Commit c82eaa27 authored by Igor.Zotov's avatar Igor.Zotov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 4dcfeb0f
......@@ -3192,6 +3192,7 @@
_parseChildren: function(children, activeRange)
var backgroundColor;
var childrens = children.children;
for(var i = 0; i < childrens.length; i++)
......@@ -3231,6 +3232,11 @@
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].rowSpan = rowSpan;
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].colSpan = colSpan;
backgroundColor = this.getBackgroundColorTCell(childrens[i].elem);
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].bc = backgroundColor;
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].borders = this._getBorders(childrens[i], row, col, this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].borders);
......@@ -3336,19 +3342,7 @@
var c1 = col !== undefined ? col : activeRange.c1;
var backgroundColor = null;
var compiledPrCell, color;
if(paragraph.Parent && paragraph.Parent.Parent && paragraph.Parent.Parent instanceof CTableCell)
compiledPrCell = paragraph.Parent.Parent.Get_CompiledPr();
var color = compiledPrCell.Shd.Color;
backgroundColor = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + ")"));
var backgroundColor = this.getBackgroundColorTCell(paragraph);
oNewItem.bc = backgroundColor;
......@@ -3363,6 +3357,7 @@
var Lvl = null;
var oNumPr = paragraph.Numbering_Get();
var numberingText = null;
var formatText;
if(oNumPr != null)
var aNum = paragraph.Parent.Numbering.Get_AbstractNum( oNumPr.NumId );
......@@ -3392,7 +3387,6 @@
var cTextPr, formatText;
//проходимся по контенту paragraph
for(var n = 0; n < content.length; n++)
......@@ -3408,7 +3402,7 @@
case para_Run://*paraRun*
s = this._parseParaRun(content[n], oNewItem, paraPr, s, row, c1, text, formatText);
s = this._parseParaRun(content[n], oNewItem, paraPr, s, row, c1, text);
case para_Hyperlink://*link*
......@@ -3422,7 +3416,7 @@
case para_Run://*paraRun*
s = this._parseParaRun(content[n].Content[h], oNewItem, paraPr, s, row, c1, text, formatText);
s = this._parseParaRun(content[n].Content[h], oNewItem, paraPr, s, row, c1, text);
......@@ -3431,15 +3425,42 @@
getBackgroundColorTCell: function(elem)
var compiledPrCell, color;
var backgroundColor = null;
var tableCell;
if(elem && elem instanceof CTableCell)
tableCell = elem;
else if(elem && elem.Parent && elem.Parent instanceof CTableCell)
tableCell = elem.Parent;
else if(elem.Parent && elem.Parent.Parent && elem.Parent.Parent instanceof CTableCell)
tableCell = elem.Parent.Parent;
compiledPrCell = tableCell.Get_CompiledPr();
var color = compiledPrCell.Shd.Color;
backgroundColor = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + ")"));
return backgroundColor;
_parseParaRun: function(paraRun, oNewItem, paraPr, s, row, c1, text, formatText)
_parseParaRun: function(paraRun, oNewItem, paraPr, s, row, c1, text)
var paraRunContent = paraRun.Content;
var aResult = this.aResult;
var paragraphFontFamily = paraPr.TextPr.FontFamily.Name;
var cloneNewItem;
var cloneNewItem, formatText;
var cTextPr = paraRun.Get_CompiledPr();
if(cTextPr && !(paraRunContent.length == 1 && paraRunContent[0] instanceof ParaEnd))//settings for text
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