Commit c1588d5b authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Частично поправил баг http://bugzserver/show_bug.cgi?id=25606

Четко рисуем 1px-ю сетку и границы (несмотря на zoom)

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 23a1a928
......@@ -415,8 +415,6 @@
this.scaleFactor = 1;
this._1px_x = getCvtRatio(0/*px*/, 3/*mm*/, this.ppiX);
this._1px_y = getCvtRatio(0/*px*/, 3/*mm*/, this.ppiY);
this.units = 3/*mm*/;
this.changeUnits(undefined !== settings.units ? settings.units : this.units);
......@@ -551,8 +549,6 @@ = getCvtRatio(i, 0/*px*/, this.ppiX); = getCvtRatio(i, 0/*px*/, this.ppiY);
this._1px_x = getCvtRatio(0/*px*/, i, this.ppiX);
this._1px_y = getCvtRatio(0/*px*/, i, this.ppiY);
this.units = units;
return this;
......@@ -784,6 +780,15 @@
return this;
DrawingContext.prototype.clearRectByX = function (x, y, w, h) {
var r = this._calcRect(x, y, w, h);
this.ctx.clearRect(r.x - 1, r.y, r.w + 1, r.h);
DrawingContext.prototype.clearRectByY = function (x, y, w, h) {
var r = this._calcRect(x, y, w, h);
this.ctx.clearRect(r.x, r.y - 1, r.w, r.h + 1);
// Font and text methods
DrawingContext.prototype.getFont = function () {
......@@ -1020,10 +1025,28 @@
return this;
// Отрисовка на 1px меньше
DrawingContext.prototype.lineHorPrevPx = function (x1, y, x2) {
var isEven = (0 !== this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? 0.5 : 0) - 1;
var r1 = this._calcRect(x1, y);
var r2 = this._calcRect(x2, y);
this.ctx.moveTo(r1.x, r1.y + isEven);
this.ctx.lineTo(r2.x, r2.y + isEven);
return this;
DrawingContext.prototype.lineVerPrevPx = function (x, y1, y2) {
var isEven = (0 !== this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? 0.5 : 0) - 1;
var r1 = this._calcRect(x, y1);
var r2 = this._calcRect(x, y2);
this.ctx.moveTo(r1.x + isEven, r1.y);
this.ctx.lineTo(r2.x + isEven, r2.y);
return this;
DrawingContext.prototype.dashLineCleverHor = function (x1, y, x2) {
var w_dot = c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, w_dist = c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance;
var _x1 = this._mct.transformPointX(x1, y);
var _y = this._mct.transformPointY(x1, y);
var _y = this._mct.transformPointY(x1, y) - 1;
var _x2 = this._mct.transformPointX(x2, y);
var ctx = this.ctx;
......@@ -1044,7 +1067,7 @@
DrawingContext.prototype.dashLineCleverVer = function (x, y1, y2) {
var w_dot = c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, w_dist = c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance;
var _y1 = this._mct.transformPointY(x, y1);
var _x = this._mct.transformPointX(x, y1);
var _x = this._mct.transformPointX(x, y1) - 1;
var _y2 = this._mct.transformPointY(x, y2);
var ctx = this.ctx;
......@@ -1189,15 +1212,15 @@
DrawingContext.prototype._calcRect = function (x, y, w, h) {
var wh = w !== undefined && h !== undefined,
x2 = x + w - this._1px_x,
y2 = y + h - this._1px_y,
x2 = x + w,
y2 = y + h,
_x = this._mft.transformPointX(x, y),
_y = this._mft.transformPointY(x, y);
return {
x: asc_round(_x),
y: asc_round(_y),
w: wh ? asc_round(this._mft.transformPointX(x2, y2) - _x + 1) : undefined,
h: wh ? asc_round(this._mft.transformPointY(x2, y2) - _y + 1) : undefined
w: wh ? asc_round(this._mft.transformPointX(x2, y2) - _x) : undefined,
h: wh ? asc_round(this._mft.transformPointY(x2, y2) - _y) : undefined
......@@ -44,21 +44,15 @@ function CPdfPrinter(sUrlPath)
this.DocumentRenderer.VectorMemoryForPrint = new CMemory();
this.font = new window["Asc"].FontProperties("Arial", -1);
this.asc_round = window["Asc"].round;
this.Transform = new CMatrix();
this.InvertTransform = new CMatrix();
this.sUrlPath = sUrlPath;
var ppiTest =
$('<div style="position: absolute; width: 10in; height:10in; ' +
'visibility:hidden; padding:0;"/>')
this.dpiX = this.asc_round(ppiTest[0] ? (ppiTest[0].offsetWidth * 0.1) : 96);
this.dpiY = this.asc_round(ppiTest[0] ? (ppiTest[0].offsetHeight * 0.1) : 96);
this.bIsSimpleCommands = false;
this.width_1px = 0.75;
this.height_1px = 0.75;
CPdfPrinter.prototype =
......@@ -340,6 +334,20 @@ CPdfPrinter.prototype =
this.DocumentRenderer._l(x * vector_koef, y2 * vector_koef);
return this;
lineHorPrevPx : function (x1, y, x2)
y -= this.height_1px;
this.DocumentRenderer._m(x1 * vector_koef, y * vector_koef);
this.DocumentRenderer._l(x2 * vector_koef, y * vector_koef);
return this;
lineVerPrevPx : function (x, y1, y2)
x -= this.width_1px;
this.DocumentRenderer._m(x * vector_koef, y1 * vector_koef);
this.DocumentRenderer._l(x * vector_koef, y2 * vector_koef);
return this;
rect : function(x, y, w, h)
......@@ -1019,11 +1019,11 @@
