Commit cf471d07 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

getSizeButton range -> c, r

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent b931abef
......@@ -877,16 +877,16 @@ var maxIndividualValues = 10000;
return result;
getSizeButton: function(range)
getSizeButton: function(c, r)
var ws = this.worksheet;
var result = null;
if(this.isCellContainsAutoFilterButton(range.c1, range.r1))
if(this.isCellContainsAutoFilterButton(c, r))
var height = 11;
var width = 11;
var rowHeight = ws.rows[range.r1].height;
var rowHeight = ws.rows[r].height;
var index = 1;
if(rowHeight < height)
......@@ -10007,7 +10007,7 @@
width = Math.max(width, tm.width);
} else {
filterButton = this.autoFilters.getSizeButton({c1: col, r1: row});
filterButton = this.autoFilters.getSizeButton(col, row);
if (null !== filterButton && CellValueType.String === ct.cellType)
width = Math.max(width, ct.metrics.width + filterButton.width);
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