oDefaultCultureInfo.NumberDecimalSepara
cBaseFunction.prototype.type = cElementType.func;
cBaseFunction.prototype.argumentsMin = 0;
cBaseFunction.prototype.argumentsMax = 255;
cBaseFunction.prototype.numFormat = AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatFirstCell;
cBaseFunction.prototype.numFormat = c_numFormatFirstCell;
cBaseFunction.prototype.Calculate = function () {
this.value = new cError(cErrorType.wrong_name);
return this.value;
......@@ -4892,7 +4894,7 @@ parserFormula.prototype.parse = function(local, digitDelim) {
_tmp = currentElement.Calculate(arg, rangeCell, opt_defName,;
if (null != _tmp.numFormat) {
numFormat = _tmp.numFormat;
} else if (0 > numFormat || AscCommonExcel.cNumFormatNone === currentElement.numFormat) {
} else if (0 > numFormat || c_numFormatNone === currentElement.numFormat) {
numFormat = currentElement.numFormat;
......@@ -5693,8 +5695,8 @@ function rtl_math_erfc( x ) {
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_DateCorrectConst = c_Date1900Const;
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_sPerDay = c_sPerDay;
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_msPerDay = c_msPerDay;
window['AscCommonExcel'].cNumFormatFirstCell = -1;
window['AscCommonExcel'].cNumFormatNone = -2;
window['AscCommonExcel'].cNumFormatFirstCell = c_numFormatFirstCell;
window['AscCommonExcel'].cNumFormatNone = c_numFormatNone;
window['AscCommonExcel'].cNumber = cNumber;
window['AscCommonExcel'].cString = cString;
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