if (isSO) {
dy += 1;
y = asc_calcnpt(y1 + - prop.lm.a * 0.275, ppiy);
ctx.lineHor(x1, y - dy * h_1px, x2 + w_1px);
ctx.lineHor(x1, y - dy * h_1px, x2 + w_1px); // ToDo вопрос тут
if (ul) {
y = asc_calcnpt(y1 + + prop.lm.d * 0.4, ppiy);
ctx.lineHor(x1, y + dy * h_1px, x2 + w_1px);
ctx.lineHor(x1, y + dy * h_1px, x2 + w_1px); // ToDo вопрос тут
......@@ -570,7 +570,6 @@
WorksheetView.prototype.changeZoom = function (isUpdate) {
if (isUpdate) {
......@@ -587,7 +586,6 @@
WorksheetView.prototype.changeZoomResize = function () {
......@@ -2091,8 +2089,10 @@
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
var x2 = x + w - this.width_1px;
var y2 = y + h - this.height_1px;
var x2 = x + w;
var y2 = y + h;
var x2WithoutBorder = x2 - this.width_1px;
var y2WithoutBorder = y2 - this.height_1px;
// background только для видимых
if (!isZeroHeader) {
......@@ -2106,15 +2106,17 @@
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && !isColHeader) {
// Select row (top border)
ctx.lineHor(x, y - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px);
ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y, x2);
// Right border
ctx.lineVer(x2, y, y2);
ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x2, y, y2);
// Bottom border
ctx.lineHor(x, y2, x2 + this.width_1px);
ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y2, x2);
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && isColHeader) {
// Select col (left border)
ctx.lineVer(x - this.width_1px, y, y2 + this.height_1px);
ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x, y, y2);
......@@ -2126,9 +2128,9 @@
var text = isColHeader ? this._getColumnTitle(index) : this._getRowTitle(index);
var sr = this.stringRender;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics( sr.measureString(text) );
var bl = y2 - (isColHeader ? this.defaultRowDescender : this.rows[index].descender);
var textX = this._calcTextHorizPos(x, x2, tm, tm.width < w ? khaCenter : khaLeft);
var textY = this._calcTextVertPos(y, y2, bl, tm, kvaBottom);
var bl = y2WithoutBorder - (isColHeader ? this.defaultRowDescender : this.rows[index].descender);
var textX = this._calcTextHorizPos(x, x2WithoutBorder, tm, tm.width < w ? khaCenter : khaLeft);
var textY = this._calcTextVertPos(y, y2WithoutBorder, bl, tm, kvaBottom);
if (drawingCtx) {
ctx.AddClipRect(x, y, w, h);
......@@ -2157,9 +2159,8 @@
var colStartTmp = Math.max(this.visibleRange.c1, colStart);
var colEndTmp = Math.min(this.visibleRange.c2, colEnd);
for (i = colStartTmp; i <= colEndTmp; ++i) {
this.cols[i].left - offsetX - this.width_1px, this.headersTop,
this.cols[i].width + this.width_1px, this.headersHeight);
this.drawingCtx.clearRectByX(this.cols[i].left - offsetX, this.headersTop,
this.cols[i].width, this.headersHeight);
if (0 !== cFrozen) {
offsetX = this.cols[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
......@@ -2167,9 +2168,8 @@
colStart = Math.max(0, colStart);
colEnd = Math.min(cFrozen, colEnd);
for (i = colStart; i <= colEnd; ++i) {
this.cols[i].left - offsetX - this.width_1px, this.headersTop,
this.cols[i].width + this.width_1px, this.headersHeight);
this.drawingCtx.clearRectByX(this.cols[i].left - offsetX, this.headersTop,
this.cols[i].width, this.headersHeight);
......@@ -2188,9 +2188,8 @@
for (i = rowStartTmp; i <= rowEndTmp; ++i) {
if (this.height_1px > this.rows[i].height)
this.headersLeft, this.rows[i].top - offsetY - this.height_1px,
this.headersWidth, this.rows[i].height + this.height_1px);
this.drawingCtx.clearRectByY(this.headersLeft, this.rows[i].top - offsetY,
this.headersWidth, this.rows[i].height);
if (0 !== rFrozen) {
offsetY = this.rows[0].top - this.cellsTop;
......@@ -2200,9 +2199,8 @@
for (i = rowStart; i <= rowEnd; ++i) {
if (this.height_1px > this.rows[i].height)
this.headersLeft, this.rows[i].top - offsetY - this.height_1px,
this.headersWidth, this.rows[i].height + this.height_1px);
this.drawingCtx.clearRectByY(this.headersLeft, this.rows[i].top - offsetY,
this.headersWidth, this.rows[i].height);
......@@ -2249,17 +2247,17 @@
var w, h;
for (var i = range.c1, x = x1 - this.width_1px; i <= range.c2 && x <= x2; ++i) {
for (var i = range.c1, x = x1; i <= range.c2 && x <= x2; ++i) {
w = c[i].width;
x += w;
if (w >= this.width_1px)
ctx.lineVer(x, y1, y2);
ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x, y1, y2);
for (var j = range.r1, y = y1 - this.height_1px; j <= range.r2 && y <= y2; ++j) {
for (var j = range.r1, y = y1; j <= range.r2 && y <= y2; ++j) {
h = r[j].height;
y += h;
if (h >= this.height_1px)
ctx.lineHor(x1, y, x2);
ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x1, y, x2);
......@@ -3018,26 +3016,25 @@
fHorLine = ctx.dashLineCleverHor;
fVerLine = ctx.dashLineCleverVer;
} else {
fHorLine = ctx.lineHor;
fVerLine = ctx.lineVer;
fHorLine = ctx.lineHorPrevPx;
fVerLine = ctx.lineVerPrevPx;
// ToDo заделать отрисовку lock области
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
var row = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
var col = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
if (0 < row)
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [0, this.rows[row].top - this.height_1px, ctx.getWidth()]);
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [0, this.rows[row].top, ctx.getWidth()]);
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [0, this.headersHeight - this.height_1px, this.headersWidth]);
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [0, this.headersHeight, this.headersWidth]);
if (0 < col)
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [this.cols[col].left - this.width_1px, 0, ctx.getHeight()]);
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [this.cols[col].left, 0, ctx.getHeight()]);
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [this.headersWidth - this.width_1px, 0, this.headersHeight - this.height_1px]);
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [this.headersWidth, 0, this.headersHeight]);
} else if (this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders()) {
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [0, this.headersHeight - this.height_1px, this.headersWidth]);
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [this.headersWidth - this.width_1px, 0, this.headersHeight - this.height_1px]);
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [0, this.headersHeight, this.headersWidth]);
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [this.headersWidth, 0, this.headersHeight]);
......@@ -3240,8 +3237,8 @@
fHorLine = ctx.dashLineCleverHor;
fVerLine = ctx.dashLineCleverVer;
} else {
fHorLine = ctx.lineHor;
fVerLine = ctx.lineVer;
fHorLine = ctx.lineHorPrevPx;
fVerLine = ctx.lineVerPrevPx;
var firstCol = oIntersection.c1 === visibleRange.c1 && !isAllRange;
......@@ -3252,10 +3249,10 @@
var drawTopSide = oIntersection.r1 === range.r1;
var drawBottomSide = oIntersection.r2 === range.r2;
var x1 = c[oIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var x2 = c[oIntersection.c2].left + c[oIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var x1 = c[oIntersection.c1].left - offsetX;
var x2 = c[oIntersection.c2].left + c[oIntersection.c2].width - offsetX;
var y1 = r[oIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var y2 = r[oIntersection.r2].top + r[oIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
var y2 = r[oIntersection.r2].top + r[oIntersection.r2].height - offsetY;
if (fillColor)
......@@ -3263,24 +3260,24 @@
if (drawTopSide && !firstRow)
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [x1 + this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px]);
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [x1, y1, x2]);
if (drawBottomSide)
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [x1 + this.width_1px, y2, x2 + this.width_1px]);
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [x1, y2, x2]);
if (drawLeftSide && !firstCol)
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [x1, y1 - this.width_1px * !firstRow, y2 + this.width_1px]);
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [x1, y1, y2]);
if (drawRightSide)
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [x2, y1, y2]);
// Отрисовка квадратов для move/resize
if (fillColor) {
if (drawLeftSide && drawTopSide)
ctx.fillRect(x1 + this.width_1px, y1, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
ctx.fillRect(x1 - this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
if (drawRightSide && drawTopSide)
ctx.fillRect(x2 - this.width_4px, y1, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
ctx.fillRect(x2 - this.width_4px, y1 - this.height_1px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
if (drawRightSide && drawBottomSide)
ctx.fillRect(x2 - this.width_4px, y2 - this.height_4px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
if (drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide)
ctx.fillRect(x1 + this.width_1px, y2 - this.height_4px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
ctx.fillRect(x1 - this.width_1px, y2 - this.height_4px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
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